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Info for Fury

Release DateOct 31, 2014
CastBrad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña, Jason Isaacs, Scott Eastwood
DirectorDavid Ayer
MusicSteven Price
ProducerBill Block, John Lesher, Alex Ott, Ethan Smith
GenreAction, Drama, War
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Fury Movie Reviews

toshiihsnnMouthShut Verified Member
Sitamarhi India
Jan 12, 2020 06:25 PM 345 Views (via Android App)

This movie is one of best war movie I ever saw based on ww2 history. It shows how the german tanks were powerful than american tanks and facing german tanks like TIGER was the worst nightmare for US soldiers , though they fought against their odds of winning war. The brad pitt has really acted like a real usa soldier who has given most of his days in fighting. The movie shows how life and dying peoples situation can crush and transform the internal soul of a new untrained teenager guy who joined recently army for the country

Pakistan,Lahore India
The concept of Bravery....
Sep 01, 2018 03:20 PM 672 Views (via Android App)

Every person want to servive in all type of conditions.and one condition of these type of condition is war.

Evey one wants to defend himself .and have afrade from hitting a single this condition a man should be brave.and face everything.

This movie touch my soul. actually its not just a is the message for us that how our soldiers sacrifice their lives for us for our country.and for our defense.

Fury is the name of tank.

Jan 20, 2018 11:42 AM 770 Views (via Android App)



Palakkad India
Best drama movie
Oct 31, 2017 10:22 PM 836 Views

It is one of the best drama movie. the war seen becomes more realistic. the actor's performance level becomes super. the background music for this movie is fantastic. each sean reminds the horror of war. we can see what is world war 2. the actors should perform at their best. the choreography level of the movie is awesome. each scene is better than the before one. the camera becomes more effective.

You should watch before you die
Dec 15, 2016 06:51 PM 789 Views (via Android App)

Fury is the one of the fanstactic movie in hollywood

Full movie is based on world war 2 against adlof hitler.

Bradd pitt is in main role he is a tank commender,

Soecial effect in this movie is too good man,

Full action and thriller movie.

Its all about world war 2 to many things are shown in movie how to fight in war and hiws the behavour of commanders like ectxra.

Last and best

You should watch this movie I bet you you watch dubbel .

The Fury of War
Dec 16, 2015 12:30 AM 2356 Views

As known, World War 2 has inspired countless Hollywood & European films since the past more than six decades.Be it Pearl Harbor, Saving Private Ryan, Hart's War, Schindler's List, Where Eagles Dare, Bridge on the River Kwai or the television mini-series Band of Brothers and so on.The number of films in its memory indicates the intensity of that war which was the deadliest in history.One more film has been added under its credit, the 2014 release Fury, based on American soldiers fighting on a tank bearing the name, in the last phase of World War 2 in Nazi Germany.


Early 1945, the American 66th Regiment, 2nd Armored division is commanded  by sergeant Don Collier(Brad Pitt), also nicknamed as "Wardaddy" by his comrades.A battle hardened veteran, he commands an M4 Sherman tank named 'Fury', whose crew members include Boyd'Bible' Swan(Shia Lebeouf), Grady Travis(Jon Berthal) and Trini Garcia('Michael Pena). Many of them have been together since the North African campaign of the war.The original gunner of the tank is killed in battle and a replacement is sent by the name of Norman Ellison(Logan Lerman).Norman is a trained typist but completely untrained at war which leads him to be bullied or hazed by his comrades, especially when he is commanded to kill Germans.

Don is commanded to eliminate pockets of German resistance along the way, but encounter really tough situations where their will and might  are put to the test. They get ambushed by German garrisons in open tank battles and in towns, but fight their way through.Norman repeatedly faces insults and punches by Don and his comrades for his cowardice, but gains courage overtime. They eventually reach a German town and enter the house of a German woman named Emma who is living with her sister Irma.Norman gets affectionate towards Irma and Don is determined to protect the sisters from being harassed by their American comrades.

Once they leave, a German artillery bombardment on the town targeting the American forces results in the death of Emma and Irma, leaving Norman shaken.But yet, he is forced to pull on.

As they proceed, knocking off German units along with their squadron of tanks, their tank'Fury' gets immobilised by a landmine.

This leads Don and his comrades into a flight or fight situation, knowing that anytime, their broken down tank could be on the hindsights of counter attacking German troops. What could be the final outcome? Would they continue on the fight until victory is achieved or would they themselves become martyrs for their nation?


In terms of the performances, the actors were the real soldiers or heroes, if one decides to immerse himself or herself into the movie, just like any other movie or TV drama.

Brad Pitt as Sergeant Don Collier, played a tough and stern leader who could beat the hell out of anyone who dares challenge him or resist his orders, enemies or comrades alike.Such was displayed in his attitude towards Norman when on multiple occasions, he thrashed Norman for displaying cowardice on the battlefield, once for refusing to shoot a German kid armed with an anti-tank weapon, who ambushed and killed  American tank crew members and the second occasion, on refusing to shoot a captured German prisoner.At the same time, he was a true warrior on the battlefield, commanding his comrades and the entire platoon members in destroying small packets of German resistance as they advanced into enemy territory. Despite all odds, he exhibited his humane or softer side in the scene where he warned to shoot his fellow comrades if they harassed the German family, Emma and her sister, in their house. No wonder he earned the nickname "Wardaddy".

Logan Lerman as Private Norman Ellison, played a novice or amateur on the battlefield, having no experience in war .The exact opposite of his commander Don, Norman had to undergo a lot of torment while in the army since he was trained as a typist rather than a sniper.His young looks coupled with his cowardice in acting gives you the impression of a fresher in a college, or in this case, the armed forces and would possibly remind you of the condition of several of the hundreds of thousands of young kids, teenagers in many cases, recruited in the Army during the Second World War to fight for their nation.

Shia Lebeouf as Boyd "Bible" Swan played an energetic tank gunner and a devout

Christian, giving him the title "Bible".Many of his comrades often mock at his sincerity in

his faith but nevertheless he believes in doing his duty of defeating evil to save millions of innocents.

Other performances such as that of Grady Travis, Michael Pena who played tough soldiers ever battle ready to engage the enemy were justifiable or the sisters, Emma and Irma, although brief but authentic in their roles.

Many directors and filmmakers have experimented on the concept of war and thanks to the advancement of technology and other factors, the viewer could feel the war on screen as if he himself is in that situation.I may be exaggerating a bit, but many earlier war movies in the past two decades have been filmed convincingly and battle scenes at times appeared terryfing, egs include Pearl Harbor or Saving Private Ryan, unlike the war movies of the 50's and 60's which today appear nothing more than on stage kids drama which toy guns and fire crackers shown as explosives.

This is what director David Aiyer did exactly in swaying the audiences as per the shots.He shows that war is indeed terrifying as well as the psychological impact it lays on its victims, including the very soldiers doing the fighting.This is particularly the case where Don, fires on an innocent captured German soldier pleading for his life, yet the code of conduct required the Sergeant to pull the trigger and kill him, which appeared quite saddening.

Through the help of similar battlefield locations(shot almost entirely in the English countryside), towns, tanks and weapons(specially the M4 Sherman tank Fury which the movie lays its heart on), and the originality in the look of the American and German forces, Aiyer promises the best to his audiences.


Being a war movie, it is obvious that it would be action cum drama packed.But due to the unforgiving nature of war, certain disturbing scenes are expected and hence this is a recommendation to watch mainly with friends rather than family.

Mandal99MouthShut Verified Member
Kalyani India
Fury- Not the tank. but the life of its family.
Dec 08, 2015 11:38 PM 1956 Views

Being a very fond of war movies related to the World War II, I have felt every thrill of heat in this Brad Pitt's movie-Fury. I have watched great many movies on this topic. but this one really was a different one. It depicted the true and natural situation of the soldiers who were at the battlefront.

Now-a days we just remember them as if some hero with some special powers who united the nation. but this movie throws the butchery and harsh side of their life . that really moved me . Also Brad Pitt helped to this movie to be so extraordinary to me.

Action lovers are in here for a delight
Nov 25, 2015 12:39 AM 1993 Views

Hi, if you havent yet seen Fury and you are hardcore ww2 action movie fan. this movie will sway you away. my choice of action movies is simple. I like to watch world war related movies that does not lay emphasis on too much sentimental music. heroic music is treat to my ears. Fury has certain good as well as certain negative points.

good:- tanks are real. action looks genuine. music is cool. specially during battles.

bad:- german soldiers look very weak. they dont look hardened. As the story in this movie starts in early 1945, might be all the real hardcore german soldiers had died in the war. may be the movie is depicting that.

too much gore and bad language.

if I have to compare this movie with inglorious b* I would give the later more points.

but action is better than inglorious b*. specially when 4 sherman tanks are incountered by a single tiger tank. that heavy armoured tank with an excellent gun destroys 3 of them. enough I think I dont want to tell you the whole movie. ending is little sad. our hero brad pitt .he goes to heaven.

Live Or Die in Battle Tank!!
May 05, 2015 07:31 PM 2134 Views

You might come across many reviews of this movie saying, this movie was not up to the exceptions, people are saying many of the scenes in the movie where scripted in a way to highlight Brad Pitt.

Viewers are just investigating every scene in the movie to find out something bad about it.Now let me tell you something, this movie is loaded with immense Action, Thriller, and Emotions.

Brad Pitt performing a perfect role of a sergeant, who is keeping all his emotions buried inside in his heart and giving a tough fight in World War along with his team.

Its a journey of a small team, fighting Day and Night against Germans with their Military Tanks called "Fury"They Live, Laugh, Fight, Eat together, and Die in that Fury!How cruel we human beings can be!

Please go ahead and watch this movie and Experience the Emotions and Deadlines when we Human Beings Fight for nothing.

pankajparihar08MouthShut Verified Member
vadodara India
Fury Tank- 5 men crew
Apr 17, 2015 07:15 PM 2212 Views (via Mobile)

Fury a american war movie released on October 2014., the main cast of fury is brad Pitt as wardaddy, Shia as Boyd swan, Logan Lerman as Norman, Jon Bernthal as Grady travis and Michal pena.

Fury was the name of the tank of american in Nazi Germany. And it's the time of world war 2. The fury tank and five men crew is lead by Don Wardaddy(bradd Pitt) .and takes a battle in Germany. Its world war 2. And there was huge battle goes on. Logan lerman was the new soldier and he was not experienced with this type of battles, he don't want to kill anyone. He fear to war. However he learns everything how to fight in battle, .

And at last they don't have much bullets for guns, and missiles. They don't have any. And there was a huge Nazi force coming from front. All said leave from here. Let's run from here. They can easily defeat us.

But Wardaddy said no to this. They said I will fight. With What I have. Some bullets and grenades. I will not leave from here. The others said no don let's go. But he was on it tank. Due to this. All crew went to tank. As they always work in team.

And now there was a battle between a tank fury and a huge force of Nazi. A great fight by Fury crew., and they just strike at the whole force. A great battle.

However all of them died. But not Logan. And he manages to keep alive in front of huge force.

A great story fury, a full wartime story, live the acting. Love the cast. Love plot of movie.

A must watch.

prasu.sreejuMouthShut Verified Member
Thrissur India
Mission Accomplished
Apr 17, 2015 01:30 PM 2327 Views (via Mobile)

Tank warfare in the final days of World War II sounds like primo escapism for action freaks. Fury, written and directed with exacting skill and aching heart by David Ayer(End of Watch), doesn't let us off easy with vid-game violence. Ayer thrusts us into the furnace of the Fury, a Sherman tank commanded by Don "Wardaddy" Collier(Brad Pitt), until we feel as battered as the crew.

In their years with Sgt. Wardaddy, gunner Boyd Swan(an outstanding Shia LaBeouf), loader Grady Travis(Jon Bernthal) and driver Trini Garcia(Michael Peña) have tilted their moral compass to view murder as different from killing the enemy. They don't even see the blood on their hands until the arrival of Norman Ellison(Logan Lerman), a rookie driver unprepared for combat. Norman's horror and disgust are a cracked mirror for the crew, until Norman hardens just like his band of brothers. Ayer captures the buried feelings of men in combat with piercing immediacy. Pitt is tremendous in the role, a conscience detectable even in Wardaddy's blinkered gaze. But it's Lerman who anchors the film with a shattering, unforgettable portrayal of corrupted innocence. Fury means to grab us hard from the first scene and never let go. Mission accomplished.

Feb 01, 2015 06:16 PM 3456 Views

To begin with we are just normal human beings.Who never need to do "that much for survival".No, don't take me wrong, I'm not saying, that we don't fight to survive.What I am saying is we never bout to exist, because some of our own think that this recreation of a large and barren wasteland.That we now call, "Our home" has taken us to the throne of ascension.I am again not pointing fingers at anyone, just directing your line of sight to the variety of species this planet has to offer.Ask yourself? Do they collect their meals for hibernation and rest forever, do they harvest on a rugged corpse for their own well being and do they feed their young to just breed them for existence *.Off course not! they need to fight for every inch of nosh they acquire.Just like them, we too are a large specie.Who didn't get this life for free, but got gnawed and crumbled in a *barrage of battle, to nibble on their mother's milk.We are a part of this huge blue ball that always makes it roll and tumble, along with the others.We call it our world because we populate throughout, we call it our world because we renovate it throughout and we call it our world because we look after everything else that is also a part.Its not being a big boss man, its taking command and leading the charge.Through time we have lost many and more will be slayed in the ongoing.Then you suddenly raise this question? does that make us vulnerable? does that stop our race from colliding with brutal arms against "each other".Again hell no! cause this is a place made with such hatred and from the very start of our thumb licking we are cursed of it.There is also the term "nothing" that we can associate with the sentence "we can do about it" with a punctuation.Will that give this line a meaning and draw your senses.Perhaps then your questioning motives can get a rest.There are many scarred and bruised lines on the face of earth, one such ailing geometry is the second world war.Where the allies regrouped and coagulated to erase Nazi Germany from the pages of history.The people fought with utter disgust and culminated rage or fury to stop Adolf Hitler's reign that casted darkness and shadow over the whole world.

The explanation stands as a bold assessment by director David Ayer, new to the race of  barbed wired filmmakers. Ayer's functionality as a war reel maker, takes amends.Sometimes it razors through the drastically played emotions inside the weighted army heart and on the other, smolders like a bullet to give a clear view of the true face, even if it is smirked with blood and reeking of booze.The hatred is played like a "fact" that jells in gore of it all.Courage is another aspect that gets a boost along with the director's credentials.Since, he wants the concept of'outnumbered' to take a break.Leadership is also featured into the fray.As an experienced tactician picks his pieces and rolls the perfect dice.Management is "keyed" with survival.It is the true spirit to keep up with the incoming storm that takes the films characters into a new kind of oz.Here, the land is ruled by the prince or executive producer Brad Pitt. Who instead of cooking an ugly broth, regulates the perfect soup that will keep your bowls tastier every time.

The film takes us to April 1945, from the past calendars.Transcending into solid rocks of giant armour and highlighting the crews inside.The American tanks takes its toll and drives with the other members from the allies, as they crush forward making their final push in the European theater.Rushing through with their respective leaders, The beastly metal vehicles are also followed by an army sergeant named Don "Wardaddy" Collier(Brad Pitt) and his Sherman tank along with a five-man crew.Don or Pitt and his miscreants in the form of a devout T/5 Boyd "Bible" Swan(Shia LaBeouf) a cocky Mexican in the form of Cpl.Trini "Gordo" Garcia(Michael Peña) and the brazier Pfc Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis(Jon Bernthal)  undertakes a deadly mission behind enemy lines.The troop is outgunned and saddled with an inexperienced soldier pvt Norman "Machine" Ellison(Logan Lerman) in their midst, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds as they move to strike at the heart of Kraut country.Will they risk their livelihoods for the ultimate freedom? or will they stand at the crossroad of war .

Director David Ayer's writing is at a trigger as it dismays the outlook of a good(men with guns) plot.It degenerates somewhat and descends down the barrel with a general story line.The melodies tune up to the heated exchanges as music director Steven price modernizes a traditional familiarity.Cinematographer Roman Vasyanov's stellar architectural design takes this cinema into a classic frame altogether.

Watch it for fury or become its critical jury its upto you.

Great Movie, The best that you can never miss
Jan 23, 2015 10:28 AM 2584 Views

Great movie.  Brad Pitt has again shown his talent in the film.  The story is based on World War II, the american army is trying to defeat Hitler's Germany.

With dedication, few soldiers and his tank, the hero stands guard of a cross road, so that the people on his side are safer.  A true example of selfless and courage which we rarely see in our own army men.

A  bit of violence and slang language can make kids shaking. Otherwise its, pretty good.

Great Movie to watch.  Don't miss it.

Karimnagar India
Awesome Hollywood Movie of The Year
Dec 05, 2014 11:23 AM 2710 Views

Its too good. awesome visual effects story is too good.

Reflects great action thrillers. Must watch movie.

A long-in-the-making film often has to face an uphill task.

It might look outdated and at times, technologically outdated. We have seen plenty of them in the past and here’s another attempt to inspire you.

Bangalore India
Fury Review
Nov 17, 2014 04:05 PM 2824 Views

David Ayer has continued to prove himself to me with Fury. Fury is a dark, violent and brutally realistic depiction of the hell that is war.

The look and feel of "Fury" is reminiscent of "Saving Private Ryan", but is even more accurate and real-to-life.

The real shining star of the movie is the battle scenes. The whine of high-velocity fire really sets your hairs on end. The only flaw is that the action is compressed, the combatants being too close to each other, but this is obviously necessary so that everything is visible.

The weakness of the movie is its script, which is full of anachronistic modern language and implausible situations with people talking and acting like 1990 east LA toughs instead of real 1940s soldiers.

Ultimately Fury is a good, conventional war movie that might have become something more.



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