The Crow was made in 1994 and even though loads of people had recommended it to me (ok, bout 3 actually) I never actually got round to watching it. That was until I saw it in the sales section for £6, so I bought it and took it home (which is what you want to do when you’ve bought something really!). I still didn’t watch it. It took me a few nights, but yesterday afternoon, bored of the net, I gave it a watch. It took me 2 minutes to get totally engrossed in the film due to the way it’s done.
First of all though, I must pay my respects to Brandon Lee who played the leading role in this film. He was sadly accidentally killed during the shooting of the film, but they still managed to complete the film somehow. He was filming a scene where he gets shot repetitively and one of the caps of a blank got accidentally lodged in his spine after penetrating his abdomen. The doctors worked for five hours, to no avail. Brandon Lee, 1965-1993.
The crow is a Fantasy/Action/Thriller all rolled into one. The basic premise is that on Devils Night (the night before Halloween when a gang in the city go wild, killing anybody and anything and setting fire to places). Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) and Shelly Webster (Sofia Shinas) get caught up in Devils Night. Shelly gets beaten and Raped by a gang of guys while Eric is beaten and then killed. Shelly also dies in the next few days.
The fantasy bit comes in here! Basically, there is an old tale that a Crow can bring you back from the dead to carry out duties which you didn’t fulfil in your life. Eric’s duty is to hunt down the gang and kill them off one by one to get revenge for what happened to him and his fiancé. Now, you may be thinking ‘hang on, slow down there, that’s a load of crap’ and yes, it most probably is (although non of us know that this isn’t true do we!?) So, Eric is bought back from the dead, lead by a mysterious crow who basically shows Eric the way to the people who killed him. He returns to his home, and as he touches things, memories are flashed before him, memories of him and his girlfriend having a good time, but also memories of the brutal killing and raping.
As Eric has been bought back from the dead, he can’t be killed, he is already dead and any injuries instantly heal themselves, making him invincible and able to carry out the killings with ease, safe in the knowledge that whatever he does, he won’t get hurt. He starts on his quest.
Mixed in with all this, there is a side plot, which is basically with the NYPD and also a young girl, who’s mother is addicted to drugs. The young Girl, Sarah (Rochelle Davis) was always looked after by Shelly and Eric and now lives her life skateboarding around the streets, but as with most kids that have to look after themselves, she has her head well and truly screwed on. The NYPD’s detectives and the cop we see most, don’t see eye to eye on things. However, the Cop knows Sarah and he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or according to him, the right place at the right time. He knew Eric and that’s how he knows Sarah, he also takes Sarah under his wing in a way.
What’s all this got to do with the story? Well you’ve got the NYPD after the bloke who is killing off people (Eric) who are the hardest gang in town, making the killings look easy. You also have the cop who knows Eric is back, helping Eric out after seeing what the gang are capable of. Sarah also knows of Eric’s existence.
So, that’s the basic storyline. Sounds a bit weird doesn’t it, well just remember that this film is listed as a fantasy and like I always say, films wouldn’t be any good if they were all true to life! If you remember that it’s a fantasy and stop trying to look at it in other way’s, then you will find the film great, if you keep pulling it down and saying ‘well that’s impossible’ you won’t enjoy it one bit. My advice is to sit back and enjoy.
The film is very dark. What I mean by that is that all the scenery is dark. Most of the scenes were shot at night and the film revolves around gothic characters and gothic surroundings. So prepare your TV set to be showing you a lot of black! If it’s not black, it’s a dull grey! However, this adds to the horror side of the film, making the surroundings that bit more eerie and also gives you a sense of insecurity, or so I found anyway, maybe that was just me!
To go with the gothic surroundings and settings, you have a great rock soundtrack. A few scenes will have actual bands playing the songs, but most of the time it is just background music. I bet you can set the scene with the gothicness and rock tracks being played. Eric himself is dressed as a Goth, why this is I really don’t know, maybe I just didn’t get that bit. A few songs from the soundtrack then:
Burn – The Cure
Big Empty – Stone Temple Pilots
Colour me Once – Violent Femmes
Darkness – Rage against the Machine
Some of the scenes are quite, I wouldn’t say graphic, but more provocative in a violent sort of way. For example, a couple of the ‘people’ in the film eat peoples eyeballs, and although you don’t see it, you do see the eyeball cooking. You also see a scene where they are just about to take someone’s eyeballs out. So, you are given the idea of what they are going to do, which in some peoples minds can be more disturbing than seeing the actions actually carried out on screen. I suppose it really depends on your mind and how it takes different things!
What did I think of the film? Well I loved it. It was something different, I’ll give it that, it also pulled you into the film and kept you hanging on, even though all the film revolves around really is killing a bunch of people. If you haven’t seen it and it sounds up your street, it will be and I thoroughly recommend it.
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