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Death at a Funeral Movie Reviews

+++ Dead MaN, DwarF & DisarraY +++
May 07, 2008 04:02 PM4133 Views

What if one fine evening you become a part of a pathetically sad traffic of “namma bangalore”? You have a nagging friend to company you and back of your mind runs a “presentation” that you have to deliver the very next morning. At such moments what can be your savior?  For me without a second thought it’s a “good movie” which can refresh me and put back the life in me. I have never been and ardent fan of English comedy movies but I would anytime prefer the worst of them over Bollywood ‘B’ Grade movies which frustrates me more than anything on this mother earth. I chose “Death at a Funeral” over “Anamika” and my well-wishers will be glad that I did.

The title of the movie for the first instant came to me as a mystery movie or a serious movie – but it wasn’t. Penned by Dean Craig, Death at a funeralis brilliant movie from the basket of black comedy. Craig got this idea of writing this movie, when he attended his own grand father funeral and though he was asked not to do certain things which are against the decent mannerism, he ended up doing the same. Frank Oz directed “Death at a Funeral”is a movie about unpredictable, unavoidable, situational coincidences which ruined the serious funeral ceremony at a British family house.


As the title suggests movie plot revolves around a funeral. Movie opens with a younger son of the family Daniel, (MATTHEW MACFADYEN) waiting for his dad coffin. Daniel has been and obedient son of the family unlike his elder brother Robert, (RUPERT GRAVES), a writer based in New York. The comedy of errors began when the undertakers deliver the wrong coffin (and body) at Daniel house. Movies moves ahead with the arrival of bunch of frantic characters at the funeral including the “suspicious dwarf” who wanted to share something really serious with Daniel from the moment he enters the movie. In the mid of all the greeting, meetings, sobbing and preparations to deliver ‘eulogy’, appears “hallucinogenic tablets” disguised in a box of valium which bring enough on the plates of Daniel’s family to worry, apart from his “dad’s” funeral. How Daniel family seizes this chaotic situation of “transformed people” because of hallucinogenic tablets and the secret shared by blackmailing midget is worth a watch.

Scriptwriter Dean

without padding up too many things in the scripts kept one prime plot and gave liberty to characters of fooling around. The relatives who are there to pay their consolation to the family will remind you of your own bunch of useless so called “well-wisher” who are there to help but end up creating some or the other mess in our life. Every attendee at the funeral had something to contribute to the nonsensical out of hand situation in their own way. Dean has inter-related the scenes in such a way that you are never left without a giggle on your face. Even though some of the situation looks recurring but it still manages to swell up your glands with laughter.

Every character

in the movie are British actors (were required as well) and they have worked with phenomenal energy make it an out an out comedy. With perfect faces, expression and dialogue delivery you will surely ponder if they were tailored for their role itself. Though each character was important and were actively involved in the script, some of the key characters worth a mention are as follows:

Daniel (Matthew Macfadyen) in the role of sincere son and a budding writer who wants to create a place of his own but couldn’t because he has given priority to his family. Mathew has decently played the role and the scene where he finally delivers the eulogy to his father is the only serious scene in the movie and he has balanced it really well.

Andy Nyman (Howard) a friend of Daniel who played a role of self obsessive person and how his life gets ruined by uncle Alfie tantrums on the funeral day.

Ewen Bremner (Justin) with whom Martha once had a one-night stand, has done a phenomenal job of a nagging lover who is not ready to forget Martha at any cost. His presence on the screen makes you laugh his face expression looks makes you wonder if he is an actor at all.

Daisy Donovan (Martha) in the role of Daniel uncle’s daughter who is deep in love with Simon and commits a suicidal mistake of getting him along to the funeral to impress her dad. The most mentionable scene of Martha is one when she convinces simons on why “He should live” by saying that “she wants him to help her being a mother”.

Alan Tudyk (Simon Smith)has done the most commendable job in the movie and his whole act after swallowing the hallucinogenic tablets is one of his best life time performances. His whole act of the lost guy with his expression making you believe he truly had one pill is worth applause.

Jane Asher (Sandra) in the role of the dead man’s widow has portrayed the perfect British women who even ‘cry’ with manners. Her straight face and witty dialogues will make you wonder if she cracked a joke or someone else did.

Rupert Graves (Robert) of V for vendetta fame, in the role of selfish brother is a famous New York based novelist who is more interested in his own life and goals and doesn’t want to give the eulogy to his father which he is suppose to do.

Peter Dinklage (Peter) in the role of dead man’s friend who walks in with a secret about Daniel father and then gives whole story a new twist. Peter again has done a lucrative job being a dwarf he brings humor to anything he does.

Role of Jane and Uncle Alfiecan be acknowledged as well.

The plus point of the movie is the combination of Dean’s Character’s and OZ direction (who is known as one of the sophisticated comedic instincts). The subtle dialogues and best of the actors, have delivered this movie with perfection. Everyone has a vital role to play and they do it with complete conviction. Humor is not forced anywhere, it’s genuine and comes easy with the scenes.

Moral of the Story:

The whole humor in this black comedy comes from a fact that on a serious occasion like funeral also people fail to segregate their basic desires and goal from the actual life. We have forgotten the difference between URGENT and IMPORTANT, like here a son is busy trying not to be seen as a failure rather than concentrating on a decent send off to his father as a result things happens vice versa when everything at the funeral go to dogs; and a daughter who got her fiancé at the death ceremony to impress his dad, but ultimately ends up disgusting her father when accidently her fiancé eats a hallucinogenic tablet and run naked in the mid of ceremony.  Basically the moral of the story is that we as human has become a wanting machine and we have become so mechanical and materialistic that we forget where we are and what will happen to us in the end. “Death” is a strong fact of “Living” and so does “Life” and its important that we live it better and in the happier way rather then running a marathon of “Desire” –

“Tea can do many things dear but it can’t bring back the dead” --- Sandra (Dead Man’s Widow)

Movie Review of Death At a funeral
Mar 07, 2008 07:18 PM1974 Views

Director – Frank Oz

Screenplay – Dean Craig


Daniel’s(Matthew Macfadyen) father has died. He is living with his wife, Jane(Keeley Hawes). He wants to ensure that his father’s last rites are completed peacefully. But he has to deal with a selfish brother who has returned from USA. His arrogant mother. His cousin Martha’s(Daisy Donovan) fiancee Simon(AlanTudyk) who has accidentally consumed “acid” and is hallucinating, his irritating wheelchair bound Uncle Alfie(Peter Vaughan), a guy who has come to the funeral only to try his lunch with Martha, Justin(Ewen Bremmer) and amongst this amazing Dysfunctional British family members, he has to also deal with a mysterious midget, Peter(Peter Dinklage).

Critic’s Comments

A laugh riot typical British comedy. This movie will keep you in splits from the first scene to the last. The acting is ok and typically, anyone with a british accent could have been the star cast because the winner is the laugh riot script. This movie, like many others, will be enjoyed more if you are out with your partner in a cinema hall on a weekend night. All I have to say is, just watch the movie and, if possible, don’t try to find any logic.

Psst –

1)       Movie was made in 7 weeks on a relatively low budget of $9 million. It just about made profits after it grossed about $11 million worldwide.

2)       Frank Oz is a great Adam Sandler fan and wanted to cast him in the lead role but then decided against it as he wanted an all-British Star Cast.


1)       Tea can do many things, Jane, but it can't bring back the dead.”

2)       Justin, it was one night. It was a massive mistake. I was drunk out of my mind. You could have been a donkey.”

3)       Was there a dog in here just now?”

4)       Why are my hands so big?”

5)       Jesus f Christ.”


1)       Although I would still say to leave aside all logic while watching this movie, I found it funny that everyone who took Acid, hallucinated in the movie except Peter. The immediate after effect of Acid would be hallucination, especially if taken in large doze.

The Closet, The Dwarf and The Deadman
Nov 16, 2007 11:11 AM2431 Views

The first thing I decided to do, when I was packing for this vacation was to chuck my notebook and handheld into the cupboard and decide I would stay away from a computer for the week. Then I went rushing right back into my home and grabbed the stuff, because I realized I had no source of entertaiment on the trip..... What I did not do, was get some stuff to watch and when I booted up in flight, I was hoping there was something hidden in some corner of my notebook that would keep me amused and that was when I stumbled on my DVD image of this movie (I tend to rent out movies and rip them to the hard drive and then watch and delete them, this way I can save my renatl on the disc, because I am never sure when I get to watch the stuff)

This was a great watching experience and I really would not mind watching it in a theatre. The comedy is simple, situational and it is a riot in it's own rights. The story is about a funeral. The head of the family passes away and the movie starts with the elder son, waiting for his coffin to arrive at home. The initial minutes pass, as things get mixed up and the elder brother patiently waits for his younger brother and the rest of the family and friends to arrive. Matthew Macfadyen as Daniel the elder brother, fits the role like a glow, playing the sombre persona and Keeley Hawes as Jane, his wife plays her part flawlessly. However, I found Alan Tudyk as Simon, to be the funniest in the movie, for his mindless antics after he is accidentaly administered a drug instead of vallium. Let me not reveal the plot, more than this, all I can say is the movie is fun and it has nothing that makes you feel bored.

The entire movie has been shot in the confines of a single home, however this is one of those rare movies where the set of a single house actually makes it feel refreshing. I am sure my co-passengers had thoughts about me, as I broke into laughter on the flight. The length of the movie was just too right, so I started it after clicking of my seat belt and ended the show, right when the P.A. system announced the landing.

End Comment : Watch This Movie ! It sure is funny


Death at a Funeral
AB United States of America
Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron....
Sep 23, 2007 10:13 PM2798 Views

Its been a real topsy turvy past month for me, both at work and at home. Missed out on so many movies, shows, matches, etc.

This was the weekend that I was looking for, I guess. I really wanted

to sleep at least 25 hours, eat a whole lot of desserts and njoy a movie a day. I slept so much that could watch only one movie. Glad I watched this one. Although I was waiting for the Telugu movie VANAJA( which has been making waves at International Film Festivals that was supposed to be released here this weekend. But it didn;t;-(

Coming back to the movie "Death at a Funeral", the moment I saw the title of this movie in one of the local theatres, I was like.

Death at a Funeral

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"this should be a real good movie". Found the rating to be 4 and thot. lets go for it.

This was a private theatre with a capacity of hardly 30 seats. What a cozy homely atmosphere? Just in time for the movie. Right from the first scene, the director makes it a point to capture the viewers. I do not want to disclose any of the events in the movie. But if you like to laugh out loud without any inhibitions for disgusting scenes(somebody said disgusting ideas as well, WHo Cares?), go for it. I loved it.

Frank Oz is an American director but has done an excellent job in bringing the best out of the all new British cast(at least for me).

The movie revolves around a funeral event in a typical disorganized family with the usual jealousy, love, scandals, hatred, annoyance among the members in a family. Overall the movie seems to be hilarious but at the same time, there is a family story going behind the scenes with strong emotions.

Humour has been the same with Hollywood or Indian movies over the last few years(with some exceptions like the "Khosla ka Ghosla") more slapstick at times drifting to uncomfortable adult language to be enjoyed with Family. For once this one seems to be different like yesteryears, "Russians Are Coming. " or "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron. "

The best scenes I felt were the disgusting scenes of the annoying uncle. For me the touching scene was the one where the elder brother(well supported by his better half) gives the speech that deserves to any human being who led a decent life of responsibilty, no matter what he did for himself to njoy. THe second best touching scene was Martha trying to convince Simon of not jumping of the terrace during his hallucination experience.

The first thing that struck me was. does it not sound like "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron"? The coffin and the whole affair around it. Refrain from relating to JBDY but enjoy the hallucinations.

The hallucinations reminded me of some of the drunken hostel mates who used to talk and do some of the most weird things:-)

For trailers, visit.

Philadelphia United States of America
A Parody Funeral
Jun 20, 2007 01:29 PM1969 Views

Written by: Dean Craig

 Directed by: Frank Oz

 Produced by: Sidney Kimmel

 Rated: R for language/drug content

 Running Time: 1: 45 min

 Genre: Comedy/ Drama/ Bristish

 Theatrical Release:  August 17, 2007

Distributor: MGM films

 The Cast: Matthew Macfadyen Daniel, Keeley Hawes, Andy Nyman, Ewen Bremner, Daisy Donovan, Alan Tudyk, Jane Asher, Kris Marshall, Rupert Graves, Peter Vanghan, Thomas Wheatley, Peter Egan Peter Dinklage, Vrendan O’Hea, Jeremy Booth

There’s a lot of laughs, bloops, blunders, and scandals one can expect to see in Frank Oz’s newest release “Death at a Funeral.”“Death at a Funeral” offers a charming, entertaining, and witty storyline that will keep the viewers on the edge of their seats with laughter and drama. The cast is regarded as Britains finest.

They bring on a host of surprises in this charming British comedy of death. After watching this movie at its premier screening I was impressed, and I found this movie to be very entertaining. Frank Oz delivers scandal after scandal in his newest release along with the perfect focus at an eccentric family, and the antics of a funeral. The cast does a splendid job in their lead acting roles; “Death at a Funeral” offers a well-balanced written script that ultimately delivers an entertaining comedy.

In this movie the family patriarch has died, and this divided and dysfunctional family is brought together at his funeral. The ceremony kicks off to a start of blunders when the wrong body is delivered to the house, and must be exchanged. Later a relative is given a dose of drugs that causes him to go on what seems to be an endless trip of hallucinations that lead to his bizarre behavior; behavior that causes embarrassment for this troubled family while at a funeral. As this movie goes on an embarrassing scandal of the deceased past homosexual affair is unleashed when his lover, a four foot midget comes to the funeral, and bargains the family to give him part of his lover’s estate. When his request is refused the family thinks of a way to hide him from the other family members and bury his secret homosexual love affair.

Inclosing, as I mention earlier “Death at a Funeral” is a blissful and entertaining comedy that you’ll enjoy. It’s entertaining, and offers a good storyline, and a very good ensemble of cast members. You won’t be disappointed when watching Frank Oz’s newest release “Death at a Funeral.”

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