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Info for Robinson Crusoe

Release DateSep 16, 2016
CastIlka Bessin, Dieter Hallervorden, Matthias Schweighofer, Laila Berzins, George Babbit, Ron Allen
DirectorVincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen
MusicRamin Djawadi
ProducerGina Gallo, Mimi Maynard, Domonic Paris, Ben Stassen, Caroline Van Iseghem
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Robinson Crusoe Movie Reviews

Lengthy adventure
Oct 30, 2016 06:23 PM 1637 Views

I watched this movie because of its strong plot. story seems to be quite impressive but the way the director expressed can be cut short.

cast had been very well. Narration was the one thing which I loved the most

the parrot seems to be quite adorable

the adventure the movie had is awesome

in the movie there is a part at which the director tries to convey that humans and animals can be together in harmony. thats what makes the movie a very big eye catcher.

as far as the title concerned ROBIN CURSOE is more or less like a persons name where the adventuress done by him are faded. the name could be as THE ISLAND OF MYSTRY AND ROBIN CURSOE. well the decided name is also not too bad either

you can spend some money on it to watch with your kids and family

no absurd bold scenes with adult explicit content seems to be found. encourages love towards animals and promotes will power to survive in harsh situations of life whioch could be so useful for your children

as far as comedy is concerned it inlcludes many such shots where you can find yourself hilarious laughing and cracking smiles due to kind of acts performed by the characters.

I liked the goat and the freaky looking cat couples

I wonder how could cats survive in the island of death and bear such a huge population of offsprings hahaha!

the movie kept me quite glued or stuck to the seat in the theatre, well I didnt watch it in imax even though it is quite impressive in normal screen

the final part kept me stuckto the screen I was dying to watch the climax. hilariously cursoe finds himself in trouble in hands of pirates.

pretty impressive graphics given by animated studio.the cgi chartacter of cursoe was like a old man they copuld have improved it. the way they build that tree house was quite impressive many struggled to build that

the final fight between cats and pets was marvellous

finalll not bad movie but with a quite boring slow plot mad me feel snorling myself in the seat

the climax goes rampage on the eveli creepy cats and the kind hearted loving animlas.

I saw many kids along with their mommas pappas grannys coming to watch it in a enthusisatic way

hope you all love it and stick your minds to the character not to the plots

Totally Boring
Oct 05, 2016 11:33 AM 1249 Views (via Android App)

The actors play good role in this movie

But the direction is much more good if they think more as possible

This is good movie

Slow movie

Not so bad

Nice animation

Not very impressive

Its works very bad and not good movie its really ok movie

Nice animation nothing more in this movie

Director play not well in direction

Bhopal India
Sep 29, 2016 12:32 PM 2238 Views (via Android App)

Borring movi, and animation is good

Everyone remembers blair witch 2 as being the bad one,

But I reckon this new movi will overwrite the memories of disappointment.

The complete lack caracter, emotion, intelligence and innvation makes this an exceeding dull 90 minutes.

Having spent two hours in the company of viggo mortensen and his family, l was about ready to sell possessions and movi into a tent in the nearby woods. Direction done a wounderfull job of making the lifestyle

Of the cash family rewarding, but challenging.

Creativity good, and 2star, one time movi .


Robinson Crusoe
Animation not bad
Sep 28, 2016 10:43 AM 1233 Views (via Android App)

Book Summary. Robinson Crusoe, as a young and impulsive wanderer, defied his parents and went to sea. He was involved in a series of violent storms at sea and was warned by the captain that he should not be a seafaring man. Ashamed to go home, Crusoe boarded another ship and returned from a successful trip to Africa.

Bangalore India
Hollywood animated movie
Sep 26, 2016 12:49 AM 1415 Views (via Android App)

It is totaly waste of time and money insted of this waching in theatre I could have wached cartoon network much better than this and animation is totaly not up to the mark I wached this movie but if you ask me stars I would give 0 out of 5. But if you want to enjoy roamance with girl friend this movie recomended go for it

Really not like book
Sep 19, 2016 12:44 AM 1563 Views (via Android App)

Robinson cursoe I watched it. But it is not like what I hv read in the book. But actually movie is a just like a survival movie . this movie has a big platform too. But not a animation level is good not too much fun. I am bored but some parts has like to watch . Movie is not a part od book yup watch it and say what you like in this movie.

rimiki12MouthShut Verified Member
Shillong India
Not based on the Book
Sep 17, 2016 11:09 PM 1571 Views (via Android App)

I dont know any other Robinson crusoe besidw daniel dafoe book and I love it but this movie is not based from the book, From the book Robinson Crusoe is an adventure novel that is enormously popular particularly among young readers. The parts of the story dealing with ship wreckage, mutiny, pirates and cannibals will surely fascinate the young and old alike. The book tells you a great deal of loneliness and how a man survives on an island with no human inhabitants. The major part of the book shows us how Robinson copes with hardship and overcomes his shortcomings thereby leaning to appreciate his strange life. The original book is a little difficult to read with its weird sentence structure; other than that it is a pleasant novel.

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