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The Proposal Movie Reviews

Here comes the Bride
Jul 27, 2011 11:26 AM 2221 Views

The proposal is an awesome movie so I thought of writing the review for it. It has a boss (SANDRA BULLOCK) amazing actor playing a bitchy boss in the movie who is supposedly being deported to her place from US because of her Visa issues. And she hops in for help to her super efficient assistant who hates her as everyone else.

But unfortunately he has to help her fake a marriage so that she does not kick him out of his job. This movie is full of moments where you roll out laughing and the wit, humor and sweetness keeps you focussed. Go watch the movie for its light comedy and the amazing acts put up by the cast and enjoy each and every second of it.

Iloilo Philippines
Movie Review of The Proposal
Apr 08, 2011 10:24 AM 1785 Views

They were both working in the same company which is "The Golden Books". Margaret is the Editor-in-chief in their company and she has this ever attentive assistant, Andrew. Their boss received a letter from the immigration that Margaret's visa has been denied and needs to be deported in Toronto, Canada. But then there is Andrew and Margaret came to think that she will use Andrew to be her fiance so that she will be an immigrant of the said country.

Andrew was shocked and they came to the office of the immigration and the man warned them that if they weren’t true couples they will face the consequences which is Margaret will be deported and Andrew will pay an amount and he will be imprisoned for 5 years. But then they will be tested by having this appointed interview date to test if they really knew each other.

The man will also contact all Margaret and Andrew’s relatives if they really are in love with each other. Margaret said that they will be going to Andrew’s parents which apparently living in Sitca,  Alaska. Both agreed to the man’s condition with them. The funny thing is Andrew commanded her that she should have a proposal, so what she did is -she kneels down and take the hand of Andrew. The next day, they flew to Alaska and when they arrived in the airport, Andrew’s parents warmly welcome them. Margaret was so amazed because most of the Stores there are owned by PAXTON(the family name of Andrew).

She thought of Andrew that he is poor and lives an ordinary life there in Alaska but all of that were indefinitely wrong. She’s surprised of the house where Andrew grew and the family that Andrew have. They had a small party which comprises of their closes family friends and relatives. Andrew announced that they’re already engaged and about to have their wedding as soon as possible.

His father really has this doubt that they weren’t true couples but of course Andrew defended and Explained about it and there’s nothing to doubt about. They make stories about how they met each other, their craziest moments, and how Andrew proposed. Everyone giggles and demands for a kiss. . So the night came and they were to sleep in the same room. Andrew’s grandmother and his mother were very supportive to them and they keep on telling the couples to make a baby. Andrew slept on the floor and Margaret is on the bed. The next day, Andrew’s mom and grandmother borrowed Margaret from him to have its shower party in the bar. Margaret and Andrew’s ex-girlfriend meet again and talked about her breakup with Andrew. While in the ground, Andrew’s dad apologizes to him and Andrew did not accept it because he’s still having his doubt. Andrew keeps on chopping the log with a very loud music in his ears because he is very angry with his dad. Then Margaret had her shower upstairs and there’s no towel in the bathroom so she finds one on the open cabinet which Andrew left it opened because he hung his clothes in the balcony. Margaret attempted to go out of the bathroom naked but Kevin(the white cute puppy) keeps on barking her so what she made is she put Kevin on the rug and pull him inside the bathroom and closes the door. Margaret loses her balance and she bump to Andrew’s naked body also. They accidentally hugged each other and then they were arguing of whose mistake it was to bump with each other. The sun sets and the evening came; they talked about the tattoo on Margaret’s back. She had it when she was 16 years old after her parent’s death. It was very sad and hard in her part to live alone but then she’s used to it. Andrew can’t help but cry silently. The morning comes and both of them were shocked because of their parent’s knock. They fixed their selves and pretending to be sweet couples of the morning sun. They were informed about their tomorrow’s wedding. They attempt to refuse but Andrew’s grandmother had this drama that she would likely see her grandson got married before she die and the couples have their thumbs up right away. Andrew and Margaret go to grocery stores and then Margaret has to surf the net because her phone was taken by the crow. Andrew left her for a while to approach her ex-girlfriend outside the café. Margaret saw them and feels so indifferent. She’s jealous because she knew that Andrew is really glad to see her ex-girlfriend. When they are having their way back home, they were being interrupted by Andrew’s grandmother and mom saying they will have to borrow Margaret again for the preparation of their wedding. Margaret fits her wedding dress and there’s a need to be tailored again. Her grandmother in law gives her a necklace that’s been inherited generation by generation. They go back to their house and they were being blocked by Andrew’s dad that he wants to talk to them about their relationship. The man in the immigration come to visit and wants to have the statement of the couples so Andrew in his angry side said that their wedding will be held tomorrow. After giving his statement they walked away and had their rest. The day has come; Andrew is waiting for the bride. Margaret arrives and is ready to take a walk. She walks through the center together with Andrew’s grandmother and then the ceremony starts. The judge starts talking and suddenly Margaret raises her hand like she has something to ask. But she said she has something to confess to everyone. She confessed about the deal and apologizes of what she did. Then she flew back in California together with the man in the immigration. Andrew and his father is still arguing of what happened while his grandmother is shouting at them to stop their business. Now, his grandmother got a heart attack and was brought up to helicopter to be admitted in the hospital. His grandmother made them a promise for the both of them to stop fighting. After which his grandmother closes its eyes acting like she’s dead. And Andrew is trying to get the pulse of her grandmother, knowing if she’s really dead. Now, their grandmother stood up easily and said bring me to the airport not in the hospital. So everyone laughed because grandma is really a good actress! Next, So he flew back to California and there he saw Margaret packing up her things ready to go. But Andrew held her and starts to talk in a nice way. All their officemates were looking at them. Andrew said that he wants to Margaret to be his wife and then Margaret nod sideways. Then Andrew steps closer to her and kiss her so passionately. There it goes, they went to see again the man in the immigration and have an appointment with them again to test if they were really in love with each other.

Likeable comedy
Aug 30, 2009 06:17 AM 2367 Views

Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds, an unassuming Canadian actor) delivers a matured performance portraying an assistant to tough as nails boss Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock), who is reviled for her uncaring attitude as a book editor. The inital 5 minutes of the movie has uncanny resemblance to Devil wears Prada movie.

She travels to Frankfurt on a book publishing matter and when she is back in NYC, her profile gets flagged by INS as her visa has expired and the sequences involving the breaking out of news that she would be deported to Toronto, Canada, and sprighty that she is, concots a scheme that she is getting engaged to Andrew who is unwittlingly dragged into the situation make for a good viewing.

The rest of the story revolves about her travelling to his parents home in Sitka, Southeast Alaska, getting to know his loving family, especially the grandma, and then she telling the truth at the altar when her conscience does not permit such a sham marriage to be undertaken for giving the right to live in US legally, and then re-uniting with Andrew in NYC

The grandma's role was interesting and had a very close resemblance to a typical Bollywood grandma's role we have seen so many times.The natural beauty of Sitka and its surrounding areas is well picturized. Sandra Bullock, at 45 yrs looks much younger, and Ryan (32) make for an attractive couple and hit it off in the movie

Some memorable sequences:

Bollywood inspired sequence involving his grandma faking a heart-attack so that she can get to the airport to stop Margaret from leaving town. The sequence involving the dog following her outside and an eagle picking up the small dog, and she throwing her cellphone which makes the eagle dropping it and then swooping back again to pick her cell

Margaret kneeling down to propose to Andrew, a total contrasting sequence to what one expects. Margaret showing the uncomfortable nature, when her future in-laws arrange a surprise stripper show Margaret putting dimes into a machine to connect to the internet and her surprise to find dial-up internet connection Immigration officer Q&A while the credits roll. I was laughing when I came out of the theatre, very few times that has happened before.


The Proposal
The Proposal - A very acceptable proposal!
Jul 21, 2009 10:22 PM 3394 Views

I only saw this one a few weeks back because the tickets for Ice Age 3 were sold out and I had already made up my mind that this weekend would have to be a movie weekend.:) Neither did I have any great expectations as such from such a movie but I was pleasantly surprised by what it had to offer.


Sandra Bullock . Margaret Tate

Ryan Reynolds . Andrew Paxton

Betty White . Grandma Annie

Oscar Nuñez . Ramone

The rest of the cast although important to the feel of the movie didn’t leave any lasting impression.


Andrew Paxton is an executive assistant to Margaret Tate, an executive editor-in-chief of the publishing company Colden Books and he hates her as much as the rest of the employees in her office. She’s very domineering and her exacting nature demands a resigned submission from anyone and everyone. Andrew, a very ambitious fellow himself though believes he has to weather this storm to get to places although at the same time he is careful to warn his colleagues when “the witch is on her broom” on one of her captious sprees.

A sudden quirk of fate though sees Margaret in a predicament where she might have to give up her position, being a Canadian resident and some VISA issues. Her initial reaction is to talk her way out of this tunnel with her usual panache but then she realizes that this was a litigious matter and would best be dealt with a proposal, both legal and personal. But there would be collateral damage and most of it would have to be suffered by her EA, Andrew. Why? Because it just seemed so right to her. Or that was what she thought. When Andrew sees that she wants to marry him as part of a business deal to keep her job, he doesn’t miss a trick and puts forth conditions of his own to make this apparent travail worth it.

And so they embark on this symbiotic quest and like you may have guessed by now, there is not really much to the plot with the stuff which follows included, which requires a lot of imagination. I’d suggest though that you give it a watch for reasons best left undisclosed. Wouldn't be much fun if I spelt everything out here itself.:)


As hinted earlier, the movie is predictable on many an occasion having some really cliched and jaded dialogue. But it has its moments of surprise in store for you too. So, be prepared for those. Director Annie Fletcher has thought up some new stuff as well which you will eventually come to appreciate.

The hackneyed plot was not some great one which will leave a lasting impression on people through the years. But it was simple enough to let the actors manipulate it to an extent to make it entertaining to the audiences. And they did a fair job.

Sandra Bullock was the best part of the movie as her main strengths as an actress suited the film so well. It was in a way, casting to type. She puts in a spontaneous, witty performance and contributes greatly to the ‘comedy’ element of this romantic comedy.

Having said that, her co-star although having a chunky role, failed to impress me that much, in fact even disappointing me at times. The transitions of dispositions were far from smooth in his case but he does have his strong moments here. I expected more from him after Definitely, Maybe.

Amongst the supporting cast I felt Betty White as Granny Annie *was the surprise package and provides for a lot of humorous moments. As does Oscar Nunez as Ramone, *The Gigolo, The Best Man, The what not…

The strength of this movie invariably lies in its sudden comical twist and turns and if it hadn’t been for the effective comedy it could’ve become a mundane matter of toleration. The principle of the director is to time and again make you believe that it is primarily a drama/romance but then catch you off guard and tickling you away to glory.

The movie achieves its prime objective of making those watching it, feel good about it and you are in the end left with a satiated feeling having had some good laughs and having witnessed a believable as well as touching film on some counts, with very real drawn out characters who allow the audience to relate with them.

To cut a long story short, I felt it was a most acceptable proposal indeed, and one that I wouldn’t mind taking on for a second viewing either. You will be entertained unconditionally!

A romantic comedy.
Jul 18, 2009 02:50 AM 2322 Views

I was eager to watch one light hearted gud romantic comedy. So went today to see d movie,

The Proposal. It is directed by Anne Fletcher and the it stars Sandra Bullock, and Ryan Reynolds.

Sandra Bullock plays the role ofMargaret Tate, a Chief Editor at her book company Colden Book, n Ryan plays the part ofAndrew Paxton, the good-hearted assistant to Margaret who wishes to be promoted to editor.

To be true I watched this movie only coz of Sandra bullock.Sheis 44! Oh my god she looks awesome.

*The story:

*Margaret Tate(Sandra) is nicknamed "Satans Mistress" by her co- workers. " a .bully" and

Andrew Paxton(Ryan Reynolds), is her hard working, slave of an assistant whose personal life is second only to his bosses grueling work ethic and demanding hours.

She plays a Canadian to be deported - and she figures if she gets married, she'll get her green card. She and Andrew blackmail each other in their prenuptial hostage negotiations,

( It’s a nice slice of evil boss revenge fantasy.)

In order to persuade immigration officials they're an actual couple -and to learn a little more about each other - they decide to spend afew days with his family. In Alaska.

Wont spoil the fun in telling u all the end. No spoliers here.

Sandra and Ryan certainly make a nice pair of leads. But I think acting honors go to Betty White

(Grandma Annie(Gammy), . Also Denis O'Hare.played a gud role of the the INS agent investigating Margaret's case.

An amusing fact: Sandra plays a Canadian n Ryan plays an American in the films, whereas in real lie, Sandra is an American, while Ryan is a Canadian.

For what it's worth, "The Proposal" defied my expectations and emerged as a pleasant surprise.

It is a small, unpretentious movie with a whole lot of heart and doesn't thrive to put a demand on your think tank.

If there's one thing one might comeaway with from such a film, it is that the one person of the oppositesex that you loath the most, may just be the one you end up spending the rest of your life loving to hate.

First half was better than the second but ending was cool.

All in all a must watch. I will give it 8 out of 10 for its light humour and Beautiful Sandrabullock.

Msians, do share ur views over the movie,

The Proposal - An aroma to tingle your senses
Jul 14, 2009 05:53 AM 2206 Views

This one comes as a breezy light hearted romantic comedy albeit a new makeover. When you walk out you may not be reeling with an overdose of love but your heart will have a certain warmth and will be brimming with the ‘love is in the air’ feeling.


Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) is the archetypical uptight boss who likes to be in control. She is the head of an editing agency. However, her cold and indifferent attitude towards her employees has earned her the title of ‘the witch’. She is assisted in her work by her personal secretary Andrew (Ryan Reynolds) who knows almost everything about his boss (even what type of latte she prefers). However, one day she is called upon by the immigration officers who tell her that her Visa has expired and she will be deported back to Canada. At this precise moment Andrew enters the room and Margaret gets a brainwave. She says she is getting married to Andrew. Later on, when Andrew refuses to marry her, Margaret threatens to kick him out of this job. The immigration officer suspects that this marriage is a façade and asks the ‘couple’ to prepare for an interview where he will ask each of them questions about the other. Since Andrew knows everything about Margaret while she knows nothing about him they head to Sitka to meet Andrew’s family. How Andrew and his family change Margaret and how during the process the couple actually falls in love is what the film is about.


Sandra Bullock is almost picture perfect as Margaret Tate. I mean many actors have played the uptight corporate boss over the years but there is a certain ‘Sandra-esque’ feeling about Margaret. Ryan Reynolds doesn’t say much but his expressions are brilliant! The scene where Margaret introduces him as her husband when he has no clue what’s going on is hilarious. I couldn’t help but narrate an excerpt:

Margaret (to the immigration officers): Have you met Andrew, my fiancé? We are getting married.

Immigration officer: But isn’t he your secretary?

Andrew: Yes, am I not your secretary??

Margaret: Yes, yes, but now we are getting married. This won’t be the first time someone has fallen for their secretary now, would it?

Immigration officer: How did this happen?

Margaret: I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah. Me neither.

Margaret: I mean, I don’t know when all those lonely nights staying back for work turned into love.

Andrew: They did?

Margaret: They did.

Andrew: Oh yeah… they did.

It turns out that Andrew’s family has some sort of royal descent and practically owns most of Sitka. Margaret is overwhelmed by Andrew’s wealth but more so of the fact that she was unaware of this fact and she treated Andrew practically like dirt.

Margaret: Why didn’t you tell me you were some sort of Alaskan Kennedy?

Andrew: Let’s see… we were in the middle of talking about you… for the last 3 years!

Andrew’s family has no clue that this is not a real marriage so they treat the ‘couple’ as a real couple who is about to get married. Though behind closed doors Andrew sleeps on the floor and Margaret takes the bed. It is during these conversations that the ‘couple’ finds out more things about each other and begins to appreciate the other more. Andrew’s grandmother teaches Margaret the ‘nature dance’ whilst she teaches her to ‘shake your booty’. An accidental meeting where they see each other naked leads to conversation like:

Andrew: Don’t take this the wrong way.

Margaret: Ok.

Andrew: You are a very, “very” beautiful woman.

Even though the end is quite expected, the movie keeps you in a light mood till the end and even though when you come out you might not say ‘Whoah, I saw something that changed my life’, the movie still keeps that smile on your face constant. The proposal truly is an aroma to tingle your senses…

Proposing Proposal
Jul 09, 2009 04:05 PM 1717 Views

The Proposal has Sandra Bullock(Margret) has the laugh without the grunt and as the subtler version of Miranda Pristley from Devil wears Prada. Ryan Reynolds(Andrew), last seen in Wolverine, now he is the boss's(Sandra Bullock)assistant/executive. Some how Margret puts it together that Andrew andthey are getting married, to save Magret from getting deported toCanada.

That's the proposal, what happens next in the movie is actuallyquiet predictable, but I like the way the story unfolds in thebeautiful Sitca, Alaska. Even though they are not trying to be funny, but the whole situation and they land themselves into is awkward afirst, funny for all of us. Since it is specially based in Alaska, itjust seems to be perfect setting for a fantasy and romantic world. Butnone the less, the timing of the dialgues between Andrew and Margretare comical and well written.

Betty White whoplays Andrew's eccentric, but loving grandmother takes the cake, specially with her dancing in the middle of the woods, or dancing withthe stripper. She is purely brilliant and has her own extreme ways ofresolving conflicts, which is hilarious. There is also Andrew's parentswho underplayed in the movie. There is Andrew's story is comfortably onthe not highlighted.

Its worth the watch, at the end of the day, its a nice "chick flick".

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