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Knocked Up Movie Reviews

Uttarakhand, India India
Knocked Up : An Unforgettable Experience
Jun 27, 2018 09:42 PM 326 Views (via Android App)

Knocked up, a masterclass from the maker's of 40 years old virgin. Judd Apatow again comes with a unique story. It's not a fiction. The comic incidents goes on in film can happen with anyone if he/she are having hard times. The duo of Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd is excellent. Everyone is awesome in their roles. Seth Rogen is in lead role. For me, it's the best role performed by Seth. If anyone is having a boring life then he/she should definitely watch this movie. Fellas I am not lying. In this movie, a halcyon guy named Ben stone meets Alison Scott who works for a TV channel at a bar. Guys here we have two strangers having similar desire. They both have some fun at Alison's residence. Later on Alison is gobsmacked by knowing that she has got pregnant. It all happened accidentally. I doesn't want to reveal suspense . The movie then take sweat comic turns. Debbie, Alison's sister asks her to abort baby. But Alison decides to keep baby. She keeps everything secret. Nor her friends nor her channel knows anything about her pregnancy. Now Alison is on a mission to find Ben. Meahwhile Ben and his company are busy in wiping out their financial problems. After finding Ben, Alison tells him about her pregnancy. It's upto Ben whether he supports her or not. Our hero Ben decides to help Alison. They both develops intimate love towards each other and starts living together. Real life problems comes into existence. Alison after telling everything to her channel gets maternity leave while Ben is running out of money. Right now Alison is living with Debbie and her husband Pete. Here happens something unexpected. Both Ben and Alison seperates 'coz of Ben's carefree attitude. Due to money shortage Ben isn't able to do anything much. Alison gets irritated over Ben 'coz she thinks that he can never be a good father. On other side, Pete too is unhappy with his married life. He is fed up doing altercations with Debbie. So in order to be happy the duo of Pete and Ben sets a trip to Vegas. When both returns home, dispute between Pete and Debbie is over but rift between Alison and Ben widens. One day , Pete and Debbie goes on a holiday while Alison is alone at home dealing with infamous labor pains. There is no one to whom she can call. Then she calls her former first mate Ben. Without any reluctance, Ben comes to her aid and takes her to hospital. Alison gives birth to her baby and then knows importance of Ben. She is assured that Ben is going to be a good father. Ben has taken his liabilities and the couple moves into their own house.

Good funny movie
May 05, 2015 03:27 PM 1275 Views (via Mobile)

Ben Stone(Seth Rogen) meets Alison Scott(Katherine Heigl) at a bar, they get drunk and have a little fun afterward, then they part ways.

That is, until a few weeks later, Alison discovers she's pregnant and Ben is the father. This simple story makes up the hilarious film Knocked Up. I really enjoyed this, it has a lot of great laughs and it also has a lot of heart spread throughout.

Seth Rogen does an excellent job, I'm glad he's been given the chance to be the lead in such a big film. And Katherine Heigl is equally entertaining. The two of them are so great together, they're just so much fun to watch on screen. The supporting actors are also wonderful. Leslie Mann and Paul Rudd are perfect together. And I think Kristen Wiig steals the show with her small yet hysterical role as one of the workers at E!.

When people go to see this they'll want to compare it with 40 Year Old Virgin. Though I'm not a big fan of comparing movies to other movies, I guess I'll have to go through with it. For me, 40 Year Old Virgin is a funnier movie, but Knocked Up is a better written film and it has more heart to it. Both films based their story on a simple premise(a nerdy 40 year old hasn't had sex, a guy has a one night stand and gets the woman pregnant), but it seems like 40 Year Old Virgin used its idea to just get laughs. Knocked Up, on the other hand, uses its set up and continues the story throughout the film, developing its characters.

So, Knocked Up is a very enjoyable film, it has some big laughs(I particularly love the side story with the bearded roommate) but its also very sweet at times. I'm sure people will love it. See the movie and you'll get more than just laughs.


Knocked Up

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