I Watched this movie after I played the max Payne full game on my computer. Not only that the Trailer was really good looking and was very powerful and since the movie had Mark Wahlberg, I decided to watch the movie.
thou the movie is based on the single person Shooting game Max Payne, the movie is not that good as it was expected, the story line is actually close to the game play plot but the movie movies in really low phase. It get boring with some of the part of the film.
Accepted Facts on Movie Vs Game -
1) The movie mostly has the snowy environment which is as same as the game play. That makes real close to both the ventures.
2) The strory line is as good and same as the game plot. Very close. But infact the game itself travels very slow and so as the movie wer some life is required.
3) the Gun fire scene in the game has the micro second effects AKA high speed photography and the same is seen here in the movie and that makes the fire fight sequences more powerful and detailed.
4) The climax of the movie very closely resembles as that of game but with a little exaggeration.
Unaccepted Facts on movie Vs Game -
1) Actor Mark Wahlberb doest suit the max payne role. Not even close. Cast selection could have little more cared.
2) The Soundtrack was not that good. Little Irritating too. It was better in the Game.
3) some scene look biased and could have interpreted wrt to the game to look little more similar to that of the game play. Without this looked like vague.
Overall, the movie is not Translated well from the game. A lots of thing could have been taken care of but was not, may be the reason being the$35 million budged.
Again a little disappointment. Only the gun Fight Action sequences wer acceptable.!
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