Opens with a noisy, electrifying scene of the game and a commentary on the historic transition brought about by a single player before the movie begins. The movie leaves for flashback, a two year period, from where emerges this touching story of Michael 'Big Mike' Oher.
Oher is special: a wizard with the ball and coach Burt Cotton doesn't take time to realize that. The coach's rallying for him and an appeal to do the Christian thing makes the school management relent and admit Michael. But to reach a game Michael has first to be game himself and get good grades which is difficult considering that his parents are almost non-existent and he's a homeless waif, living on charity of others whenever it comes. And he is black. We come to know later that he's not an insensitive clod or beast but one who has sensitivity for courage, honor, and love. And then comes this white family of his classmate Tuohy, led by her energetic and compassionate mom, Leigh Ann (Bullock). Her husband, Sean, and son, S.J. join in with their goodness to make Michael join the family.
What makes Michael special is not just his awesome bulk but his gentleness. He's not the one who carries chips on the shoulder but rises out of the hurts and scars of a bad childhood and memories of violence, bad things, and want. The new family, some teachers, and above all, the protective and guiding force of Leigh Ann makes Michael show his best sides. Adding scene to scene, the picture of a loving family, a gentle giant, and their achieving the goal to get Michael through to a good team gets realized. There are demanding teachers, challenges, confusions, misunderstandings and obstacles of social life and of the game, but the strength and perseverance of the family sees through to success. Michaels becomes a star of sorts and moves ahead with what he was made for. The movie ends with the real-life pictures of people on whom the movie is based.
The movie is good because of the right balance between things, even if it had to be somewhat Bullock-oriented. That the cast performance is excellent surely must be because of good editing too. Little events, mishaps, suspenses add to the interest in the plot. As for the performances, even the smallest role such as of the football playing friend of Michael remains in the mind. And then you've so many beautiful ladies--Lily Collins, Tim Dickens, Catherine Dyer. The cinematography certainly shows their beauty in a sober yet appealing way, without wasting reels and focus. In fact, the cinematographer has done a good job whether it is a slow, loving home scene, or violent scene in a pub, or action-packed field scenes of the game. Close ups and long shots, all are well done.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.