I just watched this film, not knowing at all what to expect. I suppose I should have known in the first 20 minutes that it was going to be poor, but I felt compelled to watch it anyway.
This was a great breakout role for Meg Ryan, who plays a very plain and boring Frannie, much unlike her cute girl next door roles of the past. A school teacher that is very supressed and a witness to an imminent crime. Protected by the shadows in the basement of a bar, she witnesses a man and a woman engaged in sexual activity. She later learns that a murder has happened and she believes it is the man (with a tatoo on his wrist) that has killed the woman (the female of the encounter). Mulloy, the detective on the case (Mark Rufallo) becomes involved with Frannie. As it happens, he has the very tattoo that she saw.
The rest of the film is ''Did the Detective do it?'' Well the only reason that I cared was that he was very interesting in his portrayal. Even better were the hot scenes. I am sure that I blushed watching the film. Mulloy is very blunt, crass and extremely engaging. Even though the boring and suppressed Frannie needed to be ''enlightened'', I kept wondering why would she keep making the choices that she was making. The murderer is now a serial killer and even the people around her are in grave danger...What was the matter with her!!!!
The characters, with exception to Mulloy, were all very boring, poorly developed and underplayed. The plot was dull and forced at times and the cast, although a good line up also very poor. Jennifer Jason Lee playes Frannie's sister, Pauline. The complete opposite to her sister. Kevin Bacon plays a very pitiful ex-boyfriend. Both great actors and really poor in their roles.
Thank God for TiVo. I forwarded through the slow scenes and when the end finally came, I was both relieved and frustrated. No spoilers here...It really won't make a difference if you know WHO DUNNIT. If you want to know, just let me know!
I have to comment on one last detail: As you know I often wonder with each movie how the title fits in (or not). I was completely baffled with this one...

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