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Terminator Movie Reviews

All movies part should you watch
Nov 26, 2018 07:57 PM 375 Views (via Android App)

10 months ago

I watched this movie after I watched the sequel and it felt Meh! . I could not understand the movie as I was in my early teens and was expecting Explosions after every two minutes. It was later when I watched the movie again I understood how fresh the story was and how the sequel was related to it. Great movie! James Cameroon and Arnold were amazing. Would recommend to watch this before the sequel though.

Mumbai India
The perfect introduction
Apr 13, 2016 06:33 PM 1303 Views (via Android App)

This is the James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger magic the movie was about the Terminators sent from the future to present to assassinate a person would be threatening the Machines of the future.

The characters are perfectly placed the plot is perfectly set can't imagine this movie directed in any other way

SpellinG BhooL GayA India
ParT 1: FroM FuturE To PasT...
Mar 29, 2005 09:16 AM 2432 Views

The Terminator: (1984)

Director: James Cameron

Producer: Gale Hurd

Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton etc.

Introduction: The first of the Terminator series this movie came way back in 1984. At those times although the ?fashion? of so-called Special Effects was not really on a high but this is one movie where we got to see special effects in many scenes of the movie. This is one movie whose dialogues are remembered still just as we remember dialogues from Sholay.

The movie stars one of the two most famous action heroes of Hollywood Arnold Schwarzenegger who had a dream run after this movie. Directed by James Cameron this movie deals with the machines taking over the humans-their creators in future. The movie was released one year after I was born and even if I would have learnt writing in 1 year (which I didn?t) I wouldn?t have been able to write a rvu on it because I would be able to spell Arnold?s surname?.

The Story:

The story is not so tough to digest. The movie starts showing the fate of Los Angeles in 2029 A.D where the machines have taken over (Artificial Intelligence-U see) and are destroying their masters-The Humans. Now the only person of saving humanity and in other words not allowing the machines not to take over is John O?Connor son of Sarah O?Connor (Linda Hamilton) who is yet to be born.

So before the son is born its better to kill the mother is thinking that the machines have and hence they send The Terminator (Arnold) back into the past in order to kill her. We are then taken back to 1983 A.D. Now the Terminator is a machine with a face of human. He has blood and tissues but inside its just an evil robot who is there to kill Sarah.

In order to protect her future mom John sends a good guy named Kyle (Micheal Beihn) who is the father of John (which will be shown in the second half). Both the good and the bad come naked from the future and both are on the spree of finding Sarah who is a waitress.(Ofcourse they wear clothes as soon as they land in past).

The terminator has only one thing ?programmed? - to kill Sarah. And Major Kyle has only one thing in mind to save Sarah. At first the terminator kills 2 ladies by the name of Sarah in confusion (he goes by the names in the telephone directory-Sounds,which like Hera Pheri?)

In the meantime Kyle finds Sarah in the same manner but at the same time Terminator also finds the real Sarah. Will Kyle be able to convince Sarah that the terminator is here to terminate her?

Will Sarah believe Kyle with such futuristic motive? Will the terminator be able to terminate Sarah? Will Sarah be saved by Kyle? Will Sarah and Kyle be able to destroy the Terminator? Will future be alive with machines not taking over humans? This questions are answered by the second half of the movie.


Arnold: Well the movie is placed on his shoulders and he doesn?t disappoint. In the role of Villian he excels and we love to hate him. His way of speaking enacting machines is just awesome. Looks like a true killer and he is the heart of the movie. He has a beat music whenever he comes in front of the camera which makes him real scary.

There are certain scenes in the movie where you will feel no-one except Arnold would have done better. Check out the scene where he goes into the Police Station to find Sarah and says to the officer :I?ll be Back and blasts his way in driving a car. He just kills everyone or every human he finds coming in his way. In one word he is: BRILLIANT.

Micheal Beihn: He is overshadowed by Arnold not only by the latter?s Physique but also by his role. Even then Micheal makes a mark in his acting. Looks weaker than Arnold but performs well as a saviour. Looks cool though. Check out the scene where he is confronted by Arnold and he tells Sarah: Come with me if u want to live. That?s why I said the dialogues are still remembered. Good acting.

Linda Hamilton: Well she doesn?t have much of a role except screaming being scared and crying because she is the scape-goat and two guys are after him one to kill her and other to save her. Even she manages to do well. The scenes where she is scared and the way in which she shows fear on her face are good to watch. She has gone good work too.

The rest of the star-cast has also done well specially the Police Officer (don?t remember the name). Coming to the special effects as I said earlier the movie is way too old and I can?t compare the special effects to T-3. no even T-2. Even then they are good to watch. Although the execution of the scenes where the robot is after Sarah seems artificial (just as a 3-D computer game) but still is fine. The Theme-Terminator is also awesome just hear it at the start or at the end of the movie.

Overall it?s a one hell of an action movie. If u haven?t seen it get a VCD or DVD or wait until it is shown on Star Movies.

I?lL Be BacK


Arnie rocks
Dec 22, 2004 04:40 PM 1560 Views

When this movie came in 1984 it is in B category but all it's sequels came automatically into A class as this movie rocked hollywood with its original sci-fiscript and all the computer graphics used was extra ordinary at that time ....

As Arnold Schwarzenegger was a cruel and insanse machine as machine as always like that and concept of returning from future looked quite interesting .... style and body and expression all fits for arnie in that movie ...

James Cameroon really controlled the length of the movie so that people will get an aptetite to watch some more as a sequel .... linda hamilton (the actress) later married to cameroon .....

arnold also got one of his big shift after this movie and he bacomes the man of actions and destruction ....''I will be back'' we will remembered by people for long ....

Plot of the movie leads this movie to a big hit of the time and performance also the A class shits this movie of B class to A class apart... the film look inspired by mahabharata as terminator wants to terminate the mother of his terminator as KANS wants to terminate the son of his own sister before his birth

Overall a nice movie which sparked the box office

He's a terminator...he can't die
Sep 13, 2003 11:55 PM 2318 Views

This movie is one of the best movie's I have ever seen. I watched it on channel five having been excited about watching it for at least a week. I have seen the other two and wanted to see the first one. The first thing I noticed when the film opens are the effects, it was great for the time but you cannot compare it too terminator three in effects as they are years apart. As for arnold - he looks different from the follow ups but still strong. The film opens up in the future where robots are shooting, and it explains that the final battle will not be fought in the future but in the present. Although the plot seems to be a little strange it all gets explained - apparently the terminators are losing. Yes man is winning machine but only because of one man - John Connor. So the terminators being the sore losers they are send a machine back in time to kill the mother of john connor before she can give birth to john connor. Arnold kills two Sarah connors untill there is only one left to kill - the right one. Next we find Rece a human sent by the clever John Connor. What Rece does not know is that John Connor is playing a clever trick. The baby will be born because Rece is the father of John connor. If the plot seems hard to understand don't worry the film explains it all. Anyway the movie is overall a classic a real good film and a good way to spend a Friday night.

The best scene

Spoiler alert the ending is the last scene!

Actually I have two best scenes. The first one is where Arnold goes into the prison where Sarah Connors is. They don't let him in and he threatens he will be back. He was ... in a car! The car smashes through the building and he walks on and starts shooting everybody it is really cool.

The second best scene is the ending where they think they have defeated Arnold when they got him trapped in the fire - but all they had done was burn his outer layer! He is now just a robot and you can see what he truly is and then there is a chase scene between him and Sarah Connor.

Overall I recommend for any action/arnold/thriller/sci-fi/ fans.

Action all the way!!!
Jan 09, 2001 02:07 PM 1912 Views

A great action and sci-fi film.have seen it so many times , but still watch it whenever it comes.the sequences are too good.and the memorable dialogue-i'll be back.

it is a treat for all sci-fi lovers.with the concept of an indestructable robot in the guise of a human being the villain.and arnold playing the part so well.and of course ,the haunting background music adding to the effects,this is a truly remarkable film.

Arnold all the way
Jan 09, 2001 12:23 PM 1931 Views

Trust Hollywood to come out with new ideas time and again. James Cameroon, gave us one hell of a movie with Terminator. The movie which did catapult Arnold to instant fame. In a way, at that point of time, no one could have done this film better than him. He certainly had the right build, and his dialogue delivery was perfect for the film..robotic all the way. And all he had to actually do was look wooden. But that apart the film was adeptly handles, and it was a rollercoaster of a ride all the way. The action scenes were great, but it was the end that had everyone hooked, When the killer robot comes thro the fire and..see the film folks.

The story had its merits and demerits, but the screenplay was just great. Fast paced, the direction held the film taut through the end.

Nov 23, 2000 02:04 AM 2306 Views

Terminator is a wonderful movie which has all those required ingredients to make a hit movie - violent, action, exciting and thrilling. This was the movie which create a lot of ripples in Hollywood. This movie made Arnold a superstar overnight, James Cameron got married to Linda Hamilton the actress of the movie.

This was the movie which created an actor out of Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was really nice to see Arnold act like a dead real nasty robot with all those really good short and harsh lines. I still remember some of the words which keeps bouncing back to my hears everytime. And one of them which goes with Arnold whereever he is ''I'LL BE BACK!''.

To be frank the movie had a clear cut messages and good production values too. The sets created for this movie was dead real with all those rarely clean stuffs all over place. After seeing this movie, I did really go through a lot of thinking...

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