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Hitler:The Rise of The Evil Movie Reviews

For a few good men to do nothing...
Dec 29, 2007 06:06 PM1427 Views

Hitler – The Rise of Evil is a story based on the rise of Adolf Hitler from a corporal during the First World War to the post of the Dictator of Germany. A very powerfully told tale, it made for very enthralling watching…


The German nation was just emerging out of the First World War in 1918, and the Versailles Treaty{Wherein the German nation was required to pay out a tidy sum per annum to the victors of the war in addition to having severe restraints on Military Forces’ Size, Armaments etc}. The de-listed soldiers were drifting about, and one of these was none other than Corporal Adolf Hitler.

Around 1929 came the great market crash, which lasted till 1933. This was a critical point, as among the rich class were a majority of Jews… which helped a great deal in the rise of Hitler. It helps if you keep these points in mind while watching the movie. The crash came on top of the existing hard-ships being faced by the German public, which fuelled the rise of Hitler.


Field Marshall Paul Hindenburg: Then President of Germany{Circa 1933}.

Hermann Goring: Head of the Luftwaffe, and decorated hero of the First World War

Joseph Goebbels: Propaganda Minister for the Nazis

Rudolf Hess: Adolf Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer{The Rudolf Hoess of the Concentration camp infamy was a different officer!}

Erich Ludendorff: A German chief of staff in WW1 and later: one of the first supporters of Hitler

Ernst Hanfstaengl: Hitler’s press agents, one of his first followers and also one of his first defectors!

Ernst Rohm: Officer of the SA, who were the paramilitary arm of the Nazi Party during the 20s and the 30s

Eva Braun: Hitler’s Wife{Yup – married April 29 1945}

Fritz Gerlich: One of Hitler’s most vociferous antagonists and a press reporter

Geli Ruabal: Hitler’s Niece

Adolf Hitler: Needs no introduction!


The movie/mini-series per se is excellent, and is made in an arty style, and accurately portrays the principal characters except Hitler, who is shown as a neurotic character bordering on almost crazy. What makes it interesting is that the movie also touches on how the principal characters like Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goring and Joseph Goebbels were introduced to and joined forces with Hitler. Remember  that all three were principal elements in the Second World War, and played key roles in WW2.

The movie is gripping, and explores the rise of this key world figure of the 1900’s very well{despite some inaccuracies}. The performances of the principal cast – Hitler, Hess, Hanfstaengl, Ernst Rohm, Fritz Gerlich, Hanstaengl and Ludendorff are power-packed, while Hindenburg has over – acted a little. The script moves smoothly and traverses a 15 – year period quite well and direction is nearly flawless. The photography and the sets are pure class. All in all, worth a watch if you ignore the major gaffs that have been committed

First of all, the portrayal of Hitler as a maniac is not substantiated by history, which has him as a very charming personality in private, a measured{but cruel} and logical thinker, a great orator and above all a crowd-puller of tremendous proportions

Second, the movie does not sufficiently take into consideration that anti-semitism was quite wide – spread during those days, and that the german nation was very disturbed. Also, the fact that the Western World was at its weakest{with widespread political turmoil, fall of colonialism, inflation, depression/ economic crash) during the years of the rise of Hitler has not been explained well. The script does not explain fully the fact that Hitler was an ELECTED head of state! It just glosses over it.

Third, the total omission of Heinrich Himmler rankled, and was inexplicable, especially as he was the head of the SS{Shutzstaffel – german for protective squad}, and was its member since as early as 1925

But, having said that, it is still worth a watch, because:

1)      Acting

2)      Direction

3)      The Sets

4)      It gives a reasonable idea of how Hitler rose to power

It is always difficult to make a period movie, and therefore movies of this genre will always miss out on something. If only the portrayal of Hitler was more accurate, the movie / mini-series would have rated as at least a 4-star effort. In a nutshell almost everything was kept to historical facts, and the presentation of the same was also excellent, as even a person not too aware of the background would absorb it.

By All means watch it… it is a good movie!


Hitler:The Rise of The Evil