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Hancock Movie Reviews

Silly comedy, superhero drama.
Jul 18, 2008 04:52 PM 3365 Views

I have been a fan of Peter Berg since I was a kid, thanks to Shocker, and as a director he is even more impressive. Every film he has made has not only been good/great, but also one of the best examples of their respective sub-genres, thanks to his ability to take a story that has been told a hundred times (“two guys who don’t like each other have to team up”, “sports team fights their way to the big game”, etc) and approach it from a different angle than other filmmakers might have.

But here he comes up with some disappointing stuff for a Berg film. Also, I don’t see how a film with two of the most effortlessly charming actors of our generation (Will Smith and Jason Bateman) and one of the most ridiculously beautiful women in the world (Charlize Theron) should have been anything BUT pure entertainment.

Smith plays John Hancock, an alcoholic, irritable, and burnt-out superhero who technically protects Los Angeles (the film appears to take place in the ‘real world’, where Batman and Spider-Man are fictional) from every day criminals.

The new trailer spoils the 2nd half of the film, I won’t do that here, only to say that a ‘twist’ occurs halfway through that you will hate. It’s a tonal shift , , the film simply seems to be traveling in circles, and at the end of the day, the film is about three characters.

It’s Peter Berg’s biggest budgeted film and yet typical well-worn material. The film is all about big action spectacle and other than Hancock himself, there’s nothing really marketable.

In the end, the movie is simply about three people learning to accept their entwined roles in life, set against the backdrop of a big budget superhero movie.

Superhero..who where...
Jul 17, 2008 12:37 AM 2716 Views

Well I think thats a more suitable title for this movie. Utter crap.nonsense.waste of money and time.should have saved that money for buying vegetables for the next meal considering the price rise these days.

I mean, I also dont understand the logic of ratings in leading newspapers where they have foxed people by giving it 3-4stars rating just because it is a Hollywood flick.

If our very own Mithun da or sir Rajni would have done this. it would have been blasted and ghasted by these so called critics.

So the bottom line is we have seen this and I think our above mentioned superstars are much better at stopping the train to save somebodys life and kicking the bad guys asses.

And finally would like to appreciate the fact that Hollywood is learning to make love stories from Bollywood, even for superhero films like this one.

So please save some bucks.

Watch it for will smith
Jul 14, 2008 09:24 AM 2683 Views

Hancock's opening sequence is great which immediately shows the kind of person hancock is and what to expect of this superhero. Alas this initial momentum is not kept. The script could have been outstanding if they so desired but they kept focusing only on hancocks pessimism and depression. Hancocks a superhero who cant age, cant feel pain, has immense strength and cam fly at the speed of light!!!! I see no reason for him to be this down in the dumps.... He feels sad that there is no one else like him on earth and when he finally finds a superwoman ( charlize theron ) he finds out he loses his power if they are together!!! so he keep his distance saving the world and just keeps in touch with the love of his life via telephone!!!! And for a person who doesnt trust people easily he agreed for the services of a public relations expert pretty easily!!!  And the very idea of the so called human villains in this story attemting to take on a superhero... it just doesnt make sense....The movie at times is funny and the visual elements is great but then which hollywood movie is not great in thy segment. But one has to agree on the casting. Will smith is totally believeable as the foul mouthed , ill tempered superhero, Charlize theron as the intimidating stronger superwoman, and jason bateman as the ignorant and sweet docile PR expert is spot on. the movie moves pretty fast too showing only whats needed. Will smith movies always entertain so watch this movie if you are a fan. Its an average fare which wont make you regret for spending time on it.


Not a "must watch".. But definately a "can't miss"
Jul 12, 2008 04:04 PM 3203 Views

Let us do a review without being judgmental. I won’t say if the movie is good or bad. That is your decision to make.

I will just tell you some high points of the movie

• Great visual bombardment. Willie flying around looks amazingly real. I got an amazing feeling of flying fast yet low over the highway.

• Unlike in superman movies, where you know the guy is strong, here it’s amazing how you can feel Willie’s strength.

• You can predict scenes here no surprises… you know the head will go into the ass……… you know Hancock will now say “Good Job” to the cops……. You know Hancock will now take a catch of a girl falling from the sky……

• Here is a Super hero who blows his nose into the camera lens. Flies around drunk in half pants with a bottle of whiskey. Sleeps drunk on pavement bench.

• Good work by Will Smith and the Special FX team. Makes up for the inadequacies of the script writers.

• Very unique characterization of a man who is doing good, seeks public approval in his heart but is very defiant and defensive towards criticism and is totally clueless about how to handle the situation. Has a huge ego, is stronger than others has super powers but acts with the thinking process of a teenager.

• Charlize Thereon Has aged but is amazing. she looks so beautiful as a lady and as a superwoman. She has changed sooooo much… You will not recognize her and I guarantee that.

• It’s a light funny movie with no high powered villain with world destroying sinister plans.

Go expecting to have a good time and you will…. This is one of those movies that some enjoy, some criticize yet everybody sees… A movie that will become a part of Hollywood vocabulary whether you like it or not


Hancock - Utter waste
Jul 12, 2008 11:26 AM 3266 Views

I am a fan of Will Smith and kinda like his movies quite a bit and expected a good story and performance from the'super-hero'. But alas, that was not to be. The superhero in question has a super-companion heroine which we come to know only half way through the film. The film is flawed and utterly dis-jointed with characters being thrown in without a set purpose.

Though the movie does not move into the super-hero'Saving the world' mode, but it does involve a number of sequences which involved'saving the city' from the Bad guys. And hey, by the way, our Super-hero goes to jail and has a make-over so that he can appeal to the mass audience. and may be to justify the title'not your average super-hero'

The performances of Will Smith and Charlize Theron are good., but it does not sustain a thin story line and an insipid script.

Save your money for better movies and you will not regret to give it a miss.

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