That's the nagging thought that will not leave throughout this film.
After all, this movie was made by the people who made Equilibrium which didn't score high on all fronts but delivered a great package at a lower budget.
Also the fighting style pioneered by that movie was brilliant and to think what he could have done with it in this movie considering now we have a hot chick with superpowers was tantalizing.
The pedigree of the maker of this film is evident from the concepts in this film:-
1)For the first time that I can remember humans are the bad guys and it's the bad guys were routing for (vampires), WHAT A CONCEPT.
2)The one liners of this film are as simple..... and cutting edge as they get (a couple of them were overdone though), when the DYING CHILD SPEAKS SO UNEMOTIONALLY ABOUT HIS IMPEDING DEATH I HAD GOOSE BUMPS.
3)The storyline had some major potential the star-warsque method of using names and words and offering no explaining teased the mind.
4)The multiple parties with different political and ideological viewpoints was of the level of a A-grade film.
5)Like I said before watching people fight with with both swords and modern guns in a modern setting is shear poetry, the entire concept of Gun Kata developed by Kurt is sheer visual poetry.
6)The "speak, hear and say no evil scene", sheer brilliance, the fights towards the end of the movie..... mind blowing.
7)Milla Jovovich may not have repeated her performance from Resident Evil but she looked stunning in parts she carried the role with a level of panache that I never though a woman of her beauty could.
The rest of the cast to acted in brilliantly and even though this is a lower budget action film no one really overacted. Cameron Bright as 6 and William Fitchner as Garth were brilliant.
Here are a few prime candidates..
1)I am a an action and B-Movie fan and normally I feast on lower grade special effects and cheesy dialogues but this movie HAD POSSIBLY THE WORST SPECIAL EFFECTS I HAVE SEEN IN EVEN A LOWER BUDGET FILM IN A LONG TIME, the film makers may have air brushed the entire film purposefully but the helicopter chase scene and ALMOST EVERYT OTHER BIG ACTION SCENE even though they were brilliantly conceptualised,were ruined due to the pathetic special effects. I mean any sensible film maker knows there is a budget and he has to work around it. (FOR ME THE BIGGEST Villain)
2)Kurt sure doesn't learn from his mistakes, equilibrium fell short mainly due to its boring and uninspiring villain and here we have a villain who is not only all that but also overacts.
To add to that we have him breaking into monologues trying to explain the entire storyline of the movie.
3)While Milla looked stunning in some scenes she looked positively hideous in others, we are constantly showed her rear and toned abs and even showed her bare rear (haha), her violet hair works for a while but after a while becomes overbearing.
4)THE RATINGS.................AGAIN For some weird reason its OK to kill a few hundred people and murder and rape a person as long as you don't show blood and its OK to show the naked bum, but anything else is a no-no.
Only the warped people on the rating board can explain the mundane rating parameters.
And once again the film-makers (IN THIS CASE I SUSPECT THE STUDIO BECAUSE YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE BLOODSHED WAS SHOT BUT WAS BADLY EDITED OUT), fall victim to the lure of universal and we have another PG-13 rated action movie on out hands.
So yet again we have a movie with had some great potential but failed considering the pedigree that cast, plot and directer had I would like to put it up there with Underworld Evolution and AVP in wasted potential.
Would not recommend you rent this movie but you can borrow it or watch it on TV IF YOU ARE REALLY BORED.
-s PG-13 rating, boring villain, super cheesy special effects, wasted potential
+/-s no explanation given to a lot of concepts
+s super conceptualisation of shots and scenes, pedigree displayed in some scenes, bad guys are the good guys etc.
total 4/10 (absolute and factoring in expectations).
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