American army jeep rumbles through the burning oil fields of Iraq on that tense night of 1991.
Inside are Captain Ben Marco & his patrol, including Sergeant Raymond Shaw.
All of a sudden the journey is disrupted by enemy presence. Ambushed by Iraqi soldiers, the patrol is helplessly outnumbered. Captain Marco gets hit and falls unconscious. As his vision gradually fades, he sees Sergeant Shaw retaliating with heavy gun-fire. Spitting the enemy with all that he got......
The Manchurian Candidate
by the director of The Silence of the Lambs, Jonathan Demme
Academy award winning actor Denzel Washington as Ben Marco
Academy award winning actress Meryl Streep as Eleanor Shaw
and Liev Schreiber as Raymond Shaw
The American in the white coat hands him the revolver. And orders him to do it.
Marco, as if hypnotized, aims at the head of the fellow soldier. And fires.
Now its the chance for Raymond. He's ordered to strangle another fellow soldier to death. Raymond quietly obeys.
The nightmare keeps haunting Army Major Ben Marco. Its 2003 but the old visions keep reminding Marco of an uncertain incident 10 years ago. Was it just a dream?
The experts assure him that he's just another victim of the Gulf war syndrome, a common disturbance among Gulf war veterans. His superiors remind him to continue having the prescribed medications.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Washington.
Vice-Presidential candidate Raymond Prentiss Shaw. The popular Congressman & national hero to the public. The brave Gulf war vet awarded the Medal of Honor - for saving the lives of his senior Marco & the others in the missing patrol, barring two of them who were tragically killed by the enemy.
Backed by his mother the powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw, Raymond is all set to sweep the coming elections along with Presidential candidate Robert Arthur.
For Marco, ugly bubbles keep surfacing in his mind.
By chance, he meets upon a depressed Gulf war vet, Al Melvin. A soldier from the missing patrol, Melvin confides to Marco similar dreams that he had.
Now here is someone else who too is a victim of the same hideous dreams. Its time to get help.
On the way to seek answers from underground researcher Richard Delp, Marco is befriended by a grocery clerk Rosie. The friendly Rosie even invites Marco to stay in her cousin's apartment.
Apart from his dreams, there's also something else that keeps bothering Marco. A small lump in his back shoulder which he decides to investigate further. Operating on the lump, his pocket knife comes in contact with......a tiny implant.
Richard informs Marco that the implant is used as an aid to hypnotise a person.
Stunned Marco keeps falling onto further spilled beans.
Doubtful of Rosie, he secretly searches her bag. Out comes cassettes and files with his name on it.
Studying them, Marco hits pay dirt.
About the giant defence contracting company, Manchurian Global. This octopus wants to secure more defence deals by spreading its tentacles to many nations. For that, it needs the help of very generous politicians. What can it do? Simple. Stage an 'ambush' amidst the Gulf war. And hire a mad scientist to hypnotise the kidnapped soldiers in killing two of their own comrades. And brainwash the rest from knowing the truth. The world will only know that an American patrol went missing for a few days during the war, 'captured' by 'Iraqis'. But finally came back alive minus two of them saved by the brave soldier, Raymond Shaw.
Marco's fears finally got confirmed.
This was a ploy to get Shaw elected.
And wouldn't business be easy for Manchurian if there's a puppet in the White House to sign the necessary papers?
But why choose Shaw?
Marco did not have to look far.
The ambitious Senator Eleanor Shaw is only too happy to shake hands with Manchurian. So that she can gift the highest chair in the States to her only son.
Which would only mean one more thing. That Presidential elect Robert Arthur is in grave danger.
Marco also discovers that Rosie is one among a shadow unit assigned by Manchurian to keep track of what he does. So that he does not become a liability in the end.
Marco loses no time.
Shares the situation to Raymond's arch political rival Senator Thomas Jordan. Urging him to expose this deeply troubling scam before its too late.
And is Raymond too implanted? Marco must warn his close buddy too.
Little does Marco know that Raymond, Jordan and Eleanor are already within the smelling range of Death...
Denzel as Marco breathes life into this movie.
He easily slips into the garb of a man helplessly handcuffed by evil technology yet risking everything he got to unearth the truth.
But I can't help wonder that this role could have been done by anyone else too. Why Denzel? The role didnt match up to the actor that Denzel is.
And Meryl Streep. Yes she scores too. But the talented actress has been wasted in another insignificant role. She deserved better.
Liev Schreiber is convincing. No less thanks to the formidable role he got.
Our hearts go out to him in the end.
Here you have it. A suspense thriller.
A movie showing the touching friendship of 2 courageous Gulf war vets. Trying to rescue themselves from human greed intend on submerging them into a sea of bad science for the sake of money and power.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.