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The Jacket Movie Reviews

Good movie
Jan 10, 2018 08:53 PM 435 Views (via Android App)

Good movie for watching. I love the characters in this movie. Thanks full to the director who make the movie. Some scean are in the all caretors very well don of this job . Its very simple type makr this movie. Also in ghis movie musics are very well all music are performans good. Also picture is very good.

Oct 31, 2005 11:42 AM 1997 Views

After The Time Traveler's Wife and The Butterfly Effect, I was undeniably interested when I read the plot of The Jacket. Bizarre and complicated, the film is a psychological thriller that stars Adrien Brody (Remember The Pianist) and Keira Knightley (From Bend It Like Beckam).

The film opens to a scene at the Gulf war, where the main protagonist Jack Starks is pronounced dead after a shooting. He miraculously comes to life, and soon finds himself in a psychiatric ward. He has supposedly killed a cop, and his amnesia is attributed to mental disorder.

At the hospital, Jack becomes part of an experiment, where he is drugged, jacketted, and put into a box for hours. In the darkness, Jack battles with the demons of his past, and voila..the future!

From being a thriller set in a mental ward, the film suddenly begins exploring the possibility of time travel. Jack Starks finds himself in 2007, where he meets a messed up Jackie. Only, she isn't just any other girl in the vicinity. Jack first met her in 1992, just before he arrest. Also, in 2007, Jackie tells him that Jack Starks died in 1993, at the mental hospital.

Back in the real world, Jack decides to investigate his own death. But he can only do it back in the box, where he time travels. With Jackie's help, they visit doctors from Jack's present . His death cannot be prevented, but before he dies, he makes a huge change in Jackie's life, altering her future.

The plot is interesting and weird, but if you're interested in time travel, I'd rather recommend The Butterfly Effect (despite Ashton Kutcher). But unlike Kutcher's film, this film forces you to think about what you'd do differently, if you knew you were about to die. Would you alter the lives(for the better) of those you loved, and find answers for others who deserved to know the truth? That is what Jack did.

Produced by Peter Guber, George Clooney, and Steven Soderbergh, and directed by John Maybury, the film's only saving grace is perhaps Adrien Brody. He is brilliant, as a man lost in his delusions, and caught up in a phenomenon he doesn't understand too well. He emotes with his eyes, displaying naked vulnerability, cynicism, love, and anger.

See it if you have nothing better to do!

London United Kingdom
Bizarre art movie
Jun 30, 2005 12:25 PM 1858 Views

Dir: John Maybury. Cast: Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley, Jennifer Jason Leigh. US soldier Jack( Brody) is killed in action in the Middle East. Or is he? Some time later, while hitching a lift, he helps a woman and her daughter fix a puncture. Later still, he finds himself charged with murder, with no idea why. He’s sent to a psychiatric hospital, where an extreme course of treatment enables him to travel into the future. What he learns changes everyone’s lives. If you can get over the suspension of disbelief required to accept that a morgue drawer can act like a Tardis, this makes for an interesting watch. Being familiar with time-travel “rules” often enables you to predict where’s it’s going, but there are still mysteries for us - and Adrien Brody - to unravel. Brody has done near-solipsistic craziness often, in both The Pianist and The Village, for instance (will he do a movie called The Something next?), but his nervy intensity keeps this walking line between bizarre art movie and gimmick mystery. Keira Knightley works as his confused foil (although she has very much taken the anorexic angel role) but other Brit actors are wasted, infact it does its best not to seem in the slightest bit British, even if it strives to avoid the straight genre tactics that would normally qualify it as a full-on Hollywood product. Eventually, you realise that The Jacket, as interesting as it is, doesn’t know how overworked its basic ideas have become, since it’s as locked in it’s own head as its protagonist. It’s not quite as clever as it thinks it is, and ultimately this sort of head-scratching mystery-horror-thriller-psychodrama doesn’t leave you feeling that you’ve learnt an interesting thing or two. A gripping, affecting, strange movie -but oddly, it’s just like many other gripping, affecting, strange movies we’ve seen recently.


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