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Info for Zombieland 2: Double Tap

Release DateOct 18, 2019
CastJesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Woody Harrelson
DirectorRuben Fleischer
GenreAction, Comedy, Horror
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Zombieland 2: Double Tap Movie Reviews

Excellent comedy movie
Jul 05, 2020 02:52 AM 456 Views (via Android App)

The first part which was released on 2009 also good.i thought second will be not better than first but I was this movie u will see full comedy, action and horror also. Characters are not much only few but their actiing I good.simple jokes are there but you will definitely lough on them.

Story based on world after all people infected by zombie virus.some few are trying to survive in that worst condition.after all they never get depressed and lives happily of four persons for 10 those a little girl wanted to have a boyfriend so she run out from her so called family. Remaining tries to find out there member.

After all film is best u fill never get bored

May 31, 2020 11:08 AM 520 Views (via Android App)

A good movie about zombie in it first part is also awedome in which all of them meet

in this movei they experience that zombies are devloping they are becoming more and more, dangerous they sort zomies into kinds the idiot ones are known as homer which are dumb but the next ones are very dangerous but the most dangeros ate t400 which cant be killed with one or two bullet they reaches its prey whatever happens .in this movie I expirience good comady, adventure and a little bit more fun I reccmand you to see both parts of zombieland

Awesome film!! (Homers)????????
Apr 17, 2020 11:27 AM 489 Views (via Android App)

I was really waiting for this film from 2009 after I had watched zombieland, I gonna excited when I heard about the Zombieland double tap, it blow my mind I miss Columbus, Tallahashee ( that old man) but the dangerous one??, little rock. Im very happy to see them in zombieland double tap again. Hahahahah. it have new types of zombies like T-100, T-800, Hawkings zombies, and my fav one is Homers !


Zombieland 2: Double Tap
Zombieland 2- Double tap
Apr 08, 2020 09:12 AM 512 Views (via Android App)

This movie was release in 2019 but I really want to watch this I watch this movie first in cinema theaters when they realease that was a great movie.In the last seen all T-800 zombies was approaching that time I was really scared my whole realatives are there they are also watching very nice movie I really like it I want to release zombieland part 3 In & Flix the movie was coming three times In zombieland 3 I think all those zombies will alive and increase there power level It would be more existing to watch the movie .

Goklenager Police Line India
Most abhorrent movie ever seen
Nov 02, 2019 06:41 PM 651 Views (via Android App)

This movie was the most foul move I have seen in 2019.

The reason I dint like this movie is the overacting of emma stone.

The movie was gross and not as expected.

Had lots of expectetions from this movie.

According to me the end was satisfying but it could be more better more entertaining.

The story line of the movie was disgusting.

The funny parts of the movie were good and made me laugh a lot but according to the name of the movie it should have had more action in funny way.

I can just recomend you to watch this movie when you are super bored.

Otherwise you have other good options.

Scared all the time
Oct 28, 2019 08:25 AM 684 Views (via Android App)

This movies creats something aware of our life thats scares happened when it too scare and this is scary movies I hope every one should watch such a greats movies sexy scary horrors every movement every cast played a great show

Maintains its somewhat unique appeal
Oct 20, 2019 01:49 AM 1681 Views

I had already decided that I would see this film once they first announced it many years back in late 2009. So, it was great to know it was finally released and I decided to check it out. This was also the first time I saw a film in 4D. I must say it has its appeal on occasions.


Jesse Eisenberg. Columbus

Emma Stone. Wichita

Woody Harrelson. Tallahassee

Abigail Breslin. Little Rock


Columbus is looking to settle down with Wichita. But Wichita isn't so sure and she along with Little Rock, decide to desert their male counterparts in their quest for survival against wild, infected human cannibalistic dead human zombies.

The story then unfolds around Little Rock finding a potential partner and taking off with him. Columbus, who has found a random new partner, Madison in Wichita's absence finds himself torn with the return of Wichita, who wants to apologize for her defection. But they all agree that rescuing Little Rock would be their priority and embark on the road trip involving new ominous zombie adventures, new acquaintances and a supposed idyllic haven called 'Babylon'.


PERFORMANCES: The performances were, as could be expected from this stellar cast. They've probably all gained much more fame since they did the first installment 10 years back.

DIRECTION: I think Ruben Fleischer also does a decent job at directing the story he had to, on his return. I can't really say he did much wrong with his job.

SUSPENSE: The first film probably had more suspense. This one while good, we did have the general idea about where it is heading, with a few surprises here and there.

STORY: The story isn't a bad one and makes for a decent sequel. The screenplay is quite apt for the tone the original installment had set, except maybe a couple of events which are a bit idealistic.

A]I'm not sure that towards the end, when Madison and co. are throwing stuff from the rooftop of Babylon, how likely it would be to land on a zombie every time. That's probably not very realistic, but they were managing, without any practice.

B]Also, a bit ideal and cliched is Tallahassee's new girlfriend arriving just in time to resuscitate proceedings when all seemed lost. But it's clearly not impossible.

HORROR-COMEDY: While the first film worked more like a horror comedy, this one is more of a comedy adventure sort of film, because the zombie killers have become quite good at what they do, nullifying the horror element. Regarding the humour, there is lots of it in this film too.


1]I liked it that the main male protagonist, Columbus, for a change, finds himself in a situation where he has 2 good options in 2 different women as potential partners and neither woman can really fault him for wrongdoing. Otherwise, generally in such a situation, someone has wrongly cheated on someone and there is some acrimony involved which tends to deviate from the main theme. It was ideal for Columbus. There were no hard feelings and it didn't seem implausible or far fetched.

2]The rule based delineation of hybridization of human common sense and an acumen for zombie killing has always been a highlight of this franchise's storytelling. That flourishes unfettered in this installment too, adding to the humour element.

3]We are also introduced to a funny categorization of the existing types of zombies here and also introduced to a new type of zombie, nicknamed T800s, owing to their stubborn resistance like terminators in the terminator franchise.

4]There's also an engaging short turn by Owen Wilson and his aide in this film. Can't really be called a cameo though.

5]There are explicit instances of sarcasm, irony and pun usage for those interested in such.

6]1 thing I did not note is if the rule numbers cited in this film were consistent with the first film. But I feel that the sequence isn't that significant as long as the rules coverage is ok.

7]The title "Double Tap" stems from one of the existing rules and how with the advent of T800s, it may not be a hard and fast rule.

8]"Zombie Kill Of the Year" is another new funny aspect of the film, where people are going to great lengths to score the award, like uprooting the leaning tower of Pisa etc to kill a zombie. It's like a sudden bonus comical ad amidst the film.:D

9]I did agree with most of how things eventually turned out. Not sure if I fully agree with Columbus's statement which was something like, "Home is not a place, but the people." I see how that could be relevant. But not necessarily so. When I say home, I would typically first think about the flat / building / place. Of course the people, environs etc have a role to play in one's happiness.

All in all, it felt like a well made sequel although somewhat predictable, a bit idealistic on select occasions and also losing the horror aspect of it in this depiction. I would probably have rated the first film 8+ / 10. I would give this a 7.5+ / 10.