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The Hangover Movie Reviews

The best hangover ever!!!
Jul 13, 2009 11:32 AM 3341 Views

It was just another weekend and I was desperately trying to get over my Kambakkht Ishq debacle. Some of my friends called and we decided to go for a movie. When checking the available options it was an option between Ice Age 3 or The Hangover. At that moment, my Indian instincts kicked in: Let’s see… Ice Age is 1hr 20 minutes long and The Hangover is 2hrs 20 minutes. I did the math and The Hangover came out on top. I had never seen any trailer of the movie so I didn’t have a clue what I was getting into but after the lights came and the credits rolled; it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.


Doug (Justin Bartha) is getting married. So what is necessary for a quintessential marriage?? An equally awesome bachelor party!! Doug is joined by Phil(Bradley Cooper) a teacher who has been collecting money for this party by conning students to pay for an ‘excursion’ (which will never happen, of course). Then there is Stu (Ed Helms) or Professor Fag**t as he is referred to; a married man whose marriage is going nowhere because of controlling freak he has for a wife. They meet Alan (can’t remember his real name), the bride’s brother who acts and dresses up in a suspiciously gay manner. Add to this a wild ride to Vegas and you get a backdrop where anything can happen. And hell! Believe me, anything and everything happens!!! The four friends propose a toast to the bride and the groom but the shots turn out to be spiked with roofies (or the date rape drug) and they wake up the next morning in a state which you have to see to believe. As they slowly recover from the process and see the mess they have caused, they notice that they have a Bengal Tiger in the bathroom, the groom Doug is missing and Stu (the professor) has one tooth missing. Plus there is a baby at the doorstep about which nobody knows anything. Find out what happens next as the three remaining friends try to find out what happened the previous night and find Doug before its too late. Don’t think, just go and watch one of the most unmissable movies of this year!!

The Adventure:

The Hangover is one joy ride which keeps you in splits from the beginning till the end. This is one movie where you just laugh out loud. There is no ‘pass a smile’ moment. You can’t help but go ‘hahaha’ and if you are not one of those people who like to sit next to people who laugh uncontrollably then God help you because the whole cinema hall was in splits. One more thing that goes in the favor of the movie is its innovative script. The storyline is simple but anything that you could imagine in your wildest dreams happens in this movie and no, its not there just to make you laugh; things do make sense by the end. This is what you call a complete entertainer. How else can you explain a Bengal Tiger, Mike Tyson, a naked Korean gangster in the trunk of your car and one of your friends married to a hooker (played by Heather Graham)? See? It makes no sense when I narrate it just like that right? But I am pretty sure that when you’ll come out of the cinema hall it will be clear as daylight and you will probably be in one of your happiest moods ever. I guarantee that.

The Hangover works because it gives you the unexpected. How else can you explain hitting on a random girl walking on the sidewalk using a police car radio when you are not even a policeman? And on top of that, blowing and torching that same police car up? Then the police, instead of putting you in jail, electrocute you with those electric stun guns just for fun as a way of getting back at you!! Also, the F word has been used quite liberally but the fun part is, it’s not used as an abuse but rather to evoke humour and this intention should be applauded. And yes, you do laugh, both at the characters and with them. Probably, one of the funniest and confronting scenes would have to be with the baby (who Alan calls “Carlos”). Alan dresses the baby as a ‘cool dude’ with goggles and all and then he says “Hey guys, look, have you ever seen a baby do this? (And he does the ‘hand motion’ holding the baby’s hand; those who have already seen the movie would probably be rolling on the floor right now!). Yes, it does sound vulgar and cheap but it you can’t help but laugh.

By now, you must have guessed that this is definitely NOT a family movie. However, go out with your friends or a date and you will not be disappointed. Infact, the film actually cheers you up and you are in a light mood by the end of it all. It really doesn’t feel like its 2hrs 20 minutes long!! Kudos to the director for that. This is one of those movies which you must see to believe. My review cannot do justice to such an awesome film.

Believe just go in and I promise, you’ll have the best hangover ever!!!

Great 'Time Pass'
Jul 11, 2009 04:56 PM 2133 Views

The Hangover is a great movie togo with your friends. Males friends. The language is atrocious and itmight be uncomfortable to see with your sister / parents / grandparents –unless they are very .. bindass.

The movie has been – very irritatingly– cut in many places – by the censors I presume, who, I guess, think we are juvenilemorons.

But yet the movie is great. Imean great fun. And the funny part is, the best roles are not the hero’s. Andanyway, you would not recognise any of them. Everyone is an unknown face –except Mike Tyson! Yeah, that was a real surprise.

So go see this movie. Especially ifyou are not married – or just married. Everyone will remember at least oneparty where they would have really freaked out. And maybe even one instancewhen they drank so much that they don’t remember anything that happenedearlier.

The acting was not of any greatstandard – and neither was the direction. But the script is very funny in manyplaces – and that makes this a very funny movie.

I say 'must see' – at least once!

The Hangover: Be ready for the unexpected
Jul 11, 2009 11:49 AM 1881 Views

Hanglover is the story about a Guy named Doug who is about to getmarried. He and his friends decide to have a blast in Vegas before hetakes the vow. Doug has three friends. One is a Doctor the other isa school teacher and the third basically does nothing (but is great atcasinos. He also gets slighted as fat jesus. Incidently he is thebrother of the bride).

Doug's father-in-law gives Doug his Mercedesand lets them loose to enjoy in Vegas. The gang-of-four set outthinking they would have a blast. They book a villa and late at night, sneek to the roof top with their share of shots. What follows next is a series of unfortunate events for whichthey had not planned for. Hangover is a hillerious story of interconnected events. Finally, what happens in vegas stays in Vegas.

My Impression



Ifyou have watched Ayesha Takia's "Friday", you would relate to the storyto some extent. Basically the friends have had a blast and they do notremember a thing about it. As the story unfolds they get to know abouttheir deeds on that fateful night.

Sine I had seen a similar movie, the concept was not new to me.


The way the story unfolds in interesting and very different from Friday though.

Funny Moments

Thefunniest moment was when they get back the car and someone startsbanging from the boot. and when they open the boot they find themselvesin a very precarious situation. what follows is a very funny sequence.


My only grouse is that things cannot fall apart and fall in place so nicely. I cannot buy the ending.



Ona scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it at 6 1/2 (1- Least Rating and10-Highest Rating). Plus 1/2 for the fat jesus :). So I would give a 7on 10.


The Hangover
Jul 10, 2009 12:34 AM 3888 Views

Now how many of you would have done or have attended A Bachelor's party? And how many times the following day turned out to be normal? More often than not, its not at all a normal day! I don’t have any such experience but know few friends who have messed it big time!

The current movie - The Hangover is based on the same line when the Heaven like nights end up in to hell like mornings. Its a total 1.40 minutes of complete non stop laughter with a high level of comedy which is not only entertaining but also very nasty.

Plot: To celebrate their bachelorhood, four friends - Bradley Cooper - Phil, Ed Helms - Stu, Zach - Alan, Justin Bartha - Doug decide to freak out at LAS VEGAS! All of them traveled to the venue and had a great blast the whole night. The next morning they all woke to a new world - the world which is very weird and the big boys couldn’t figure it out as to what’s havoc did they do the last night. The suite they had stayed in was complete mess and everything is topsy turvy. Alan woke up and went to loo only to find a big BENGAL TIGER ALREADY RESTING THERE! He couldn't believe it and who will? after having that heavy drinks and its being an Hangover morning! This scene was extremely good. I wont explain it... see it yourself. Next, Stu finds that he has lost a tooth! Alan has some bandages on his hand and some bruises and a tag of a hospital over his hand! There is a baby crying in the suite And, Doug, who is supposed to get married in two days is MISSING!

All 3 are pissed off big time and over all of this they want to find the friend. The series of repercussions of the last night are unfolding on them one by one. Like, they had got a Police car into the hotel and the same car is given to them the next morning to roam in the city! There are some Gangsters who wants to settle the score with these people for the nonsense that they did the last night (Secret). There is a live man in the boot of their Mercz car! etc etc etc.....

I cant write the whole mess that keep rolling on the screen one after the other. You have to experience it. This movie is a complete entertainer. Full credit goes to the director who has created such an almost master piece. The screenplay is very very good and you wont feel left off even for a second. Another major plus point of the film are the one liner and the dialogues - way too funny and high level too.

In this film I feel that you would listen to the FUKC/ing for more than 1000 times... hahahahahaha

The cinematography is good and the locations are good and a visual treat. The dialogues delivery is superb and all the actors have given a high standard performance. Best of the lot is Zach. As soon as he open his mouth you are not left to smile and actually LOL. Above all you have an icing on the cake -- Mike Tyson (Boxer himself) Now, why the hell he is there and what is he doing in this film is for you to check out (Great secret here too)

The climax is where you will know as to what actually they did the last night; and you just feel as to how things go crazy before the Hangover morning.

Watch this movie for a real stress buster..... Nothing more can be said since its an experience like hahahahahaahaha along with aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Enjoy it.

I am thankful to the director of the film - Todd Philips for making a plot of nothing and making a film of this standard - Kudos. Actually, this came as a first aid for the ailment of seeing some great idiotic films like Kal Kisne Dekha and to some extent New York.

Let me know your thoughts.


The Hangover
Jul 09, 2009 07:02 PM 3201 Views

It's not an uncommon experience. You indulge a little too much, you do some things you really shouldn't, you get a little wild. And afterward you feel a little guilty. You've been bad, and the hangover is the evidence.

In the new comedy "The Hangover, " however, that's the only evidence three friends have when they wake up hurting the morning after a Vegas bachelor party. Their heads are splitting. Their room is trashed.

And, um, the groom is missing.

Every summer needs at least one silly, dirty comedy, but "The Hangover" may end up being one of the few to actually get the mix right.

It's a bit of a surprise considering that the screenwriters' past work includes "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" and "Four Christmases" -nobody's favorite recent comedies. The characters here - schnook, smart-mouth and madman - aren't much more than types.

Give credit to director Todd Phillips, perhaps, as the film's basic pleasure - watching grown men on a getaway acting like idiots - owes something to his "Road Trip" and "Old School." The physical comedy is furious, and the pace dizzying. And the surreal is never far off, like the wonderful sight of that trashed hotel room, a panorama inventive enough to include a singed armchair, a blow-up doll floating in the Jacuzzi and a live chicken. Phillips is smart enough not to explain any of it.

As the three friends - shy Ed Helms, cocky Bradley Cooper and the quite unhinged Zach Galifianakis - go searching for the mild, missing Justin Bartha, things go from bad to worse to weird.

There's a pair of sadistic cops, for example; an Asian street gang;a few Vegas legends; a ferocious wild animal; an abandoned baby, and a very wrecked Benz. Also a "Rain Man" moment.(Oh, and lots of vomiting, too - the latest movie trend continues.)

But, unlike most dirty jokes, "The Hangover" pays at least as much attention to the joke as to the dirt. It also boasts a winning performance by Helms, as the way-out-of-his-party-league friend, and a beautifully bizarre one by Galifianakis as the certifiable brother-in-law.

Bradley Cooper is less engaging as the arrogant alpha male. And less attractive, too, frankly, is the movie's view of women.

Yes, this is very much a guy comedy, tailor-made for beery bonding.But so are Kevin Smith and Judd Apatow movies, and while they insist on having princesses fall for their frogs, at least they're willing to admit there are princesses out there - and ones worth pursuing.

There isn't a single full female character in "The Hangover." The bride-to-be is a plot device. Helms' fiancee is a brittle banshee. The only other women in the film are little more than jiggling, giggling set decoration(smiling happily when Cooper shouts out "Nice rack!"through a megaphone).

Well, okay, there is one sympathetic female character. But she's a stripper and a prosti*tues, unbelievably unspoiled and not terribly bright. This is the film's ideal woman? The screenwriters' view of the opposite sex seems poised somewhere between Miss May and Miss Ogyny.

Then again, you don't listen to farmer's-daughter jokes in hopes of picking up tips on agriculture; you shouldn't go to something like "The Hangover" expecting a liberated comedy. What you should expect is an hour-and-a-half of painful slapstick, crude talk and broad humor that continues right up until - and then through - the final credits.And that will send you out of the theater laughing. A little guiltily, perhaps - the movie comes with its own rueful hangover -but laughing nonetheless.

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