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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Movie Reviews

Bargari India
Person before dying must see harry potter series
Jun 11, 2019 12:57 PM 256 Views

This serires is about life of child who goes to magical world which is fully adventures I has 7 part so plz see and comment how is your review about this

Potter Head
Jun 22, 2018 02:47 AM 1691 Views (via Android App)

It is one of the best movie of the Harry Potter series. It is the 6th movie of the series. In this the professor Dumbledore dies. Ginny weasley confess her love for Harry Potter. Harry meets new professor slughorn and becomesfriends of them to achieve something special from them. Professor snapped kills Dumbledore in the fort.

RightwriterMouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
Time for no. 6 adventure HALF BLOOD PRINCE
Jun 09, 2018 03:21 PM 772 Views (via Android App)

Hello everyone RIGHTWRITER here, writer of harry potter is a real story teller all the part of movies are best superb awesome. We will look about movie harry potter adventure no. 6 the half blood prince. In this movie professor dumbledore and harry finds the secret of voldmort’s never dying reason. Before start telling story of this movie I want to tell you that this one is most comedy type movie of all series so it is strongly recommended by me for you to watch it.

Firstly harry meets dumbledore at kings cross station. He took harry to meet professor slughorn old chemist teacher of school. It was compulsory to make him join back to school because he was the only one who knows the secret of tom riddle or voldmort. He joined school for harry. Now dumbledore gave him work to get the secret of voldmort. Harry had made a place of him in slughorns heart now he did started doing his work. He had got the book of half blood prince. The book due to which he was placing no. 1 in whole class and also he had won a bottle of lucky potion. He used this potion for professor and got real luck victory. Now harry and professor dumbledore had known the secret. They both tried to find a hookrucks to destroy it. First they had gone to a cave for it they also found one of them but that was not real the real one was already stolen by RAB brother of serious. After coming from there they got life bearer in school, they came in school to kill dumbledore. This all was the plan of dumbledore and professor snape as according to plan professor snape killed dumbledore to get trust of voldmort. All things are done according to plan. But harry potter got the wrong image of snape in his mind. Finally he tried to fought with snape and then he known that professor snape is half blood prince. This is the end of this part on that day he also decided to find and destroy all hookrucks and also he decided to not to came back to school. The war had been started in movie now. U should have to watch it.

Thanking you


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Something something on all parts of the books of h
Feb 17, 2017 11:07 PM 1113 Views (via Mobile)



It is arguably stated that Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is the greatest wizard of our time, and though he is(sadly) a fictional character, he is still one of the wisest men ever invented. Dumbledore has voiced a myriad of inspirational advice, but I only included what I thought were the most inspirational.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” –The Chamber of Secrets

“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” –The Goblet of Fire

“The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.” –The Prisoner of Azkaban

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone

“Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone

“There are all kinds of courage, ” said Dumbledore, smiling. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone

“People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.” –The Half-Blood Prince

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” –The Goblet of Fire

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.” –The Goblet of Fire

“We cannot choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.” –The Order of the Phoenix

“It is important, ” Dumbledore said, “to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.” –The Half-Blood Prince

pk4990634MouthShut Verified Member
Shahabad Markanda India
Harry potter best movie
Jan 20, 2017 02:10 AM 1387 Views (via Android App)

Harry potter movie many parts in this movie all parts are superhit this time.Extremely beautiful movie. Although there are a couple of odd scenes; people kissing to the right in the middle of one of the darkest scenes with Malfoy, the parts with Ginny, the whole showing of Harry is old enough to kiss now-part and so on, it had some great effects, very nice ( and spectacularly different) images, and an experimenting change between the different genres. The part from when Harry drinks the potion of luck and 15-20 minutes ahead, is almost Tarantino'ish in it's dialogue and acidness, which made it some of the best couple of minutes I've seen in a while in a non-Tarantino movie. I usually hate the Harry Potter-movies, but this one was almost half as good as the book.

I like this movie.

Unlocking Secrets Of Voldemort
Jan 09, 2017 08:33 PM 1029 Views (via Android App)

Good and interesting movie for the ones who are interested in knowing new things. One of the finest and good at commercial level film in hollywood. For the harry potter lovers, the movie will introduce you with the biggest twist and turns in the series of harry potter. It will even introduce you about the real face of one of the characters in the story. Also, a knowledgable book is kept in movie as a twister in harry potter's life. One would not like the ending part of the film? but the movie is really an excellent one. This one, among all the series, is the most suspensive one. So one should definately have a watch at it.

vaibhavsingh022MouthShut Verified Member
Kushinagar, India India
Best magic movie
Nov 18, 2016 02:56 AM 1189 Views (via Android App)

Harry potter and the Half blood prince is a magical Hollywood movie with awesome 3d effects which makes the viewer to enjoy the movie. In this movie the friendship of Harry Potter, harmoiny and ron is very awesome. The setup of this part of movie is truly amazing. In this part the death of Dumbledore changes my mind. It was a negative thing in my mind but when I watch the full movie I feels that the plotting of movie was very surprising. The dialogue delivery was also amazing. Every character in this movie has equal and important role. That's why this is my favourite movie. So everyone have to watch this movie.

Mumbai, India India
Harry potter
Jun 18, 2016 06:52 PM 909 Views

Hardly watch war type movies because they are little bit boring with no comedy only war and fight but this is first ever war movie which entertained me all over with awesome acting of harry potter and cool dialogues.

This is also a very heart touching story of a great warrior who fought 42 times but never lose any time.

And mastani who is the 2nd wife of harry potter harry potter loves her both wife same but his incentives family people dealt badly with harry potter never lose any fight but lose his life fighting with his family to give proper space to  and son in his family.Its a awesome highly recommendable movie.I like it.

Dehradun India
Awesome Movie ??
Jun 17, 2016 01:33 AM 1714 Views (via iOS App)

The crown jewel of the Harry Potter series, "Half-Blood Prince" is one of the finest novels I've read in my lifetime.

Having allowed us to watch Harry evolve and mature for so many years, Rowling finally lifts the veil, so to speak, humanizing the larger than life characters of not just Dumbledore and Snape, but significantly and achingly, Tom Riddle.

This is love letter to one of the hardest things we all experience: the moment that your idols become your peers, your parents become your friends, and your superiors your equals, when you realize we're all in this together and that it is nobody's job to shelter you, and when, finally, you realize that people are absolutely human.

Rowling's affection for her characters and her sympathy for even the most vile of her creations ( the Malfoys and Voldemort himself) are at the heart of Harry Potter's lasting beauty and insight. Here, she explores her three most fascinating creations, and one wishes the story would never end. But it does, and when it does, Harry is faced with the same challenge that Rowling subjects her readers to: how much faith do you really have in what you've been told, and do you believe, at the end of the day, that good really does win out?A timeles classic. One of my favorites, ever.

vijayksbMouthShut Verified Member
Panchkula India
Must watch this movie
Jun 14, 2016 12:28 PM 1580 Views (via Android App)

I am a very big fan of harry potter series but this is the best part of the complete harry potter series. I am a huge fan of professor snape. He has performed fabulous role in this movie.

The moment when the secret of the half blood prince revealed and every comes to know that professor snape is the half blood prince I was shocked I love that moment.

The suspence of the half blood prince makes it more intresting. The concept of the half blood prince's book was great.

Good movie
Apr 13, 2016 06:23 PM 1816 Views (via Android App)

I didn't like this movie because in the end of this movie the profeessor dumbledore kill by malfoy

This movie is good but the end is not good and the movie is full of adventure and romance, comedy. I have seen these movie in my mobile. My frnd like these movie

Awesome movie
May 05, 2015 02:36 PM 2651 Views (via Mobile)

All in all, Harry Potter is growing up. And so is the market for these movies. If you've seen all the movies up to now or read all the books, and your are at an age to appreciate the adult themes and movie techniques, this movie should fall pitch-perfect on your ear.

You are likely to leave the cinema filled with a heart-wrenching sadness for innocence lost.

Magical world ever seen in film
May 02, 2015 05:43 PM 2523 Views

The Harry potter movie is just simply awesome to watch it with friends and family too!. The casting of this film is just excellent . This movie can be watched at anytime of the day but should be watched specially at night.

Magical world, harry potter and his friends are really very good to see and I watched this movie because this film shows friendship is what meant up too!. But the worst part is that the film has shown small parts but in book it shows every detail of it.

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh India
Harry potter and the half blood prince
Apr 04, 2015 08:39 PM 2948 Views (via Mobile)

After failing in making an army against the dark lord the threat was incresed. Draco malfoy was given a task of killing albus dumbledoor. If he fails to kill him then snape will have to kill dumbledoor. Dumbledoor came to know that voldemort has partitioned his spirit into seven parts and each one has to be killed in order to kill the dark lord.

The diary was already destroyed and his mothers ring as well by dumbledoor. So only 5were left. He told everything to harry so that can together destroy the hockruxes. But dumbledoor was cought by draco and the other dark wizards and got killed by snape. So now harry has to find if alone to kill voldemort.

ahmedabad India
Sep 29, 2010 04:56 PM 2364 Views

The continuous series of harry potter was promising a lot for this part too but OUSHHH ..... this was a great led down.

The novel is a total classy and this movie was totally disappointing; the way in which the total plot is set up in the novel is not depicted properly in the movie.

Movie has been created more of a romantic mode than the novel had related had.

The Walk in the memory through Pensive is many times more in the novel than the movie. If you are a Harry Potter fan than you will like this movie otherwise this isn't the best of harry potter series movie

Ahmedabad India
Pathetic movie
Jul 18, 2010 04:57 AM 2365 Views

Simply I have got two words for this " "., hmmm u people r damn intelligent and would understand what I meant! So what this movie actually showed us was not what shud have and what it must have. That means the story in the movie was far different from the book in the first place, it just entertained the couples in the movie, like Rupert and emma, harry and jennie, etc.! The movie was not kinda harry potter movie lately, especially the most pathetic thing in the movie was that there was not'told' and shown much about the HALF BLOOD PRINCE. It abruptly tell us in the later half that Professor Snape is The one, but there is not much told in detail and no description of his connections with voldermot too?

Half Blood Prince Dissapoints
Dec 14, 2009 06:18 PM 2213 Views

First of all let me make it clear that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I have read all the 7 books at least twice. I remember plots of each novel as if I have to recite them in front of an examiner. All the character details I remember as if they are somebody who are very close to me.

So my interest in Harry Potter movies is obvious. I am not one of those fans who wants the book to be made into movies exactly as it is, a director cannot fit a 500 page book into 2 hour movie, to do that he has to remove some things which are not that relevant in the broader scheme of things, but if a director removes relevant and the best part of the book then I think the "creative liberty" concept is being exploited. This movie is a classic case of exploiting the creative liberty given to the director.

This remains one of the best books in the Harry Potter series primarily because it delves into Dark Lord Voldemort's past. It gives us a rare insight into the character Voldemort which was not explored till the 6th book. But in the movie the focus has shifted from Voldemort to love stories of teenagers. The best parts of the book like past memories of Voldemort are skipped to give other plot points screen time. I never understood what the director David Yates was thinking here.

If they are in a constraint from the studio to make a movie within 2-2.5 hours then the director should prioritize which things to show and which not to.

Basically the most essential points should be shown and irrelevant plot lines should be skipped. Here, the director did exactly the opposite, only 2 memories of Lord Voldemort are shown, one when Dumbledore goes to the orphanage and the second one is in which Voldemort and Horace Slughorn have a discussion regarding Horcruxes. Other memories were shockingly left out. Other memories constituted around 1/2 of the book so you can be rest assured that the director has taken extreme creative liberties, unfortunately in the wrong direction.

Few examples of the creative insertions done by the director: I didn't understood the logic of the scene in which "The Burrow" burns down. Burrow plays an integral part in the next book and it would be interesting to see how they fit this into the next part. No explanation is given of the love between Remus Lupin and Tonks. The focus is more on Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger love triangle. Harry's love life is also one of the focus area.

The worst part was the ending in which Harry is looking from the floor below as Dumbledore is being killed. Harry Potter would be expected to fight till his last breath for his loved ones and Albus Dumbledore was one of them. But in the movie he just watches as a spectator to his death. They could have used the Petrificus Totalus charm to justify that, as was done in the book, but they didn't did that.

The fight in the climax which was another highlight of the book, is not shown, the conversation in the end between Snape and Harry is trimmed. The use of cupboard is not explained that well, only people who have read the book would be able to understand what exactly was the use of the cupboard. There was no discussion about the possible Horcruxes which would help Harry in finding them in case if Dumbledore is not there. I could go on and on about the bad points of this movie, it is nonsensical and on entirely different lines as compared to the book. Creative liberties if taken by director is fine if it enhances the overall impact of the movie, but in this case all the good points are left out and he has stuffed this movie with irrelevant things.

This one is the biggest disappointment in the series so far. I have heard that Warner Bros. have contracted David Yates to direct the 7th part also. Lets hope he does justice to the book in that.

There would be people who haven't read the book and would love this movie, for them "Ignorance is Bliss" applies. If there is some one who liked this movie, give the novels a try, you will surely fall in love with the books, all 7 of them, they are simply amazing.

Harry potter..... first time dissapoints
Nov 22, 2009 10:55 PM 1707 Views

Forgetting the book. the movie has a neat story to narrate. the starting was gripping and hooked the audience to seats and the movie slowly went on the dull side. mix up of romance and shyness and sexual

feeling about others was considered major. the plot is excellent but nothing to deliver. yates tried to give a commercial mix up of romance action and of course comedy a bit. the past scenes of the memory were good. but should have been more. a new added scene of fake horcrux in the memory didn"t create any logic. the movie went on the slow side till interval. post interval slowly gained momentum and finally the movie came to a acceptable end. the major scenes like gaunt"S house visit and hupplepuff cup memory should have been included. another critical scene of snape overhearing the prophecy should have been added. but a different plan from the director delivers a bit for the potter fans. but not for normal goers.

it is designed as a magical story but not romance story, action sequences are less. and much importance is not given for other characters in the movie. hagrid is hardly visible. mcgonicall just appears as usual.

the movie was neat with a total mix up of action drama and romance. but half blood prince fails to deliver a proper tale. acting wise: daniel has improved . emma has done her job. rupert is the king. bonnie was dumb. and profound. scadley  hardly was seen. gambon performed neatly.  alan was good. tom felton was apt. rest others got their work done. the plot was neat. editing was crisp. art was subtle and agreeable. cinematography must improve. costumes as usual delivers good. action and cave sequences brings something to visuliaze. finally the audience can leave the hall with 2 great parts of the movie . acting of casts and crisp editing of scenes.

Harry potter and the half hearted movie
Nov 14, 2009 06:48 PM 1730 Views

Harry poter and the half blood prince ia a movie with grand representations and great sounds but the movie failed miserably in representing the book .The movie also has a lot of additions and differs from the books version of the story.The movie also does not satisfly all lot of fans as it is not able to grasp the ausience and make them want to go on....

The movie has great sound effects and beautifully done stunts and dramatized actions but the only thing missing is the plot and the cast performace is also degrading permovie.So harry poters fanatics who have read the book are in for disappointment but those who have not read the book are in for 90 mins or so of fun loving and plotless action....

Book/Movie that make mind to think
Sep 14, 2009 09:52 AM 2438 Views

This book/movie has its own identity. Simply a "MIND HUNTER". The person who is reading is keeps thinking till end. Why is do that? its the biggest question all the time. The movie has a good flow of story. The harmayani plays wonderful role and evergreen Harry Potter plays fantastic acting.

Excellent casting, great story and sequnces match with old stories. Definity a treat to the movie audiance.I think the series of Harry potter should continue and never come to end. I want all kids also to watch this amazing series of Harry Potter. Movie creates an environment such that we got lost in older times "Hoggwords". Well I love to study in this university too, its other part of side.

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is the most balanced Harry Potter film to come along.

This is a movie that steps far outside of the comfort zone and becomes an enthralling and fully-realized gothic fantasy.

Well great book and movie too.


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

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