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The spiderwick chronicles Movie Reviews

The spiderwick chronicles Movie Review
Oct 12, 2017 09:04 AM 730 Views

Childreens agreed this movie was "too scary" about 20 minutes in when there is something implied as scary, but invisible, attempting to attack one of the child characters. He isn't usually bothered by this kind of thing, so we were surprised but immediately turned it off and switched to something lighter. I later completed the film- excellent and I highly recommend for fantasy fans, but definitely much too intense for 7 or 8 yrs. I would probably hold off until he has read the book(s?) or even age 11 or 12. Next time I will pay more attention to the "why" of the PG rating; in this case "For scary creature action and violence." I am also not a big fan of "kids of divorce" themes, and the father in this story let's down the lead child character, but I probably need to simply accept it and then discuss with anothers.

Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Kiddie Flick to begin with but a fine movie
Jun 21, 2009 05:03 PM 976 Views

When I began watching the spiderwick chronicles, I was doing that basically because I had nothing better to do that night and I already had a presumption in mind that it was going to be a kid's flick.But to say the truth, once I started watching it, I did end up sitting there with my nose stuck to the screen. the movie is just great with a good story, nice animation and effects and cast.The story talks about two young twins ---boys and a girl moving in with their mother who has just been separated from their father. they move to the outskirts back to their mother's childhood home where the youngest boy comes across a chest and uncovers a book which happens to be a bilogical classification book about all the things in the world...even the nymphs and fairies..... and thus all the drama starts....its a sweet yet captivating movie and be it kids or adults, I am sure; will love this!!!


The spiderwick chronicles

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