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Sanjuro Movie Reviews

Best and the bestest
Jul 17, 2018 09:41 AM292 Views

I Thought it was travesty, but then I saw this illustration.

really really amazing movies and best story. Every one have to watch this movie .seriously attractive acting of every character .

not any other movie can beat this movie . Bestest japnese movie . Funny fights . encourage me to do the same as they done in the movie This is the way who to make movie, and encourage peoples who watch movie .

Pirates of the asian...sorry, this is better film
Jul 07, 2006 12:41 AM1719 Views

I wonder what I shall write on this.

most ppl think watching foreign movies is a) yawn b) pretentious c) too much exercise as you have to read subtitles at the same time as watching d) a waste, since none of your friends are interested and you cant discuss it with them without getting bad nicknames e) only for arty-farty types

stories, however, are universal. human nature, which is the subject of study in most Kurosawamovies (Akira Kurosawa is the Satyajit Ray of Japan, for those new to this), turns out to be very universal. And Kurosawais a master director, an early pioneer, whose novel moviemaking was copied by many western movies.

you'll find yourself drawn to the simple characters, gripping storylines, and deceptively easy style of narrative, which often covers very powerful thoughts and ideas.

moreover, once you've seen one Kurosawa film, it becomes easier to see others from him - Folk tales are used as the plotline, and the same actors appear in many films. many share the setting of feudal Japan, when local overlords, and their samurais (warriors) ruled small groups of villages. Power shifts from one leader to another were common, and it was a time of upheaval. a bit like the wild west, where law was the law of the jungle, and yet there was a strict code of conduct for various classes.

Sanjuro's theme is simple - things are not what they appear on the surface.

we first see a band of 9 warriors debating on a dilemma - they have discovered corruption within their ranks, and must decide which one of their leaders, the Chamberlain or the Superintendent who is under him, is corrupt. they meet both privately, and are inclined to trust the man who has the more pleasing and impressive personality.

A lone samurai Sanjuroresting nearby overhears them - and comes to their rescue.

a master strategist, he constantly aids them in outwitting their enemies, and outing the corrupt one. it is often a battle where mind must prevail, for they are outnumbered by the corrupt one's supporters, and their leader is no less shrewd. what follows is as absorbing as a chess game between two grandmasters, where each counter the other's move with ingenious tactics.

Toshiro Mifune, whom you will see in many Kurosawa films as central character, plays Sanjuro - the eccentric, unpredictable, wily jackal of a strategist whose appearance is unimpressive, and so he's often underestimated, and his ideas usually rejected at first, until his supporters realize he's ahead of the game. The main characters are played by well known actors in japanese cinema, so they hold your attention, but the side actors's performances are often basic. still, this story, which has the feel of a panchatantra story, or game of wits, will keep you on the edge of your seats.

put aside your reluctance, and watch one of these Kurasawas. its nothing to do with being fashionable, or hi-fi taste. its just plain and simple good cinema. you dont need any more skills to watch it than any hindi movie. and these videos are now becoming popular even at your local video pirate's palace.

plot revealed - yes

best to watch with - people of open minds, whoever they are

movie genre - the 'good 'genre - is that enuf for you?

best part in the movie - all scenes with Mifune

(amor does not own any video pirates palace - she just loves to share with u the things that make her eyes shine with enthu )

Another Samurai classic from Kurosawa
May 20, 2004 11:55 PM2003 Views

Toshiro Mifune gives another power-packed performance as the wandering, master-less samurai in Akira Kurosawa’s 1962 movie, Sanjuro. Often regarded as a companion-piece to Yojimbo, which was released the previous year, Sanjuro is another classic “Brain vs. Brawn” movie.

The plot is this:

9 inexperienced samurais decide to expose treachery in their clan. The Chamberlain, who is an honest man, has been imprisoned by the Superintendent, who is responsible for the treachery. These 9 samurais are being hunted by the Superintendent’s men. The mission of these 9 samurais is to free the Chamberlain so that the treachery is exposed to all. Tsubaki Sanjuro, an eccentric, master-less, wandering samurai decides to help them in this mission.

Right from the beginning, the 9 samurais and Sanjuro don’t get along well. The 9 of them always come up with conventional ideas for saving the Chamberlain. Each of these ideas gets them a very sarcastic remark from Sanjuro. He always suggests ideas that, on first thought, would seem to result in disaster. They always disagree. He always explains the significance of his ideas. Most of the time, they understand and act accordingly. His ideas work all the time. Whenever they disagree and execute one of their own ideas, they get into serious trouble and Sanjuro grudgingly saves them with another ingenious plan.

The movie then goes on to show how Sanjuro and the 9 samurais outwit the Superintendent and his men to free the Chamberlain.

Sanjuro features outstanding performances by all it’s actors. Toshiro Mifune, who plays Sanjuro, is brilliant, as usual. He is an absolute delight to watch. The actors who play the 9 dumb, inexperienced Samurais have done a great job looking and acting genuinely dumb and helpless. Tatsuya Nakadai excels in his role as Muroto, the brain among the evil men.

The story, screenplay and direction are very good. The plot, though not as good as Yojimbo’s, is still very interesting. The camerawork is outstanding.

The soundtrack is catchy, like the background music of it’s predecessor Yojimbo. In fact, the very stylish theme from Yojimbo is featured in this movie too.

Since they both have the same theme and the same protagonist, one cannot help but compare Yojimbo and Sanjuro. While Yojimbo is very fast-paced, Sanjuro tends to move on a little slowly. Sanjuro does not boast of the dark humor very abundant in Yojimbo. Comparing both, I would say that Yojimbo is a better movie.

Sanjuro, on the whole, is a good movie. It is funny, action-packed and very entertaining. It is a movie that showcases the triumph of the mind over muscle. Don’t miss it!

PS: Do check out my review on Yojimbo if interested. Here’s the URL:



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