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Captcha Supreme Series 3Rd Generation Classic Mp4 Image

MouthShut Score


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Rs. 1,999 (Launch price)


Supported file formats : jpg, png, and jpeg


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Captcha Supreme Series 3Rd Generation Classic Mp4 Reviews

Mezhathur India
Jun 23, 2018 04:04 PM 657 Views (via Android App)

This mp4 is a good one from captchaIt has a screenYou can watch videos , you can play music's , you can play fm radioIts battery is not too bad and not too goodIts material is not goodIts picture quality is not too bad and not too goodThe actual product is very different from the imagesI will not recomment you to buy this .

DINESH123365MouthShut Verified Member
It's a cheap ipod.
Aug 15, 2017 07:16 PM 1509 Views

Captcha supreme series ipod is very poor quality ipod I have used this ipod it doesn't sounds wells sometimes it does't shows media files.It can't play all types of media files or very high qualities of media files it a big problem in it .The price is good but we can get many good well ipod which supports all types of media files.I am using this ipod from past 7 months it plays well but not satisfying me because of poor sound quality.It only have 32 gb external support capacity which is not good storage.We can't say it is user friendly because it confusing me many time during palying a video.battery life is also poor and cheap.So doesn't recommend any one to buy this types of product instead of this we can buy many more media playing devices .

Captcha supreme
May 24, 2017 04:25 PM 2016 Views (via Android App)

Hey am used dis product around 3 months its an average product video quality not good also its really nice to hear songs and its mostly I use it for travelling and its good I think also its been nice to hold our hand bcoz too handy and its good to carry and I mostly use dis product for my every travelling time as my favourite


Captcha Supreme Series 3Rd Generation Classic Mp4
ss270772MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
Unexpected problems.
Feb 13, 2017 08:26 AM 2389 Views (via Android App)

Captcha superme series 3rd generation classic mp4 audio player.

friends we know that already this audio player is worst audio player in the this audio player only mp3 working. not working on mp4.

this audio player after ful charge working only 2 hours really guys , this audio player buttons is too hard.

and many songs not playing in this audio player. really guys unexpected problems available in this audio player.

it is wasting of money audio player.never buying this worst audio player.

diptanuchakrabortyMouthShut Verified Member
Agartala, India India
Limited features
Nov 23, 2016 03:52 PM 3033 Views

Hey guys today I will share my experience about this product that is Captcha Supreme Series 3Rd Generation Classic Mp4. Actually I wanted an iPod so that I can listen to music during my workout sessions because it became uncomfortable with a phone so I was in a search for a good quality ipod.Then I found this on a online store .Price is high but the design was looking good so I bought it.Now it was time to use this product for the first time.the sound quality is decent but not as expected at this price.Also the video quality is bad too.The design looks good but the inbuilt features are limited such as it crashes when I play wav format songs.The headphones are cheap and of bad quality.The battery life is not that good.It can run on battery about 3 hours is advisable to try other brand such as sony.Results after using this iPod is not upto the expectations so I will not recommend this product to any one.Thank you

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