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MouthShut Score


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Rs. 1,999 (Launch price)


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Captcha Wireless With Fm Radio Mp3 Player Reviews

rabinkumarpal007MouthShut Verified Member
Serampore India
Save your money dont buy this
May 18, 2018 11:40 PM 772 Views (via Android App)

Hey guys myself Rabin. Today I am going to share my experience with this product capcha wireless with fm mp3 player. Guys first all I want to warn you about this company captcha, they give their customers a very cheap Chinese products. Don't trust what they claimed about the product.i must say that the earphone is not comfortable at all.sound quality is bad also.The wrost thing about this product is its battery life.when I used the product first it was fine but after ten to twelve days of uses the battery life suddenly dicreses.after one month it was like a nightmare.after a full charge it only run for 10 to 12 minutes.lastly I want to say that it's never be a good deal to me.

A Review on Captcha Wireless Fm Radio for MP3.
Jul 07, 2017 09:04 PM 1428 Views

Halloo Reviewers, I initially had a very good view of this piece of FM Radio player. But after a month of use, I found that it had developed HISS-ING problem. I replaced its batteries. but the problem still persisted.

I had to take it to the Local Seller of the device. He informed that it is due to some loose connection inside the plastic cabinet. He opened the plastic cabinet, and repaired the device, in front of me.

But after some 12, to  15 days, it stopped giving out any sound. And after giving some jerks, it was ok. It all went like this for another 1 0 / 15 days. after which it stopped giving any sound altogether. Now after taking it to the seller, for the second time, he refused to repair it. I had now no option left, other than to scrap it off.

Thanks and Regards

Bad product
Jun 16, 2017 11:19 PM 1565 Views (via iOS App)

Hello friends I am going to review this wireless earphones Captcha. I bought this product via amazon last week. I tested this alot of times and I decided to give a review for this product. Firstly this product has a cheap plastic built quality. The buttons are of plastic which can even break in a week or two. Coming to the quality of the earphones it is not good and did not come to my expectations. The sound quality was bad it was a bit blurry when I played it on loud volume. Bluetooth connection was weak. Value for money is also not ok cause we can buy other good earphones at the same budget with good company. Now talking about battery life it gave almost to about 2 hours but it was said that battery would give a backup of 3.5 hours but it only gave me only 2 hours after full night charge.

Pros 1. built quality

Cons 1. Cheap earphones and bad sound

  1. Bad battery life

  2. Value for money is not that good

So guys I hope you would find this review helpfull. Thank you


Captcha Wireless With Fm Radio Mp3 Player

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