Now THAT is called REAL Cinema. This movie reminds me why I am a movie buff. Thank you Ron Howard for once again creating magic on the big screen. I rate this is as your next best film after A Beautiful Mind.
I had been putting off watching this movie, thinking it would be a boring one. I was delighted to discover that I was wrong.
I have always been skeptical of politics and politicians. I join all those who crib about the government, the system, and the people who make it all. This movie left me speechless.
Not that my take on polticians changed, but, I was amazed to discover WHY these people are where they are: on the top. They are probably one of the most intelligent and powerful people you will ever meet in your life.
It is not about whether they are good or bad people. That is not what this movie is about, but shows you just how you can shi*t in your pants and be mesmerised by the control these people have when you are in their presence.
I didn't feel I was watching this movie. I felt I was Frank Langella playing David Frost, the Interviewer, seated opposite Michael Sheen playing Richard Nixon, the President of the United States.
History could not have been brought to life better than this.
If you are a political freak, you would have watched this movie by now. If you are a poltical illiterate like me, you should watch this film, and be enchanted by the power of being in power.
Another great movie that lost the Oscar!
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