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Info for Inside Job

Release DateOct 08, 2010
DirectorCharles Ferguson
MusicAlex Heffes
ProducerAudrey Marrs, Charles Ferguson
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Inside Job Movie Reviews

Sep 11, 2011 07:04 PM 3890 Views


It was hot. It happened. It should not happen. Again.

What happens when you wake up one morning and shockingly found yourself an an

Absolute lurch? With no job, melted insurance protection, drained savings,

equity stocks, bonds plummeted to new nothings?

Unfailingly , unwittingly and unmistakenly too, it can be easily stated that USA is

the capital Of capitalism. Ine can easily visualize capitalism written all over the

contours of America.

Charles Ferguson’s “Inside Job” is a rare and meticulous effort which has a charm

of a racy thriller , well researched and smartly documented which sometimes offer

the viewer a classroom feel. The title suggests a racy Hitchcockian suspenseful

thriller or even a heist flick but is a briskly paced docudrama telling a

story of economic crimes, social stigma. It encompasses the American economic

depression of 2008 where it mirrors, how the Americans were cheated, looted and

stripped off the trust of the giant corporate, banks, insurance co and

financial institutions they were proud of.

The documentary, which begins in a calm mood, grows on us gradually, spelling

surprises and shocks, making us angry and incredible.It simply amazes us with the

density of information of this complex but interesting subject. Its an

electrifying journey from 1980 to 2008—from the emergence of financial

deregulation in 80’s to 2008 tragic subprime bubble. The movie is not a singular

effort/labour of Ferguson. In fact it is the successful participation of numerous

journalists –books---articles…which has paved the way to a very strong economic

message all over the world.

The text of the movie can be squeezed as under:

1 The random and wayward deregulation of the financial services industry in


2 Stock market playing s pivotal role in an average American life, growing


Of complex and risky derivatives

3 Real estate bubble

4 Subprime lending explosion.

Everyone saw and knew the gradual development of the above and were celebrating as

Vindications or the power and wisdom of markets. Even when stock markets made new

highs profits swelled , there was a definite apprehension in the minds of stray

investors, economists govt. machinery that something is definitely going wrong

with frenzied speculation. But these apprehensions were

buried, suppressed, dismissed and ignored neatly by self sworn investment


The film clearly folds—endless interviews and clips paving the way for an

absorbing history smartly narrated by Matt Damon( of bourne franchasie).It

brightens up story which rests its anger on reason, research and argument. It

offers a sweeping saga which takes the viewer back to Reagon administration to

the present anatomy of financial crisis.

Perhaps, unsurprisingly, many of the players declined to be interviewed. Many shyed

and did not submit to the Ferguson’s questionare. The warning of catastrophic

meltdown by Raghuram Rajan , chief economist of IMF in 2005 was smoothly ignored.

Some investment bankers were betting against the positions they were pushing on

their customer.Consumer loans tied up into securities—certified as sound by

rating agencies paid by bankers and insurance co vis credit

Default swaps (CDS )One risky bet was stacked on top of another and in retrospect

the collapse of the whole edifice—along with the loss of jobs, homes, pension and

political confidence.

Ferguson pointed out fingers , an addition to bankers and govt., to academician—

where economists were corrupted by consultancy fees and when questioned were

reduced to stammering confusion.

“Inside Job”is a serious movie …a demanding one but not without flaws. It hardly

showed the Effects of financial crises on the common man. Again , Warren Buffet

, the prophet of value Investing, investment gurus like Marc Faber, Mark Mobius

are clearly missing. Again with the arrival Of Obama administration most of the

prominent posts were occupied by the players responsible for the crises.

What’s happening now? August 11 has been the most eventful month for America and

the international stock markets (including India). The US economy downgraded by

Standard and Poor credit rating agency from AAA+ to plain AAA for the first time

in 100years has sent shivers globally.That USA has been stripped off from its

numero uno status has come a shocker to one and all. American downrating along

with the European debt crisis of PIIGS ( Portugal Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) has

cast ablack shadow over global economies including BRIC

countries so much that all the global stock markets fell like a pack of cards.

Still, “Inside Job’ positively calls for an imperative and inspirational watch for

finance students investment bankers, stock market analysts, insurance consultants

and to top it all a common

Movie buff.

Scripted and Reviewed by


(Financial and Entertainment analyst)


Inside Job

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