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Max Payne Movie Reviews

Not as Good as the Game., Slow Phased!!
Apr 18, 2015 08:04 PM 1902 Views

I Watched this movie after I played the max Payne full game on my computer.  Not only that the Trailer was really good looking and was very powerful and since the movie had Mark Wahlberg, I decided to watch the movie.

thou the movie is based on the single person Shooting game Max Payne, the movie is not that good as it was expected, the story line is actually close to the game play plot but the movie movies in really low phase. It get boring with some of the part of the film.

Accepted Facts on Movie Vs Game -

1) The movie mostly has the snowy environment which is as same as the game play.  That makes real close to both the ventures.

2) The strory line is as good and same as the game plot.  Very close. But infact the game itself travels very slow and so as the movie wer some life is required.

3) the Gun fire scene in the game has the micro second effects AKA  high speed photography and the same is seen here in the movie and that makes the fire fight sequences more powerful and detailed.

4) The climax of the movie very closely resembles as that of game but with a little exaggeration.

Unaccepted Facts on movie Vs Game -

1) Actor Mark Wahlberb doest suit the max payne role. Not even close.  Cast selection could have little more cared.

2) The Soundtrack was not that good.  Little Irritating too. It was better in the Game.

3) some scene look biased and could have interpreted wrt to the game to look little more similar to that of the game play.  Without this looked like vague.

Overall, the movie is not Translated well from the game.  A lots of thing could have been taken care of but was not, may be the reason being the$35 million budged.

Again a little disappointment.   Only the gun Fight Action sequences wer acceptable.!

I don’t believe in Heaven. I believe in pain
Feb 16, 2009 11:51 AM 2434 Views

This is how he starts in a cold black winter night. He is desperately searching for answers which have eluded him for more than three years.

He willingly gets a transferring the cold case unit just to keep pursuing the mystery. Like all bad things in bhis life this starts with death of a woman. Leads going nowhere and he is getting restless. He doesn’t care about the rest of the world any more. He wants Revenge. He gets it.

Considering as a fresh attempt it does not fail to impress you. Mark Wahlberg has done a job very well though; those who will try to search for the connection between-the game and movie will be disappointed. There are same characters in movie as well but the game has a different story line.

The movie is just 1.40 Hrs in duration. The first half is given to create chaos and confusion in viewer’sminds, but the later clears all undoubtedly. Being one of my very favorite characters of fiction (Of any form) my views can be little biased about the movie. But it’s worth a watch for sure.

As any other Hollywood movie the visual effects don’t fail to impress, but feels like the first part could have been better. The screenplay and script could have been richer as itis in the game. Not all is adaptable always it seems.If you are fan of Max Payne, then you must have seen it already. If not then also thiswould be a good watch.

No Max Payne
Dec 04, 2008 10:16 AM 2804 Views

I remember those idyllic afternoons(days really) which I spent playing the first installment of Max Payne on my PC some 7 odd years back. Ahhh.The wonders of'Bullet Time'.The feature with which one could slow down time so to speak and play the game in slow motion(for a limited period of time).Playing the game on its toughest'New York Minute' mode.Then came the second installment of the game.I played it on the PS2.and loved every moment of it.One thing that particularly had me hooked on both the games was the story, the game play and the references to Norse Mythology(read Valkyr, Ragnarok etc. etc).What a pity that almost NOTHING has translated on to its'BIG' Hollywood outing.I say almost instead of absolutely nothing just because of the fact that Max Payne has been played by Mark Wahlberg.The only saving grace in what is otherwise a disaster of a movie adaptation of a cult video game.

The Plot:- Cops wife and kid are Killed.Cop seeks revenge.Kills a whole lot of people(read bad guys.well mostly.) to get to the bottom of who killed his family.Along the way he gets to uncover lot of other stuff which has bearing to his families extermination. That is the story line of the game in a nutshell. Thats what they have gone with in the film as well.more or less.Mark Wahlberg is the right fit as the brooding, caustic and trigger happy Max Payne.This and the occasional stylised violence are the only bright spots in what is otherwise perhaps the most insipid video game adapt in the last decade(oh.wait that dubious distinction should perhaps go to Hitman).The director(John Moore) has given us better fare in the past such as Behind Enemy Lines.This movie however is definitely his Water world.

No high octane action or witty lines, screenplay that drags and Even Quantum Of Solace's hottie Olga Kurylenko fails to make an impression in the flick.All this adds up to a very disappointing movie experience. Shame on you John Moore for Max Payne might have been different. The influential third person shooter was incredibly cinematic, all dark characterization and bullet-time gunplay.Those wide-open possibilities about where this movie can go get so narrowed down into something very very mediocre.To all those nay sayers who say'what can you expect out of a video game adap?'.

say take a look at Tombraider to understand what can be accomplished.For every Mario super bros, Doom or Hitman that tanks at the box office one can have a Tombraider or Silent Hill.Possibilities are endless. This time we have been let down.


Max Payne
"Not yet, Max"
Dec 02, 2008 04:05 PM 2199 Views

Frankly i wanted to rate this bad, but somehow couldn't get myself to do it! Reason, i**just loved the game so much that anything associated with it can't be bad after all.

But this is a movie review not a game review, so back to the movie... Max payne is a terrible terrible movie, all the strong points about the game, **like the humor, the sarcasm, the voice over, the cool villans, bullet-time. Everyone of these points are missing!! Yeah there are 2 shots that can pass off as bullet-time, but thats about it!

Now am sure anyone who has played the game would know the plot, but still for the record, here i go..

Max's is a cop whose wife and child is killed now he wants to take revenge and in the process uncovers some secrets. Thats it. Short n simple, unfortunately can't say that about the flim, although it is only 2 hrs long, it feels like an eternity watching it!

The good thing though is they have kept the names of the characters and the places intact, so each time you hear them, there is a certain nostalgia that kicks in. The other good point - mark walberg is convincingly monomaniacal as max payne, a rogue cop seeking vengeance for the murder of his wife and child. Even the new bond gal makes a brief appearance in the film. There are hundreds of video games being made in to movies targeting the fans of the video games, its all right make some money, but put in some efforts to earn it man... Give us fans something to cheer about.

Max payne may well be the most tedious trip to a cinema you make all year, well not exactly its better than x-files 2 or is it? Whatever may be the case its forgettable!

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