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Crossing Over Movie Reviews

Crossing Over - Thought Provoking
Jul 15, 2009 04:58 PM 1560 Views

Cast: Harrison Ford, Ashley Judd

This movie is a ensemble of lives of many immigrants who want to get naturalized as citizens of the United States of America. It is the story of a Jew who does not know a thing about Hebrew and wants to become a citizen as a scholar of Hebrew.

Itis the story of a 15 year old Muslim girl (Summer Bishil) (her parentsspoke Bengali in the movie, so I presume she depicted a Bangladeshiimmigrant) who had sympathy towards the 9/11 attackers. She gives atalk in her class urging her fellow class mates to not treat theattackers as cowards but as brave people who believed in something andtried to fight for the cause. She claims that she does not justify the9/11 attacks but, that, the other voice should also be heard. This talkleads to the FBI landing up at her house.

It is a story of aChinese, play station playing boy who gets involved in a grocery storerobbery which goes horribly wrong. He was supposed to be naturalizedthe next day.

It is the story of a Chinese girl who works in afactory as an illegal immigrant. When the police raid the factory shepleads to the officers for her release. She has a son who is with acare taker.

It is the story of an influential Muslim family. Thehead of the family is a know figure in the society, whose son is alawyer and the other son works as a cop. He will be naturalized thenext day. The head of the family has a Chinese daughter (I am not surehow he managed one though). He is not very happy with her mannerisms.

Itis the story of a small time Australian actor (Alice Eve) whose visa isexpiring. She cannot renew her visa because she has not paid the moneyin time. She bumps into an official of the immigration who is ready toprocess her file and help her with a green card as an acclaimed figure.But she has to pay a price.

It is also a story of Harrison Ford whois a police officer (with a heart) who is part of a team which tries tocatch illegal immigrants.

It is the story of a lawyer (Ashley Judd) who fights for the immigrants who happens to be the wife of the immigration officer.

My Impression


Very though provoking movie about immigration and naturalization of people in the US.

Iwas so engrossed in the movie that I never felt that it was a movie. Ifelt as if I was part of the whole story and I was living the storyalong with the characters of the movie.

I think it deserves a watch.



Iam not sure what exactly was Harrison Ford doing in this movie. Themovie could have stood on its own without the support of Harrison Ford.



Story : * * * * * *

Acting : * * * * * *

Overall : * * * * * *

(7 out of 10)

Note: There are some explicit scenes in the movie.


Crossing Over

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