Movies of this sort just aren't made anymore, they are special because of their exceptional creative plots of mystery, the unexpected, and an errie portrait of the eccentric to which they are often well depicted in an eerie way. In Richard Attenborough production and adaptation of William Goldman's novel "Magic" Sir Anthony Hopkins portrays a very disturbed eccentric ventriloquist and a defrocked showman whose fall from showbiz just doesn't sit to well with him.
“Magic” is certainly worth watching, and lead actor Anthony Hopkins does quite well with acting in his unusual chilling lead role.
In this movie, Sir Anthony Hopkins portrays Porky a showbiz ventriloquist whose isolated life causes him to form an unhealthy relationship with his puppet Fats, and partner on the stage.The relationship between Porky, and Fats becomes very frightening because Porky has developed an unusual and disturbing mental dependence on his lifeless puppet. His puppet controls his mind, and body. Porky looks like fats, and assimilates his emotions, and vocal commodities. Together Fats, and Porky go on a rampage of murder, and mayhem; transforming himself into the characteristics of his puppet.
Dispite all of the above Porky falls in love with a long lost love, and plans to run away with her(Ann Margret) until his emotions take a devastating turn for the worst. Porky kills two people, his agent(Meredith Burgess) who suspects his mental unsuitability, and his lover's first husband. Porky falls apart mentally when his imagination back fires, and he becomes reckless talking to himself, and utimately killing himself with fats in his hand.
As I mentioned earlier, "Magic" is definitely worth watching. I found its plot to a bit strange, but well done. Anthony Hopkins provide great acting in his chilling role as a defroked showman who goes on the brink of insanity when creating a human relationship with his puppet. In “Magic” we see a man whose controlled by something that's non human. Lead actor Anthony Hopkins provides a chilling and well-done performance in his early acting role in “Magic”(1978).
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