We went to see The Black Dahlia a few days ago.
It was Directed by Brian De Palma and the screen play was written by Josh Ellroy from a book that was written by James Ellroy.
The score was written by Mark Isham and was recorded in London, England.
It happened in 1947 and was filmed in Sofia, Bulgaria and the Los Angles area.
Rate R and it takes about 1 ½ hours to watch it.
The Main Cast:
Mia Kirsher is the Black Dahlia whose name is Elizabeth Short.
Josh Hartnett plays Officer Dwight, (Bucky), Bleichert.
Aaron Eckhart is Sgt. Leland, (Lee) Sgt.Blanchard.
Scarlett Johannson plays Kay Lake.
Hilary Swank plays Madeleine Linscott who is a rich lady who wants to be bad.
Fiona Shaw plays Ramona Linscott, (Madeleine's mother).
John Kavanagh plays Emmet Linscott, (Madeleine's father).
I Thought I Came To See:
A movie about the unsolved murder of the Elizabeth Short, (the Black Dahlia), who was murdered in 1947. She was found dead in a field with here mouth slit open and all of her intestines removed.
Well I saw a bit of that but I don't think that the film was about her.
The Plot:
The movie focus' on Officer Bucky Bleichert and his friendship with his partner Sgt. Lee Blanchard, (both are boxers as well as policemen), and his girlfriend Kay Lake.
Madeleine Linscott says she is fascinated by Elizabeth Short because she looks like her. She has been following her around from casting calls, to homosexual clubs and to a movie set.
Madeleine lures Bucky into her web. She even invites him to have dinner with her weird family. Her father was born in Scotland, (his father was a doctor), her mother was a very thin socialite who is a snob and her sister draws porn photographs.
Everyone but Bucky is protecting their secret. So where was the Black Dahlia in all of this? Well she's in a few flash backs. We find out she was from L.A., (15 years old), and her father didn't like her.
The Score:
The Zoot Suit Riots, At Norton And The Coliseum, The Dahlia, The Two Of Us, Mr. Fire versus Mr. Ice, Madeline, Dwight and Kay, Hollywoodland, Red Arrow Inn, Men Who Feed On Others, Super Cops, Death At The Olympics, No Other Way, Betty Short and Nothing Stays Buried Forever.
I Thought:
Fiona Shaw was wonderful. I couldn't believe how super she played her part.
Josh Hartnett was great but he didn't smile too often. The rest of the cast seemed to over play their parts.
The music was fabulous and was the best thing after Fiona Shaw's performance.
I found the plot confusing and I began to get bored.
I end with something Officer Bucky Bleichert said, " Nothing stays buried forever."
Thanks for reading my review.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.