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Burn After Reading Movie Reviews

Kinda funny
Jul 27, 2009 08:19 AM2110 Views

I watched this movie because of George Clooney. Brad Pitt, never a good actor but relentlessly hyped up by Hollywood, surprisingly has a short sweet role. The best role was for Francis McDormand, who as a middle aged woman, wants to have all the surgeries to look attractive and desirable.

This movie did have me cracked up, with some very imaginative sequences and the bumbles.Anyhow, the movie plot develops around Osbourne Cox (John Malkovich) a CIA agent, frustrated with its working style, quits the agency and begins writing up a memoir.

His wife, (Tilda Swinton) is in turn a sheets buddy with George Clooney, who has a weird interest in developing a chair (to be revealed in the movie) and a sexual freak, and there are two gym employees, who happen to get the CD of the memoir Osbourne is writing and try to extort money from him.

Memorable scenes:

The scenes revolving Francis and Brad, trying to blackmail Osbourne over the phone and they going over to Russian Embassy in trying to get some quick cash.

Brad pitt getting killed in the closet of George clooney's room. Francis trolling for humourous men online, meeting a guy who does not laugh when everyone else is laughing at a movie sequence.

Richard Jenkins, manager of the 2 gym employees, breaking into Osbourne Cox's house and the bewildered look on him when he is caught red handed and his rush to escape.

CIA boss and his aide not making any head and tail about these characters background and stories. The end credits song "CIA Man" was very funny indeed.

Soul is missing
Jan 30, 2009 08:01 PM2385 Views


I am huge fan ofcoen brothers the wickedness is always there . I like the combination of cloneyand pitt which is the reason I saw the movie. Anyway the movie is highlypublicized Because of such a star cast and director, but if you watch it withhigh hopes than it will disappoint you else it is well nice time pass.

Normal 0

In Burn After Reading, Bratt is only the one to admire. It’sfun to watch formidable actors like Clooney, McDormand, Malkovich and Pitt playthe fool. Coen Brothers film has its predictable pleasures. Few filmmakerscombine such confident visual style with humorous, characteristic screenwritingtricks. But here it is wasted a bit.

The story, has some of the of twists like Fargo. As inFargo, the people making the wrong decisions – spreads to become a kind of amist, fog, even in the city that supposedly governs hearts and minds worldwide, brains are fuzzy, the simplest acts of interpersonal communication are risenwith difficulty, and even the CIA hasn't got a clue what's going on.

Washington DC is the main center point with its brownstones, parks, country mansions and fitness clubs. One of these is the crowded Hardbodies gym where Litzke(McDormand)works alongside her gutless colleagueChad(Pitt). When they find a CD containing the classified record of furious, alcoholic CIA agent Osborne Cox(Malkovich), a blackmail scheme arises.Meanwhile, Cox's cold, mean wife Katie(Swinton) is having an affair with Harry(Clooney), who is obsessed with potentialfood allergies and also beds women he meets online including Linda.

The script was written(I think) with the cast in mind, andit works. Like the Oceans trilogy, Burn After Reading has feel good factor hasas much to do with A-list actors having fun as it does with comic timing, specially, Bratt pitt., who is gyminstructor, . Clooney is workout freak and sex-obsessed marshal who don’t knowtill ending that he is in love with hiswife, while McDormand is solid as a no-longer-young single woman lost in thedating’s cruel world, who has all her hopes on cosmetic surgery. Malkovich andSwinton, are less enjoyable. The directors encourage their stars to play itbroad. Shocks in the movie make a well mix with the laughs, and the victims arelargely disposable. It’s a black comedy just perfect time pass but with storyand actors provided which are excellent, director and editor lost the soul ofmovie. If that wouldn’t be the case than the movie may become much entertaining like the character ofBratt Pitt, short but remarkable.

To laugh or cry?
Jan 28, 2009 02:55 PM1996 Views

Seeing the star cast- I was excited, clooney, bradd pit are names enough that one can pick up for a watch. I was also interested because it mentioned that its a comedy movie and was wondering how come bradd pit and clooney are in a comedy movie together, hence the curiosity factor made me decide to watch it for sure

For the first 20 minutes, was kind of interesting with a semblance of a comedy movie build up.Once past that, it was more like a slapstick show and no story developing.

Bradd pit is completely wasted in this role- wonder what made him even take it up?Clooney has been the only saving grace with some sort of a decent performance. Francis McDormand is not even visible almost, not even once I could laugh in her entire acting.

At the end one is left feeling- was I watching a comedy show or an amateur display of putting some good names together and nothing more. This movie is a total waste unless you like the kind of weird comedy the directors are known for...


Burn After Reading
Great Actors and a decent plot..
Nov 13, 2008 03:57 PM1854 Views

The Coen brothers are back after their oscar winning'No Country for Old Men'. I was looking forward to this movie very eagerly ever since I first saw the trailer. I just couldnt wait to see George Clooney, Brad Pitt and John Malkovich share screen-space together. The rave reviews that this movie garnered just whetted my appetite even further!

So I finally got hold of a DVD yesterday. While it did not completely live upto my expectations, I rather enjoyed the movie. While its not exactly a laugh-out-loud comedy, most of the sequences are rather funny.

The story revolves around a US Secret agent(John Malkovich), who after being demoted, decides to quit and spend his time writing a memoir. His path crosses with another Goverment agent(George Clooney) and a couple of personal trainers who work in gym(Brad pitt and the amazing actress from'fargo'). The story ties all of them together and results in some hilarious and mad-cap sequences! Wont reveal the plot any further.

The highlight of this film is Brad Pitt, who is definitely the most colorful character of the film. His childish and hyper character is also perhaps the most believable of the lot. The excessive use of expletives by the characters is rather funny too. The ending, which does tie up things quite well and brings things to a logical conclusion, still feels a little too abrupt. But that's the Coen brothers signature style

Bottom Line: The movie doesn't quite live up to its hype; It left me with a feeling that it could be so much more. But its a fun film. Definitely worth a watch.

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