Very good sale - While selling the connection they will do and say anything but once they sell .you are in hell with the team of nonprofessionals you are left to deal with.
Normal time for request resolution - 1 Week.
Sit for 1 week without connection, maybe more(Appellate/Nodal gives a damn)
I took connection and they installed in 7 days after I calling them again and again. Excuse was, problem with main connection at pole.
Within one month of installation I got 3 instances of internet not working and minimum resolution time was 7 days guys . isn't that too amazing.
Height, nobody calls you back from 121 or sales after you place complain, isn't that amazing again.
Appellate and Nodal trust their team specially Mr. Ramakrishna(Technician lead, Khajaguda area) so much that these poor guys don't even take any actions on their beloved employee who does a great job in dealing with customer request. He will lie that customer is not available and 121 will happily log that in request without confirming with customer.
So many reasons to not put your hard earned money with this internet connection.
One advise that do not take this connection for work purpose or else you will be screwed.
To be continued guys, will post more, my frustration has turned into fun now, so I will make everybody enjoy.!
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.