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Release DateJun 21, 2024
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The Secret Movie Reviews

kalpanayadav0697MouthShut Verified Member
Pratapgarh India
Only one
Jun 22, 2024 02:54 PM 138 Views

1- Thought-provoking and inspiring: Some viewers have found the movie thought-provoking and inspiring, and have appreciated its message of hope and positivity.

2- Not for everyone: Others have found the movie's message to be overly simplistic or lacking depth, and have criticized its emphasis on individual responsibility.

3- Well-made and engaging: Many viewers have found the movie to be well-made and engaging, with a clear and concise presentation of its ideas.

4- Challenges viewers to think differently: The movie challenges viewers to think differently about their lives and their place in the world, and encourages them to take action to create positive change.

5- Emphasis on personal responsibility: The movie places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility, encouraging viewers to take ownership of their thoughts and actions and to use the power of positive thinking to create the life they want.

6- Some critics found it too simplistic: Some critics have found the movie's message to be too simplistic, and have argued that it does not adequately address the complexity of real-world problems.

Life Changing Movie
Jan 02, 2018 09:52 AM 822 Views (via Android App)

My Brother in law Adviced me to watch this movie when I was in stress. That was great gift ever I get. The Secret Movie is not only a Movie.

The secret is One Guide

One enterpreneour

One Gardian Angel

One teacher

One reality

One lesson

One law

One superb aspect

One Wish

And this one can change ManyOne.

Really this movie changed my life completely. From hell the heaven. I have seen many miracles after I have Know about the the Law of attraction. Every single person must watch this movie and get the true living style life and happiness

Thanks a lot

Rhonda bryne

Im thanksful to you


Best motivational movie....must watch
Jan 20, 2017 11:05 PM 1040 Views

It is one of the best motivational documentary movie I have ever watched.this will actually help you  move out of your frustrated life and help you find a new way to it. You will come to know a lot about the famous personalities who have always followed this.They have even share the real life experiences some people have gone through.

would specially recommend to each and every one to change the life scenarios they are currently going through.


The Secret
Very Interesting Movie For Motivation
Oct 10, 2016 11:08 AM 1402 Views (via Android App)

You hold in your hands a great secret.

It has been passed down the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolwn, and bought for vast sumsof money. This centuries old secret has been understood by some of the most prominent people in history. Plato, galileo, beethoven, edison, carnegie, einstein, along with other investors, theologians, scientist and the great thonker. Now the secret revealed to the world. As you learn the secret you will come to know how you can have, be, or do anythong ypu wan. You will come yo know who you really are

You will come to know know the true magnificance that awaits you in life.

Please watch this movie. This is very intersing.

The Secret ~A key to introspect The Power Within~
Jan 06, 2011 10:52 PM 2556 Views

Documentary Review: The Secret

Official Website:

Theatre Release : 2006

Language: English

Direction: Drew Heriot

Label: Prime Time Productions

Genre: Spiritual

Viewers Group: All (Discrete Friends Family)

The Critique Lab Score Board

AVA SCORE: 8.29 (Max 10

AVA MEDAL HONOUR™©: ? Titanium

Recommendation Level: High

An individual brain is the cosmic centre of the universe and has the power to achieve everything by way of power of visualization (Dhyan Yog in Indian culture), Positive energy and Karma.

Originally conceptualized by Rhonda Byrne and Directed by Drew Heriot this documentary is based on a secret which Rhonda Byrne discovered while reading a book gifted by her daughter which says “Mama this will Help OXOX” .

Ms Byrne then started finding that secret behind the secret. She quoted “I’d been given a glimpse of a great secret, I began tracing the secret back through history, I couldn’t believe this the people who knew this were the greatest people in the world….. thou ironically all the people who featured in this documentary has no historical significance at all at least till date thou few are internationally known like Jack Canfield, Esther Hicks, Bob proctor and rest are little known in masses before the release of this documentary and the publication of the book with the same name worldwide.

But than What Is Secret?? Does it hold validity practically?? Is the documentary able to succeed to convince you with the power of an individual lies within?

The Answer is a Big YES. It does. Thou there are some instances mentioned by speakers which are logically debatable as far this documentary is concerned which has been discussed with the flow of article

The Secret is LAW of Attraction

Bob Proctor, a philosopher effectively introduced the Law of attraction that puts viewers in a state of thought for a while to introspect why they are not in 1% on the wealth creators. The conversation is than carried forward a bunch of speakers which includes

John Assaraf, Joe Vitale, Bob Doyle (C/ o Wealth Beyond Reason);Esther Hicks(C/o the teachings of Abraham);Bill Harris( a therapist & founder of Holosync) ;James Arthur Ray; Dr. Michael Beckwith, Jack canfield (C/o Chicken Soup for the Soul series); Mike Dooley & Many more… All of them tried to justify one statement

Your Thoughts are the most Powerful Tool in the Universe which can turn your Imagination into Reality.

But to get this LAW OF ATTRACTION right we must introspect what does “The Secret” tries to communicate at the core

Thumps Up Thumps Down (TUTD™) Analysis

1) Director’s Eye™

For Drew Heriot only one world: “Excellent”. Why? You won’t get the same feeling while reading the book as you get while watching the documentary thou the book is the adaptation of the Documentary itself, it’s the reader who relates each and every Para of the book with the documentary only because not only it looks beautiful but despite a documentary it gives you the feel of a movie and is equally engaging.

2) BeaT SenSE™

The background score is soothing and in with the theme (It’s mixed with many original scores)

3) Art Sense™

Archival footage work by Sandy Kaye is exceptionally very good. Without the footage contributed and the visual effects (Director James Armstrong) this documentary may have lost its charm.

4) Speak SenSE™

Well this is the most important part of a documentary- the speakers or contributors to the discussion. But there are very loop holes in the Master Research as far as the personal awakening is concerned and are equally debatable

• The discussions are more of Materialistic e.g. Getting a bicycle; a golden necklace, a brand new car, a luxurious apartment, having dates etc.

• There are few examples where speaker says “for the first 30 days nothing had happened than suddenly ” or “what happened in next 6-8 weeks was absolutely miracle”; Does results come so quickly? Than everybody would paste a fake 1 million dollar note on the ceilings and would become millionaire. The result of spirituality is always followed by a mental balance to the overall development of the personality; Money just follows. A timeline for the result can only be given by those Yogis who have mastered themselves in Yog Kundalini and all those featured in the documentary were just the beginners.

• There is one instance that is simply stupid given by Marie diamond where an art director wished to have three dates per week ;so he paint himself with three women and hang it on his room walls. Next time he met Marie & said ‘ I have now three dates a week but I want to get married now’. So at this time he just placed one romantic picture of himself with a girl and he then got a beautiful women and settled down…Funny? In that manner every boy would place their picture with Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Bipashu Basu, Aishwarya Rai in their bedrooms- would they come? Not I believe -Isn’t? There are people who have spent their life by keeping their favorites celebrities Pictures in their wallet & almirahs .They visualize and fantasize their life with them .Do they even get a touch of them? Very rare. Spirituality is awakening of power within not the awakening of physical desires at all...

• Michael Bernard Beckwith says “I've seen kidneys regenerated. I've seen cancer dissolved. I’ve seen eyesight improve and come back “I can agree to all of this except regeneration of kidneys since human organ regeneration is not seen even in miracles and not heard in medical science yet(I’m not talking of lizard's tail here :)

• The 99% of the movie do not talk of Karma at all. Only in one example of Jake canfield where he talks of action. Do secret is miracle? Than we don’t need to work at all. Keep stare the dollar note at your ceiling and One day they may fall from the ceiling including the ceiling itself ;-)

5) Worth Quoting

There are few scenes worth mentioning like

  • The instance where a guy imagine himself driving a car while sitting in a lay chair in his home is absolute wonderful and well spoken by Mike Dooley

  • The story of Morris Goodman who survived in an air crash and completely got paralyzed but because of his strong will power that he would move home by Christmas is equally inspiring and worth quoting

  • The story of gratitude rock.

  • The introduction of the movie thou seems like a suspense thriller but interesting and exciting

  • A meaningful ending

At last

90 minutes of the secret helps you to self introspect positively in a world called spirituality …..Just explore the more You Can…Because somebody has said “I Know, I Can”

With Best Regards


Your Views are Heartily Welcome…

Disclaimer: The ideas; feelings; expressions and views expressed hereby are purely personal. The author tries himself to be completely free from any status quo of the personalities related; Effects of the Box Office reports and Credits earned by winning Awards with the reviewed Product/Service to give Fair and Unbiased Judgment. Readers’ cooperation is solicited

The Secret
Jul 31, 2009 04:32 PM 2025 Views

As Sharukh Khan says in his movie Om Shanti Om

"Kissi bhi chees ko sache dilse chaho, tho saari duniya tumko us se milne ki sazzish me lag jayega"

(Wish for anything with a pure heart, the whole world will conspire to make you meet your goal)

'The Secret' was gifted to me by a friend somewhere around the end of 2007. This is no ordinary film or entertainer.Watching it may be like a documentary but the background music keeps us glued to the screen. It gives a strong positive vibration in your heart and soul. the main idea proposed by it law of attraction.

Law of attraction is the same idea we have known since ages but failed to practice in our hectic life.The idea is simple you wish for something with a pure heart and yearn for it. Feel like you are already in possession of it and one fine day you will find yourself owning it.

This might seem like just another flop idea but I am a person who is reaping the benefits I have learned from the movie.I got the girl of my dreams, got the job I yearned for and everything I wish is done in a matter of time.

Hope someone reading this may get helped.

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