I only saw this one a few weeks back because the tickets for Ice Age 3 were sold out and I had already made up my mind that this weekend would have to be a movie weekend.:) Neither did I have any great expectations as such from such a movie but I was pleasantly surprised by what it had to offer.
Sandra Bullock . Margaret Tate
Ryan Reynolds . Andrew Paxton
Betty White . Grandma Annie
Oscar Nuñez . Ramone
The rest of the cast although important to the feel of the movie didn’t leave any lasting impression.
Andrew Paxton is an executive assistant to Margaret Tate, an executive editor-in-chief of the publishing company Colden Books and he hates her as much as the rest of the employees in her office. She’s very domineering and her exacting nature demands a resigned submission from anyone and everyone. Andrew, a very ambitious fellow himself though believes he has to weather this storm to get to places although at the same time he is careful to warn his colleagues when “the witch is on her broom” on one of her captious sprees.
A sudden quirk of fate though sees Margaret in a predicament where she might have to give up her position, being a Canadian resident and some VISA issues. Her initial reaction is to talk her way out of this tunnel with her usual panache but then she realizes that this was a litigious matter and would best be dealt with a proposal, both legal and personal. But there would be collateral damage and most of it would have to be suffered by her EA, Andrew. Why? Because it just seemed so right to her. Or that was what she thought. When Andrew sees that she wants to marry him as part of a business deal to keep her job, he doesn’t miss a trick and puts forth conditions of his own to make this apparent travail worth it.
And so they embark on this symbiotic quest and like you may have guessed by now, there is not really much to the plot with the stuff which follows included, which requires a lot of imagination. I’d suggest though that you give it a watch for reasons best left undisclosed. Wouldn't be much fun if I spelt everything out here itself.:)
As hinted earlier, the movie is predictable on many an occasion having some really cliched and jaded dialogue. But it has its moments of surprise in store for you too. So, be prepared for those. Director Annie Fletcher has thought up some new stuff as well which you will eventually come to appreciate.
The hackneyed plot was not some great one which will leave a lasting impression on people through the years. But it was simple enough to let the actors manipulate it to an extent to make it entertaining to the audiences. And they did a fair job.
Sandra Bullock was the best part of the movie as her main strengths as an actress suited the film so well. It was in a way, casting to type. She puts in a spontaneous, witty performance and contributes greatly to the ‘comedy’ element of this romantic comedy.
Having said that, her co-star although having a chunky role, failed to impress me that much, in fact even disappointing me at times. The transitions of dispositions were far from smooth in his case but he does have his strong moments here. I expected more from him after Definitely, Maybe.
Amongst the supporting cast I felt Betty White as Granny Annie *was the surprise package and provides for a lot of humorous moments. As does Oscar Nunez as Ramone, *The Gigolo, The Best Man, The what not…
The strength of this movie invariably lies in its sudden comical twist and turns and if it hadn’t been for the effective comedy it could’ve become a mundane matter of toleration. The principle of the director is to time and again make you believe that it is primarily a drama/romance but then catch you off guard and tickling you away to glory.
The movie achieves its prime objective of making those watching it, feel good about it and you are in the end left with a satiated feeling having had some good laughs and having witnessed a believable as well as touching film on some counts, with very real drawn out characters who allow the audience to relate with them.
To cut a long story short, I felt it was a most acceptable proposal indeed, and one that I wouldn’t mind taking on for a second viewing either. You will be entertained unconditionally!
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