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Women On Top Movie Reviews

Hot and sweet but never sour!!!!
Mar 19, 2001 04:28 PM 3899 Views

What an excellent name for a movie, no? I thought so too. Quite frankly the movie lives up to it's sexy name. Woman on top is not a hard core porn on Spice channel- but an intelligent whacky comedy with style and dare I say oomph!

Penelope Cruz , is almost as indecipherable as that human vocabulary dicer Salma Hayek, but unlike Hayek, Cruz can act. Clever facial expressions and quick delivery make the words seem improved instead of carefully studied and directed. Penelope also happens to be quite steamy on the retina. I'm no clam digger but if I was- she is one hot tamale female!

Story goes...Isabella (Cruz) has a terrible problem with motion sickness. She'd be all right if she just didn't have to move. This means no sex . Her husband Toninho ( a very studly ''peacock'' Murilo Benيcio by the way) is not emulsifying too well with that idea. He also happens to be a colossal prawn dick. So she takes of from the husband, sad and disillusioned she heads from Brazil to San Francisco. Land of Gay Rights, beautiful hillsides and fancy food lovers among other things. Did I mention Isabella can cook. I mean that in every sense of the word. Picture Emeril LaGasse only he's as handsome as Ralph Fiennes (or insert feel free to the man /woman of your fantasies). A good looking cook is a super sexy thing folks. Ahh, the good old fashioned combo of, cooking and sex. Needless to say, Isabella shortly has a run away hit tv show! It is appropriately named Passion Food! Viewers tune in to catch her grind and saute, bruise and skewer various foods in her own special way. But mostly to blatantly stare at her sexy physique and not for the night's nouvelle torte rustica recipe.

Hmm, out of her husband's frying pan and into 30 million viewers frying pans. Poor Isabella, will she ever find happiness?

Actress Penelope Cruz is going to be here for a long time. All you guys that are drooling over her- there's more she-steak coming your way- later this year she'll star in Blow (about cocaine), alongside Johnny ''Blow? Dope? Ohhhh, I thought it was another thriller by the Fargo guys on weather or something when I signed- swear! Shoot'' Depp.

A hot chilly on Top
Feb 03, 2001 03:46 PM 2731 Views

This woman is like a chilly. Sour, and excuisitively Hot. There's no way one can't notice her. For she is Simply Irresistable! Penelope Cruz as Issabeila is a Universal Male Fanstassy. For she is simple, sublime-n-sensuous, desire personified. And the seasoning on top is the fact that she isn't aware as to how beautiful she is.

The story begins on a promising note. You can't ignore the novelty factor for cooking never seemed so alluring. Especially when you have such an appetising cook doing the honours.

The woman is certainly on top for she is a top class cook, looks smashing and makes sure she's on top while making love to her dish-of-a-husband. The trouble begins when the male libido gives way. Wonder why do men have to cheat on their wives. Most do. But anyway!

The broken hearted enters the big and bad metropolis, leaving all hopes and the famished husband behind. Then, as is obvious she ends up finding everything that she never even dreamed of, including the love struck hubby who swoons over her like a monkey making fun of a lion.

The later half is quite dull, predictable and one misses out on a clinching climax. You know the kind that leaves you with that hazy and indescribable kind of feeling.

The movie is made memorable by the Natural element brought oh-so-effectively by Penelope Cruz. I think if we'd have had a Big name then the charm minght have been less. For the fact that an unknown face grows on you and you remember her more than anything else. Music and the Delightful dishes are the other USPs.

Woman on Top- A sunday well Spent. Oops!.....

Fun all the way !!!
Jan 29, 2001 11:19 AM 3667 Views

I watched this movie with my hubby on thursday after work . It was real fun !!! Right from the scene one it was laughter all the way !!! An ideal movie to take a break after a hard day's work.

This movie is best watched with your better half. It gives a different perspective to relationship !!! And its all the more fun !!

The theme is very simple but beautifully rolled out with some magic mixed into it!! The screenplay is good.


This movie is about a gal Isabella (Penelope Cruz)who had motion sickness.. motion of any kind ... due to her motion sicknes she spends all her time in the kitchen and as a result she becomes a very good cook!! The cure for Isabella's motion sickness is she has to be in control of the situation !!

In due course of time she gets married to a Tonhino (Murillo Benicio) whom she loves very much and vice versa. They run a restuarant which is popular because of Isabella's cooking and Tonhino's entertaing.But Isabella does not get the credit she deserves. All the credit is hogged by her husband Tonhino.

This does not matter much coz she loves her husband. But Tonhino cannot accept the fact that he has to let his wife lead and take control.

Three years go by and once she catches her husband with anoher woman. This act of infidetily breaks Isabella's heart and she goes to San Francisco and stays with her friend Monica.

There she happens to come across a guy ( dont remember the name) who is so smitten by her that he offers her a TV show of her own which becomes very famous.

Tonhino follows her and tries to convince her to come back and how much he loves her and he is willing to let her be on top of everything.

After much convincing and funny incidents Isabella is united with her husband after making sure that they would do things in life together !! and alls well that ends well !!

Penelope Cruz enacts the role of Isabella very well and she is a sight for sore eyes !! She has the portrayed the character well, a combination of passion and vulnerability.. an almost perfect woman !!

Murillo's character has the typical shades of a male chauvinist who finds it difficult to let his wife have the control in his life.

Anyway theres more to the movie than all this !! so you better check it out !!!

You will not regret it !!


Women On Top
Brilliant Comedy
Jan 05, 2001 12:21 AM 2214 Views

The successful Brazilian cook Isabella Oliveira (Penelope Cruz)literally always has to be on top, taking control in each and every situation she finds herself, but it is her dominance in the marital bed that forces her unfulfilled husband Toninho (Murilo Benicio) to seek solace elsewhere. She is also grown tired of him reaping the fame and attention for their restaurant when it is her food, which she prepares in the tucked away kitchen, that everyone loves.

Enraged at her husbands infidelity, Isabella flies off to America to live with her friend Monica Jones (HAROLD PERRINEAU, JR.), a flamboyant transsexual, and appeals to Yemanja - the goddess of the sea - to forever erase her love for Toninho.

In San Francisco Isabella looks for a chef's job. but in vain. she,however, manages to lure in an ambitious TV producer,Cliff,who falls for both her beauty and the aroma of her cooking. Cliff manages to get Isabella her own cooking TV show ''Passion Food Live.''

Toninho abandons his restaurant,and tracks her down in San Francisco. With Toninho trying to reconcile their marriage and Cliff trying to put his own moves on her, Isabella must decide what is right for her.

Nice movie
Dec 22, 2000 06:50 AM 3329 Views

Hello Folks ,

Well About the movie ''Woman on top'' -

Spanish star Penelope Cruz is as intoxicating as Brazilian bossa-nova rhythms in Fina Torres's wannabe ''Like Water for Chocolate'' that also uses cooking as a metaphor for passionate romance. As Isabella, she's both cursed and blessed. She's cursed with severe motion sickness that forces her to be ''in control'' of her movement - driving, dancing and being on top when she makes love. Yet she's blessed with culinary genius, working as chef in a small seaside restaurant owned by her mucho-macho musician husband, Toninho (Murilo Benicio). But when she catches him in bed with another woman, she flees Bahia, seeking solace with her childhood friend, a transvestite (Harold Perrineau, Jr.) in San Francisco, where she's ''discovered'' by a TV producer (Mark Feuerstein) and becomes the sultry star of a local cooking show. Meanwhile, despondent Toninho is determined to win her back. So much for story. It's charismatic Penelope Cruz that fascinates. Curiously, she's not a traditional beauty; her thin nose is far too long. But she's stunning, radiant and utterly compelling, particularly when she sways to Luis Bacalov's Latino score. On the other hand, Vera Blasi's flimsy plot goes beyond disbelief, needing far too much voice-over narration. And Fina Torres' clumsy attempt at magical realism cannot compare with Alfonso Arau (''Like Water For Chocolate''), even with Thierry Arbogast's caressing cinematography. Aside from Murilo Benicio's realization that, without his wife, his life is barren, there is no character development. Harold Perrineau Jr. serves as comic relief, and Mark Feuerstein's fumbling ineptitude grows cloying quickly. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, ''Woman on Top'' is a frothy, sensuous 6, as ephemeral and enchanting as the aromas that waft from Isabella's cuisine.

Simply Brilliant
Dec 15, 2000 11:01 PM 2402 Views

This is one fine movie. Not that it has a great plot , nor is it amazingly exciting and nervewrenching. but its a nice easy viewing flic.

Its about Isabella from Brazil who has the gift of god to produce the most mouth watering dishes one could possibly dream about. adn about her relationship with her husband. in whose restaurant she is also the chef.

The only problem with Isbella is that she has to be ion top of things.. in driving in anything. and this drives her husband insane at times..

The movie soon twists away from brazil to San francisco where she leaves her husband to start a new life...gets spotted by a TV show producer whos slowly falls in love with her... but doesnt know being pathetically ''American'' what it is that makes Brazillians tick. (for that matter any person from a warm climate) :)

things soon get complicated and FUNNY with her husbandcoming back to woo her back to Brazil. Go watch this movie! to find out how why when the whole spiel!

In short this is a beautiful movie, beautiful music, amazing breath taking cinematography.. and Isbella is indeed beautiful!

All in all this is a refreshing , sweet story with no head aches and very soothing for an easy evening viewing.

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