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Van Helsing Movie Reviews

Jalandhar, India India
Van helsing
Jan 13, 2018 02:15 PM540 Views

Hello friends I would like to inform about this movie and will suggest you to watch this movie its quite awesome movie and will make you watch it again and again " hugh jackman " is an awesome actor and has proved his acting in this movie this story is about fight between good and evil, when the movie ends it will make you sad and emotional I wanted to tell you the whole story but it will spoil the craze of the movie so I would request you to watch it and want you to get lost in the ancient world of " transalvania " the place where dracula was born, actually draculas full name is con dracula in order to protect his people he made an agreement with devil and became a vampire, so I would request you to please watch this movie

Chandigarh India
Stupendo, Fabulously, Fantastical
Oct 06, 2017 07:29 AM1300 Views (via Android App)

I have seen this movie many a times but it is still entertaining for me. I liked the concept and a great love story between Evil and God war. Must watch for all the fantasy lovers. The story is very strong, you cant't forget the story for a long time. Hugh jackman as always did his best. I am a great Hugh Jackman fan. I love to watch all his movies. For me he is a lagend. Get back to the movie, this movie's story is based on a fight between dracula and a family. The role of dracula is also very impressive. Dorectors have done a great job. When you watch this movie you feel that everthing that is showing to you is real and you are a part of it. It is a beautiful hero heroime love story cum a action movie. End is very sad but as High Jackman movie it is the starting of a new journey. Heroine died at the end saving his hero.

Amravati India
Fevorite Movie
Nov 03, 2016 09:41 PM1265 Views (via Android App)

This is my favorite movie in hollywood movies.

Story, Graphics, location etc. Everything is fabulous

U must watch this movie.

Huge jackman is my favorite hero.

Everyone is very good in this movie.

Hugh Jackman as Gabriel Van Helsing

Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious

Richard Roxburgh as Count Dracula

David Wenham as Carl

Will Kemp as Velkan Valerious

Shuler Hensley as Frankenstein's Monster

Kevin J. O'Connor as Igor

Samuel West as Dr. Frankenstein

Robbie Coltrane as Mr. Hyde

Overall I really like this movie.


Van Helsing
Jun 23, 2016 09:34 PM1537 Views

Hugh Jackman is a 19th century 007 working for an inter-denominational religious group fighting evil, which includes Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, werewolves, flying witches and of course, Count Dracula.

Wasn't there an Abbott & Costello episode like this? Joining Hugh is unrecognizable Kate Beckinsale, her usual sunny goddess-next-door persona traded in for an Eastern European accent, Transylvania chic leather corset and proto-Spandex.

The theme of this picture seems to be more — more monsters, more special effects, more action, more time — giving it a sequel's I-must-have-missed-the-first-one feel. As with most sequels, more is less, so you're left somewhat drained by the experience rather than energized. The comic relief provided by The Friar is a bright spot, but maybe not enough to make this work for anyone over 30.

Aug 26, 2015 12:52 AM1843 Views (via Android App)

Many, many people have seen Van Helsing and said it is trash, a waste of time, etc, etc. But what they don't understand is that sometimes, with so much happening in the world, people need to let it all go so they can get some thrills from movies.

The plot of Van Helsing is somewhere between simple and complex. The back story is that Count Dracula and his three brides have given birth to countless offspring throughout the hundreds of years they've been living as vampires. They themselves were created from the living, but their children were not. They were born of the undead, and have never had the chance to come to life. or the afterlife vampires live. They simply are dead.

Then, Dracula comes upon a mad scientist named Dr. Frankenstein, whom wants to discover the secret of creating life. He helps the doctor in his sort-of admirable task of creating life, hoping to use his creation to bring life to his children. But it is not to be. As the film opens, Dr. Frankenstein is killed by Dracula, who no longer needs him, and his monster, whom Dracula needs to give the essence of life to his children, appears to perish in a fire.

A year later, Gabriel Van Helsing, a tortured man without a past is sent to Transylvania by the Holy Order. An organization of all of the religions of the world. With the assistance of a trusty sidekick, the still living monster of Frankenstein and a beautiful young woman, he must hunt down and destroy Dracula before he can give life to his thousands of children.

The reason I gave this movie a 9 out of 10 is that is never seems to get the recognition it deserves. It has great action, great actors, and a great story.( At least for a summer film) It's not the type of movie to be taken seriously, it's the type to sit down with some friends, have some popcorn, and get ready for a silly, scary, fun ride go for it

An enjoyable mess!
Oct 07, 2006 10:50 PM2464 Views

I used the phrase, “An enjoyable mess!” as that is what it essentially is – a huge hotchpotch of supernatural and mythological phenomena. By the end of the movie, when it’s all over you’ll find yourself wondering, ”Hold it, how was that possible? And that? And the one before that?”Although you will find the answers with a bit more correlation of events on your part, the director Stephen Sommers could really not have made a bigger pell-mell out of it. The funniest part though is that in spite of realizing all this , you’ll actually end up being entertained if you are the type who likes ‘the fairy tale kind’ of movies, which is why I still recommend this. The biggest doubt I have is why  the director dedicated such a movie to his father? But anyway….


Hugh Jackman: aka Van Helsing.Anavatar of the left hand of god, angel Gabriel. Due to some mishap he’d lost all his memory and had been doomed to this life of a human outlaw of sorts. His job was to heed god’s call and perish all evil on earth.

Kate Beckinsale: aka Anna Valerious.She belonged to a coveted family in Transylvania. Her progenitors had made a pact with god not to enter heaven before Dracula had been slain. They had failed thus far ,and she was the last member alive.

Richard Roxburgh: aka Count Vladislaus Dracula.A human flagrant at one point, he was murdered by Gabriel. But owing to Satan’s grace, he lived a life of vengeance, at war with the rest of the world, a vampire now.

David Wenham: aka Carl. Likes to call himself a friar and not a monk so that he can enjoy the added advantages. ;)An associate of Van Helsing.

Shuler Hensley: aka Frankenstein. He was a human created out of  7 other dead people by a certain scientist long back who was now dead. Dracula’s after him as he feels he’s the key to inject life into his children who are born dead, being the progeny of the living dead.


The Pope of the Vatican, realizes Van Helsing for what he is and places him under his protection. His latest mission is to put an end to the disease by the name of Count Dracula and the rest of  his minions.

He makes his way to Transylvania where a certain Anna Valerious is courageously holding off Dracula. Together they set about the task of hunting down Dracula. They are pestered on numerous occasions by Dracula’s 3 wives who can’t help acting like restless baboons. And of course the werewolves. Just about any supernatural power seems to be under Dracula’s power in this film. Anna wants Dracula dead, but wants her brother back even more who apparently has been turned into a werewolf by Dracula. This leads to a conflict of interests between Van Helsing and Anna which is eventually resolved, when she gets her emotions under control.

However, Dracula has a lot of things in mind. He wants Frankenstein so that his children can live, he wants Anna as his next bride and he wants revenge against the man who had killed him once. He almost achieves the latter 2, and holds it as a threat to lure Van Helsing in. But, in an act of impromptu rescue, he manages to save Anna. As things get tougher for Helsing , Carl his associate stumbles upon a way to kill Dracula in Count’s old den.But, it requires Van Helsing to turn into a werewolf himself, doing which there was never any guarantee he would be able to be cured again. But maybe there is a chance, an outside chance….saying more at this stage might not be fair, which is why I’ll abstain from that.


1.I mean from the plot itself one can make out that there is absolutely no fixed set of notions guiding this movie. Since when did Frankenstein get associated with Dracula? Frankenstein is fictitious whereas Count existed. His prowess as a vampire has been exaggerated through the years, but really this didn’t make much sense.

2.Then he has involved god and devil also in this already discombobulated plot, which combines mythology and the supernatural world. Why even the pope is in it…

3.The role of Dracula’s 3 brides has been needlessly exaggerated in the movie. All they do is look hot and irritate the people in the movie, not failing to irk the spectators either with their antics. They talk too much and do less.

4.Considering the kind of things the director wants us to digest in this movie, not having any preconceived notions he has done a decent job of assembling his ideas, but he throws one idea after another at a fast rate, which becomes a tad difficult to handle.

Why I would still recommend this…

1. The special effects are cool beyond a doubt. A lot has been invested in this field to good effect. I can see where the $150 million went.

2. The soundtrack and the sound effects are very appropriate to the happenings in the movie.

3. The action sequences are big and plentiful by nature. There is something happening all the time.

4. It’s correct that this story based on some pre-existing characters of mythology might have been distorted a great deal, but then a movie need not be real, does it? It’s myth we are talking about after all. So, if you don’t have any pre-defined notions you are going to be more than ok with it.

5. No doubt the fact that the happenings are totally unpredictable and inexplicable at times is one of the weaker points but it is one of its stronger points as well. Everyone finds the prospect of knowing the unknown exciting and that is what the movie achieves very well indeed. I can see why even with such a controversial plot, it grossed $140 million domestically alone breaking all vampire movie records.

6. Van Helsing oscillates between being clumsy and responsible, how he achieves it I know not :) .He along with his associate Carl help to make many funny scenes justifying this action comedy.

7. Anna’s courage and passion for her family and mission is very inspiring and makes you want to side with her every move. Kate Beckinsale does a fine transformation of accents from her general one which fits her role of Anna perfectly.

8. Lastly, it has an ending which probably no one was expecting, or would have expected half way through the movie when the tone seemed to be set.Unexpected endings as we all know are always appreciated by the public.

So, then it has its list of shortcomings and if you are not much of a supernatural/myth/fairy tale kind of person, this is not for you. On the other hand if you are open to that side of entertainment and beliefs I’d definitely recommend this pulsating episode of action and fantasy. Happy Watching!

Directed by:Stephen Sommers

Written By:Stephen Sommers

Holy man or murderer?
Jul 04, 2006 01:49 AM2363 Views

I've seen Van Helsing at least a dozen times and I never tire watching it. I'm not so keen about vampirish stuff but this movie isn't that 'dark' or spooky. With its humorous bits, fantastic soundtrack and great cast I think it's one of the few great movies. However, I cannot say that it's one of the best 'cause compared to LOTR it's practically nil.

I fell in love with the soundtrack, though, and Mr.Van Helsing's part is played excellently by Hugh Jackman...I highly recommend it to anyone who loved the way Jackman acted in all of the X-Men movies. Though the character is different, he manages to fulfill the strong-yet-confused kinda guy in these movies. For those who are into soundtracks I suggest you should listen to it; it's exceptionally awesome! As for the other cast, I think they're also more than OK especially that count Dracula and his "brides".

Van and the vampires..
Oct 29, 2005 02:04 AM2663 Views

What do you get when you pick all the main gothic horror creatures, put them in a cauldron, add some holy water , put a fire underneath it , grind and stir it well, to create a strong concoction?

Im not sure..i guess the result will not be insipid, but it wont be too good on the stomach either. For me, Van Helsing was such a concoction.

The plot in a bottle:

Van is the 19th century gothic 007, the church is the OHMS secret service office he reports to and monsters are the wrong-doers that he hunt. And no - unlike the original Bond, he's not a womanizer. We get to see Van comissioned to Trannsylvania where he aids princess Anna in cleaning off the dirt pile, which incidently consists of vampires, werewolfs and what nots - the top of the food chain being Count Dracula himself. Van gets bitten by a werewolf, turns into one himself and finishes off the count. He gets his soul redeemed with help of his friends and the princess, before it consumes him. There seems to be a teeny weeny romance sprouting between the princess and the hunter but it ends abruptly with the death of the princess.

His job done, Van leaves, with a heavy heart.

As far as the story goes, I thought it was fast paced, a bit too fast paced for me, at times I only heard the sound of it as it whizzed by. There was no time for the plot to develop or the characters to reveal some depth. As soon as Van lands in Trans till the time he leaves he doesnt get time for anything much other than shooting vampire chickies or getting trashed around up by werewolves. The vampire chickies were hot, by the way, a cast including some of the most beautiful ladies of the year. Pity that vampires only lust for blood :)

I really like this Hugh jackman chap. I saw him first in Xmen. Im a sucker for Wolverine and I wasnt sure if anyone could do him justice on the screen, but when I saw Jackman as Wolvie, I took an instant liking for him. Van Helsing is yet another revelation of the fact that he can hold his own as a star. I believe he has huge potential. I would like to see him as an action star in a 'normal' no-monster kinda movie. Has he done any such?

Kate Beckingsale is cool as the princess. I liked her as the underworld vampire. One flaw I felt in her characterization here was that she was made a bit super-human, which wasnt all that necessary. The action scenes were a bit carried away. We find Kate falling from such heights and brushing with death and vampires so much all through the movie. Perhaps that was the reason one doesnt get all that moved when she dies in the end. She could have been dead a thousand times by then, we just feel that this time she was unlucky, thats all.

Roxburgh looked pretty authentic as Count Dracula. The frankenstein monster chips in with a cameo role too. I am not sure who was the cast for this one, though.

The CGI effects are pretty fine...but after seeing the monsters for so long, in the end they do not look scary, just 'familiar'.

All said, the movie doesnt bore you, perhaps it was because I had such high expectations that I felt a bit let down. So be warned - if you go to watch this movie dont expect too much. Its a pretty decent watch though...

Sep 12, 2004 10:39 PM2573 Views

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I have always loved a good vampire movie, and Van Helsing caught me from the beginning to the end..awesome.

It starts out as this princess is trying to save her country from Dracula and Van Helsing finds out w/ his perverted monk friend and they travel there to help out. The rest you will have to see, but everyone I know loved it, and when I saw it in really all that can be said about that.

The graphics...those were probably what made the favorite would have to be Dracula's brides. They were some characters. But I will have to point out that this movie did almost go into an Underworld type movie...the vamps against the werewolves..but I think it did a WHOLE lot better.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who really wants to see a good movie and hasn't in a while. Just be prepared for a lil bit of blood...some parts there is. Awesome movie!

Constantinopple India
The monsters union 2004!
Aug 30, 2004 12:11 AM2620 Views

Genre: Action - Horror

Length: 132 mins

Released: May 7, 2004

Rating: PG-13

Distibutor: Universal

Director: Stephen Sommers

Producer: Bob Ducsay

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh, Elena Anaya, David Wenham etc


This is my second review on Hollywood movies after ''Resident Evil''. I had been thinking about writing on English movies for lots of time, but I got one worthy of writing a review on after a long time. I can't think of any other new Hollywood movies worth writing a review on except ''Van Helsing''. If you ever watch this one, you will come to know why.

I heard that a game on Van Helsing has released and I just can't wait to lay my hands on it. The major thing is that I just love vampire movies. I saw ''Interview with the vampire'', ''Vampires'', Vampire Journals'', ''Blade'', ''Dracula'' etc and all of them were really entertaining.

After hearing about Van Helsing and seeing the trailer, I couldn't resist seeing it even if I didn't have much expectaions as most of the new horror films managed to disappoint me like ''Hellboy''. I got disappointed as the third of Harry Potter series didn't impress me as the first too and I wanted to see a good one badly and I got Van Helsing.

The only problem I found was that the end of the movie was so sentimental that I felt like hearing ''Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha'' - all sentiments. Van had been one of my favourite words because of Rob Van Dam of WWE. I thought that I am taking a high risk of wasting money by watching this movie, but it was not the case as this one amazed or may be impressed me highly!


The movie got some sentiments into the action-horror collection. The action sequences were pretty good even if the last one seemed a bit over.....but the movie got lots of different types of action that will get your attention.

The movie got vampires, were wolves, the good old frankenstein monster and the great Count Dracula (He is more powerful than Bram Stocker ever dreamt about in his entire life) with his girl friends - I mean brides which makes me remember what my friend asked me when I told him about this movie.

He asked for the difference between were wolves and vampires. I think that the main difference is that were wolves transform into man when not active and vampires stay inside their coffins at night. The former eats humans while vampires drink the blood. Do give me more differences through your comments. I expect them - I certainly do.


Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) is trained for wiping of all the evil monsters that create horror on the surface of the earth by the Vatican city (which makes me remember the character with the same name in Bram Stocker's Dracula).

He got no super powers, but manages to kick those monsters off -that highly impressive. Thats why is the most wanted man is Europe. He is doing his missions perfectly before he is sent to Romania - this time the objective is harder.

There is a respected royal family there which had been trying to kill the legendary Dracula for nine generations or more. They will remain in purgatory and will have to suffer if they fails to do that.

The doors of heaven will open only then. The family is left with two last descendants -but one of them is a were wolf. Accompanied by Carl (David Wenham), our hero reaches there and join forces with the beautiful princess Anna (Kate Beckinsale) which was quite a hard thing to do.

Anna wonders if he is actually a holy man or a murder, but trusts him - seems to have some love for him. Our honourable Dracu bhayya - I mean Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) has got some huge plans in his small vampire head.

They have some meetings with Dracula and his minions which lead to some huge series of fights. But their quest is still to be finished and at the same time, Anna's brother bit Van which means Van will be a werewolf if he can't find a cure. Anna just got the company of another were wolf - congratulations!

Will our hero be able to find a cure? What will happen to Anna's brother? Dracula can't be slained by holy cross or anything holy or neither do spikes can be helpful. Then how will these fellows kill him? Or will they get killed?

Is there anything between Van and Anna? What role will Carl and the good old Frankenstein monster play in the process? But there is no question about the fact that we will get our money's worth.


Hugh Jackman just looked highly suited for the role with his expressions and the long hair. He just shows his emotions very well. The only problem was that he had a character with very low amount of emotions in the minds, but still better than Arnold in the Terminator series. But this man did his part wonderfully.

Kate Beckinsale lookes exactly suited to the role because she got that looks that suit the vampire movies especially her eyes and the tone of the dialogues. She lookes great in that black dress and the action sequences. Actually, I am hearing her name for the first time - thanks to this movie. I heard today that he was in ''Underworld'' which managed to make me sleep while playing.

Richard Roxburgh is Dracula - he got the looks of Dracu bhayya for sure. His looks in the eyes tells his intense desire for victory and truimph. I can't remember any one else playing Dracula - it may be because there had been lots of time since I saw the last movie with Dracula in it. But this man lookes nice in the role. David Wenham brings some humour into the 99% serious movie which were delightful to hear.


Actually, the movie leaves us with lots of doubts. There is nothing said about Van's past. We can only hear his words that he can't remember his past. What did he mean by that?

Another thing is that Dracula seems to know him before and calls him Gabriel. Is he anyway realated to Gabriel in Bible who is the archangel (chief of all angels)? When did these two meet and where? I agree to the fact that ''life is a mystery'', but this film got some bigger unexplained mystery hiding inside it (Does the script writer know the answer?).

You should not think why this is so? why this is like this? etc. You just watch the movie and believe that all the things in movie are true for 132 minutes - not after that. If you are a vampire movie fan, a were wolf movie fan or a Frankenstein fan, you can't dare to miss this one.

Dracula fans must dare to see this movie as it is so marvellous and I am still in its magical effect. I think that they can make the second part of the movie as there are lots of other foul creatures waiting to have a role in the movie. They may even import from the Greek mythology!


Some one told me that this is the third part of ''The Mummy'', but there was no damn relationship between them. Atleast the director is the same. This movie I found slightly better than the two of the Mummy series and a lot better than ''The League Of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen'' (Extra ordinary crap) and ''The Underworld'' (I prefer going underworld than seeing it).

There are some words in the movie for Indian movie - ''If you are going to kill some body, kill them instead of talking about it'' or something like that which is just usual in Indian movies (some ridiculous dialogues by villains which gives time for the hero to get into the act). Don't forget to see this movie as this is an evolution or may be renaissance of the action - horror movies.....


Cool movie - Relive your nightmares
Jul 27, 2004 05:47 PM2423 Views

For all those who believe that a good horror movie is not about gore alone but a very good story line, an impeccable cast, haunting and surreal music then this is definitely the movie of the year for you. Mr Van helsing is introduced as a man with no past and a mass murderer who is hunted by all of europe. But within a few minutes we find that he takes care of the Church's Problems. He is then sent on a mission to take care of another big problem - Dracula.

A family which has dedicated its entire line to destroy dracula before entering heaven and only two members survive. A very nice way of introducing the heroine - very nice looking too. Anyway he goes there and does battle with all sorts of weapons invented by his own personal Mr Q. The gadgets are cool too. Dracula has his own agenda of ruling the world and van helsing is to stop him.

Along the way we meet all the monsters who come in out nightmares. we meet Mr Hyde, Frankenstien etc.. We meet all these people and get to know another side of them like the sadness of dracula, the hidden desires of a man of god ( van helsings sidekick).

The music is too surreal for words.. even now the tune sends shivers down my spine.. All said a very cool movie even for non horror lovers.

Boston United States of America
Its toooo good yaar...
Jul 12, 2004 01:11 PM2128 Views

Prerequisites for watching the movie:

  1. Please leave your high aesthetic sense(if u have any) back home in a safe place . You don?t require it for this movie.

  2. Now invoke a few aspects of your nature(If u have them in yourself) they are: fun loving kid in you,teen in you craving for thrill,and a mature adult mind which can conceive that sometime a movie can be good even if it doesn?t have a good plot and great artistic shades.

  3. Last but not the least please get ready to express and enjoy any emotion you feel, it could be fear,fun,thrill,sometimes disgust.Trust me you wouldn?t regret it.

Now let me quickly get over with the ordeal of mentioning the star cast.

Hugh jackman is Van Helsing, Kate Beckinsale is Anna Valerius,Richard Roxburgh plays Dracula,David Benham is carl (Van helsing?s friend).

Do I need to mention the director Stephen Sommers( mummy fame)?

The thrill starts now: Van Helsing ,a character who is a holy man for some ,a murderer for others and all evil characters fears him.He is assigned a task by authorities in Vatican city, of saving the last two descendants of the Valerius family whose nine generations are ordained to suffer forever in purgatory until and unless they kill Dracula .

This near impossible task of killing darcula is left to Anna Valerius only as her brother has already been turned into a werewolf.

As I always do revealing too much of plot is something I don?t prefer ,something is to be left as a surprise element.

Reasons one should watch the movie

  1. It?s a combo horror offer .Where else you will get to see all legendry characters like Dracula,Frankenstein,Wolfman , in one place.

  2. Dracula has now become immune to silver stakes and Holy cross( O mi god what will Van Helsing do now?????)

  3. Frankenstein has a conscience( Wow !! ).

  4. The thrill starts from the first scene and sustain till the very last moment.

  5. Van Helsing has no magical powers unlike his opponents which makes it all the more thrilling.

  6. Dracula has three beautiful blonde brides(beautiful when they look human).

A few downsides

Van Helsing used to have some nightmares,the significance of which is not revealed.

I wish Kate Beckinsale could be replaced with Katherina Zeta Zones(no offense intended ,it is merely a personal opinion).

The movie revolves around the sequences not around the plot.

Forget downsides ,drop prejudices, go to the theatre and enjoy two hours packed with action, thrill, adventure and horror.


Dehradun/Ahemdabad India
A very cool movie. Watch It!
Jul 08, 2004 06:22 PM2071 Views

WEll there are so many well made movies which released this and the previous month and Van Helsing is certainly on the top with a few others. The Awesome graphics for the 3d nerds and solid storyline and direction does make it a don't miss.

The Background SOund track and Music gives movie a whole new experience. The soundtrack music is worth collecting. The only dissapointing thing which we dont expect in bollywood movies is that the babe(lead actress) dies in the end (and the worst part is that the killer is Hugh Jackman) leaving all of us surprised. But Dont miss this movie.

WEll u have Frankenstien Monster, Doc. Hyde , Dracula and her Brides, Also dont forget the Wolfmen (Many). The Climax clash between The Count Dracula and Van Helsing is not a long one but as Indians viewers are 'used to' seeing hours long fight so they might be little surprised. But the short fight has been compensated by rest of the movie plot which moves along very well.

If u have missed ''Main Hoon Na'' It was ur Good Luck! Dont miss this. And if you wanna go with ur girlfriend thumbs up from my side but explain her in advance that you won't be doing anything else than the obvious (watching the movie).

You gonna love it
Jul 08, 2004 02:27 PM3024 Views

With great doubts in my mind I went in to see Van Helsing because I really didn't like the look of it from the promos or the advertisment hoardings..And on top of it the two earlier movies of Sommers(director)of the film that are The Mummy and The Mummy Returns weren't exactly what I call entertaining. But Boy was I taken by surprise or what..This film was a delight and for two hours during which the movie ran there was rarely a dull moment..A must see for all who love watching DRACULA and vampire movies.


The setting is of Europe in late 19th century or 1885-1890 to be more exact.. VAN HELSING(HUGH JACKMAN)is the most wanted man in Europe..He is a Holy man as well as a murderer and after killing HYDE he is sent to TRANSYLVANIA(Romania) by a secret sect of monks to end DRACULA(Richard Roxburgh). He is accompanied by CARL(David Wenham). Here he meets ANNA(Kate Becknsale),who is the heir of a family committed for centuries to overcome Dracula's reign of terror. Anna's brother Falcen has been used by Dracula and now is a WOLF MAN and now it's up to Van Helsing to save the people from the terror of DRACULA and his brides and their vampire children.


Hugh Jackman in the title role is simply superb..This is his first movies that I am watching and well all I can say he is a jolly good actor and excels in action sequences.

Kate Beckensale in the role of an Eastern Europe princess is also good.She looks stunning in some places but it's the Dracula's three brides VERONA,ALLIRA,MARISHKA who are more luscious and their sequences are the best things about this movie.

Richard Roxbourgh as the DRACULA is okay..I say that beacuse I feel he was lacking in the charisma on-screen that actors before him who have played DRACULA possessed.

FRANKESTEIN's Monster is an interesting addition to the storyline but please someone explain me his exact significance..

David Welhanm as Van Helsing's gadget-doting companion is also good and provides some comic-relief in between.

But like many others even I too was dissapointed by the climax..Why exactly did VAN HELSING have nightmares..What was his connection with DRACULA..Had they met before..These questions are arised but not answered...

Almost all the sequences are good but ones which I liked the most were:

1.When Van Helsing saves Anna from the brides,the very moment he reaches Romania.

2.The sequence in which Van Helsing is taking FRANKESTEIN's monster to Rome on a carriage.

3.The one in the library where Anna's brother who is now a werewolf comes to meet her.

4.The ballroom scene where the trade between Anna and monster had to take place.


People between the age group of 12-25 are simply going to enjoy this film..But please watch it only in THEATRES...

Awaiting your comments and ratings

Special effects bonanza
Jul 08, 2004 12:13 AM2078 Views

Van Helsing is a movie filled with special effects. The story (if u may call it one) is basically secondary. Make sure you watch this movie in a theatre with a huge screen and great sound system, or if watching at home (which I wouldn't really recommend) watch it on a DVD on a big screen tv with a good surround sound system for the full effect.

The movie has everything found in a good Hollywood action movie - a decent cast and an amazing team of special effects guys !

The story is about this guy (Van Helsing obviously!!) who is shown to be the nemesis of all evil creatures. Initially the movie shows Van Helsing taking on Mr. Hyde (of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and killing him.

His next mission (he is trained by monks to fight evil, and like James Bond, has some amazing equipment to do his job!) is to find and destroy Count Dracula. He has a side-kick who accompanies him to Transylvanila.

The rest of the story should be watched and not read on a computer monitor !!

The special effects are special, but it may feel like an overkill by the time the movie is over! The humour is ok, and the performances are good.

chennai india
'Van Helsing' a horror and sizzling movie
Jun 24, 2004 09:57 PM2337 Views

Gabriel Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) is a man cursed with a past he cannot recall and driven by a mission he cannot deny. Van Helsing roams the world an outcast, a fugitive, a loner, himself hunted by those who don't understand the true nature of his calling. When dispatched to the shadowy world of Transylvania, Van Helsing finds a land still mired in its past... where legendary creatures of darkness come to life... a place ruled over by the evil, seductive and undefeatable vampire, Count Dracula (Richard Roxburgh). It is Dracula that Van Helsing has been sent to terminate.

Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale) is one of the last of a powerful royal family, now nearly annihilated by Dracula. A fearless hunter in her own right, Anna is bent on avenging her ancestors and ending an ancient curse by killing the vampire. Joined by a common foe, Van Hesling and Anna set out to destroy Dracula along with his empire of fear. But in challenging an enemy who never dies, Van Helsing uncovers a secret he never imagined and comes face to face with the unresolved mysteries of his own enshrouded past.

Bangkok Thailand
HORROR to a 'T'
May 27, 2004 03:03 PM3091 Views

Take one portion of Count Dracula, add some pretty decent acting, take three portions of dracula's consorts, add 3 good figures, and a very healthy portion of bad acting.

While bringing this to a boil, take one portion of frankenstein, two portions of wolf and add one guy and a girl, both super efficient, with razor sharp instincts and aim.

While bringing all the above to a simmer, add lots of special effects and a healthy portion of BALONEY!!!

The last ingredient sort of sums up the movie for me.

''Van Helsing'' is a wild, garish ride replete that is, to put it in one word, HORRIFYING, not the characters, but the movie


Despite the great special effects that make for a fun, dark adventure, a convoluted and overdone conclusion totally kills the



Great special effects

Some good performances


Convoluted plot

Terrible ending

Duuuhhhhh? what was that??

This season's first action-adventure film arrived in the fantastically grotesque form of Van Helsing. The story begins in the black-and-white lab of Dr. Frankenstein, complete with groaning monster (Shuler Hensley) and torch-wielding mob banging on

The door. This classic scenario soon transforms into a thrill ride of amazing special effects albeit irritating continual.

Action sequences.

We are introduced to the figure of Gabriel Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) as he walks the eerily dark streets of 19th-century

Paris, hunting his latest prey.

Though I should say here, he was very good as Wolverine in X Men, and should have maybe even made X Men -3.

At the request of a secret organization affiliated with the Catholic Church, Van Helsing seeks out and defeats evil throughout the world. Both outlaw and savior, Van Helsing searches throughout the film to understand his past, as he has no memory of who he once was.

This fact remains even after the ending of the movie.... I mean WHO THE HELL WAS HE!!!????

He is sent to the shadowy world of Transylvania, ruled by the undefeatable vampire Count Dracula (Richard Roxburgh).

Roxburgh?s portrayal of Dracula cannot hold a candle to previous, far more charismatic and captivating renditions of the seductive and deadly creature. His alluring, bloodthirsty brides convey more of the magnetic power and physical presence of the vampire than does Dracula himself.

Van Helsing teams up with gypsy princess Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), the only heir - after her brother?s transformation into the Wolfman (Will Kemp) - of a family committed to hunting down Dracula and destroying him.

I actually read somewhere that Van Helsing is a swashbuckling adventure, and sort of like Indiana Jones among demonic creatures. Even comparison to a film of the Classic Transylvanian genre.

I apologise profusely for the person who actually wrote that!

Even those seeking any sense of the erotic side of vampire lore should look elsewhere; the vampires here just provide backdrop evildoers bent on destroying humanity. Underlying all the crying and shouting and ''evil''-fighting is a wacky sense of humor, reminiscent of Young Frankenstein, that reeks of pastiche.

In a terribly morbid action-adventure theme, Van Helsing has a miracle weapon-designing sidekick, Carl, played charmingly by David Wenham, who actually played the ''Good Son'' Faramir in LOTR.

The dialogue is mainly fluffy and trite to say the least, with a few pithy comments here and there.

In an attempt to combine all the major characters from the Transylvanian genre into one movie, the resulting plot is hair brained and convoluted to say the least.

Frankenstein plays a bit of a surprising role, being the key to Dracula?s plans to create life among his unborn, bat-like vampire children, previously resting in gooey cocoons.

The conclusion of the movie was especially hokey. Although the film itself was merely a fun, garish ride, the conclusion was still too overdone and unsatisfying.

To actually sum up the entire movie, its a headache providing, pain in the back side horrible flick.

if you actually want to see why I hate this movie so much, please dont tell me I did'nt warn you.


Can I give this more than five stars ?
May 21, 2004 06:22 PM2309 Views

Title : Can I give more than five stars ?

Review :

Previous reviews tell pretty much about this wonderful, edge-of-your seat movie. I would like to add just a few praises in addition that haven't been mentioned previously. Make sure to read Aviendha's excellent review, too. I am too big to see a movie twice, but I knew I would see this again. It only got better the 2nd time.

While I also had a little bit of Pee Wee Herman flash seeing this Dracula -- I didn't see him that way at all, not even for even a second's time, when I saw the movie again. Wonderful Dracula. He always WAS a slight person.

You might want to view the mains stars' web pages. Shuler Hensley, for example, who was excellent here won every major Broadway award opposite Hugh Jackman in ''Oklahoma''. He showed a human dimension to Frankenstein's monster that made his crying out ''I WANT TO LIVE'' near the end very compelling and all the more affecting. But this movie has so MANY great moments.

I think the references to previous films was a stroke ! It helps call up in our memory what a film can provide, too. I think there are many ''repeats'' (i.e., borrowings), we probably missed any number of them, most of us. We know the monsters themselves are ''borrowed'' -- for sure there is a ''Q'' and James Bond style scene. The scene when the newly hatched babies are supposedly being taught to feed is reminiscent of the Flying Monkeys (from OZ) picking up the Scarecrow, etc., etc.

Sure, there was no time for a mushy love relationship but I thought that Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale did an excellent pair, together for most of the movie as comrades. And as boy and girlie, too.

From researching this movie and from watching moviegoers leaving the theater, I perceived that Anna (via Beckinsale) is somewhat of a rare woman's woman and a hero for the women who see this picture. Women with teenaged kids seem to especially surprised by the film, and I think that Anna is a sincere and real valiant heroine has something to do with it. I saw a mid-aged woman (my age) leaving the theater with her teenagers, and the glow on her face told volumes.

Great film acting from ALL.

One of the thrills of ''Van Helsing'' is being able to glance around you and see the wide-eyed amazement on others. Of course, you'll see people literally ''jumping out of their seat'', too. Proof positive of a genius at work.

Thank you, thank you Stephen Sommers. It would be a nice idea to take clips of people exiting after viewing ''Van Helsing'' -- I'm sure Mr. Sommers et al would be proud viewing how people look coming out of the movie, lol.

ps -- some people don't say they enjoy this, okay there are some ''fun'' moments and even some cheesey things. Some arbitrary coincidences. But no matter. Hey. Too bad we didn't have time to see the Dead breaking into the place where Van Helsing and Carl stashed the Frankenstein monster while they were at the ball. Could have been a take off on Night of the Living Dead, there, lol. But then, ''Van Helsing'' already has MORE than just everything.

Pros : Entertainment NON-STOP

Cons: You tell me and we'll both know

Philadelphia United States of America
Van Helsing Delivers a Roller Costar of fun/Horror
May 18, 2004 07:17 AM4292 Views

My excitement of this motion picture ''Van Helsing'' evolved when I saw its trailers. ''Van Helsing'' last week in Philly and I wasn?t going to wait a few weeks before I would see it. I was too anxious, I rushed after work to see ?Van Helsing.? Its concept and resurrection of the most enjoyable and legendary monsters in movie history such as Count Dracula, The Mummy, Dr. Jerkyll and Mr. Hyde, the Wolfman, and my favorite monster of the bunch Frankenstein would be most entertaining to watch.

I also wish to add that the most enjoyable adventure for me while watching ''Van Helsing'' would be his adventure and battle with Count Dracula.

I really didn?t expect much of a plot to this movie, rather two hours of fun viewing and a roller coaster of fun from director and writer Steven Sommers. Sommers brings us his version, rendition and antics of gothic horror in ''Van Helsing'' which turns out to have a comic book flair of horror.

Nevertheless, ''Van Helsing'' does deliver entertaining special effects, sound effects a perfect gothic European medieval setting, cinematography, fairly good acting, and adventure that?s best suited for viewer entertainment. What a way to break into the summer at the box office.

Van Helsing was released May 7, 2004 Steven Sommers wrote and directed this movie its running time is two hours.

In this movie Dracula returns from the dead with death, vengeance and a legacy. Van Helsing, a man of reputation for stomping out evil and killing monsters is summoned by the Vatican to destroy Count Dracula, rid the world of evil ,and protect a Romanian family. Van Helsing begins this quest which ultimately leads to a seemly endless adventure.

Dracula?s existence becomes dependent upon the monsters that remain alive with the exception of Frankenstein, the Wolfman, and a serum. The battle between Van Helsing and Dracula is pretty much detailed and at times overdrawn though out the movie with some jolting moments of excitement, and horror.

Final Thoughts on ''Van Helsing''

Overall, ''Van Helsing'' is a very good and entertaining movie. It?s a clean movie not too much gore, and there is no profanity. Its comic book flair of this legendary hero, Gabriel Van Helsing prevailing in his quest against evil and Count Dracula along with a host of monsters and its special effects is excellent.

However I will not leave out that I did find this movie to be laughable and corny at times. ''Van Helsing'' is an action packed movie with lots of adventure, and fun. As for the acting, direction, and script the acting is done fairly well the movie?s lead actor Hugh Jackson is fairy good along with a fairly good cast of actors. As for the direction Steven Sommers does an excellent job with the settings, and appearance of an excellent gothic European medieval setting. I found the artistry of this movie to be just excellent.

The movie?s black and white cinematography at its opening, and revisit to Translyvania, and Dr. Frankenstein?s laboratory as depicted, and shown in the James Whale's 1931 release of the legendary horror classic ''Frankenstein'' is fascinating and done with perfection. As for the script at least there is a plot, but don?t expect too much. Overall, ''Van Helsing'' scores 4 stars it?s a good movie that you and your family will enjoy.

007 with silver bullets and wooden stakes
May 16, 2004 04:50 AM2407 Views

Van Helsing is a movie made by the creator of the ''The Mummy'' series, Stephen Sommers.

It stars Hugh Jackman as Van Helsing, Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious, Richard Roxburgh as Count Dracula among others.

The film begins with a Van Helsing battling the schizophrenic character, Dr. Jekyll in his Mr. Hyde garb. The culmination of this battle bestows upon Van Helsing the title of ''murderer''. Apparently he has been conscripted by the Vatican church to fight the evil of the world in exchange for providing a link to his past. Why do I think that Jackman is preparing for his role as Ian Fleming's superspy?

The Cardinal gives the task of eliminating Count Dracula to Van Helsing alongwith protecting/aiding Anna Valerious (Beckinsale) who's family is doomed to eternal damnation if she fails to kill the fanged charmer. To add material to an empty campfire story, she's the last of the Valerious clan since her brother has been turned into a werewolf.

Van Helsing arrives in Translyvania with his sidekick (and maybe the future 'Q') Carl (played by David Wenham). Before he finds a way to introduce himself and speak of his mission to Anna, Dracula's brides arrive on the scene to ''checkout'' Van Helsing.

Now I cannot think of a greater apathy on the director's part other than to turn three fine looking women into flying creatures, especially when they are more creature than women in the movie.

Van Helsing and Anna join hands to fight their common enemy and along the way they find that Frankenstein who's shown dying in the opening scenes of the movie is alive. They also discover that Frankenstein is a vital part to the process of incubating Dracula's children (not quoted verbatim '' One man with three beautiful women for over 400 years has to find something to do'') since the Wolfman is not a very good conductor of electricity.

Several fights with the creatures of the dark take place in the movie and one has but to sit back and admire the special effects without paying much attention to the plot. There is even a portal shown, a la Stargate.

The movie on the whole is quite entertaining especially if you are a great fan of special effects, but Jackman and Beckinsale fail to find the rapport that Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz found in both ''The Mummy'' movies. The movie is interspersed with some comic scenes where Carl keeps insisting that he's a friar and hence unbound by the celibacy rules of the Catholic Church, Dr. Frankenstein's assistant Igor and of course the famous rip-off line from ''The Good, the Bad and The Ugly'' about shooting first and talking later.

Its a fairly good movie, if you want to let go and watch low-brow movies and a good preparatory for Jackman to play Bond. Richard Roxburgh is not as good as Karloff or Lee, looking more like a comic version of Stellan Skarsgard. As usual the movie is inclined towards the visual tastes of the male audience with cast like Beckinsale, Josie Maran, Sylvia Colloca (ironically all of them featured in Maxim's ''Most beautiful women'' in the same year) and for balance Hugh Jackman.


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