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Release DateJul 01, 1994
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Blown Away Movie Reviews

Clock ticks; So does life!
Nov 18, 2008 11:09 AM1749 Views

Sometimes a sight that is simply wonderful in its simplicity BLOWS you AWAY. Sometimes a painting or even a rainbow. Sometimes is the atrocities of human mind that have ways to tell you that as long as the clock ticks you are breathing but once it stops. You are literally BLOWN AWAY!

Man created abodes to live in, comfortably. Man usurped land to build on for better living. Man created enemies by usurping and then created monstrosities called BOMBS to protect the usurping. Then Man created MEN to diffuse such devices and then these Men became priceless and their life cared about lesser!

Stephen Hopkins directed BLOWN AWAY deals with the life of one such Bomb Squad expert at the Boston Police Department who could diffuse the clicking clocks and keep the hearts of innocent lives ticking without missing a beat!

Jeff Bridges as Dove at this department is given a painstaking task of diffusing a ticker bomb attached to a hard disk of a female student at the University. The riddle being that she has to keep clicking her keyboard and to avoid the hard disk getting full because if she stops the clicking stops and if the hard disk is full she is non existent! Heads I win Tails you lose!

Classic case of a mental that doesn’t give a damn for life but saves his so that he can conduct more deaths!

Ireland, Glass Leigh Prison… Dead of the night, a prisoner receives a parcel and then there is a sudden explosion in the cell… Ray Gaerity has escaped.

Dove has been trained as a young man the art of making bombs from various materials and hence is adept not only at making but also at diffusing! He is also adept at recognizing the action that will eventually trigger the course and set free a mass of explosives that will blow the object in consideration to definite death!

Dove is seeing Kate, Suzy Amis and is ready to pop the question. Suzy’s daughter Lizzy, Stephi Lineburg, has already prompted her mother that she sees a father in Dove! Question is when?

Dove, earlier known as Liam, had thwarted an effort that would have killed hundreds of innocent lives that his friend and mentor and escaped to the US to assume the identity of dove and put to use the learning’s of How to make and diffuse a bomb! After his escape from the prison Gaerity lands in Boston and makes merry with new friends at the ODowells Bar and while having fun learns of Doves’ heroics in diffusing a bomb at the University. Gaerity is mental, queer and very dangerous and seeing the heroic sets a plan for Dove!

New identity for people in the US has not been much of a problem provided you have turned witness for the government and helped in bringing the perpetrators to justice. It is assumed here that Dove formerly Liam has done the same and hence Gaerity has spend 20 years in prison while Liam as Dove is out making a life of his own!

Gaerity is now planning a slow and sure destruction of Dove’s life by slowly but surely wiping off his colleagues and then obviously his would be bride Suzy and his to be daughter Lizzy!

Incidentally, dove has also plans to retire as he is now getting married and is not oblivious to what can happen to his family if he continues to diffuse bombs to save innocent lives but the planter of such atrocious devices would be on the lookout to get him one way or other…

Chris his next door neighbor is an old man and a kind of mentor for Dove. Gaerity’s madness reaches levels when he bludgeons the old man and ties him in a series of wires and ball bearings that will roll and fire and then EXPLODE leaving the old man in nothing but a bloody mess of flesh and bones tangled together completely unrecognizable…

Gaerity has also a special surprise in store for Dove when he plans to finally blow his family away… All this to avenge the spilling of his plans that Liam had done!

Blown Away is not a common film where you see loads of emotion and also tying up of loose threads. Its loose at times but the whole vertex of revenge, plotting and the undeniable hatred at being on the loosing end is brought out well. Detailing of the scene when Anthony, Forest Whitaker, who is replacing Dove at the department, reaches his home after his daily workout and reaches for his headphones to listen to his favorite music and suddenly he hears beeps mixed with the song… is breathtakingly done… It increases your heart beats and you reach out to help Anthony…

Jeff Bridges, who has films like The Mirror has Two Faces, Wild Bill, Arlington road and more recently The Door in the Floor, The Moguls etc has gone through his character of Dove with tenacity. His anguish and his willingness are brought out well in the scenes where he is expected to save lives! His indecision and his anger though suppressed is seething all through his act.

Tommy Lee Jones as a mad Irish out to get his pound of flesh by bombing people to death is convincing. The hours that have been spend behind his look, his accent and even his cocky mad behavior is simply put, marvelous. He has lend a lot of credibility to the role of mad avenger who will not stop at anything to punish the guy who spilled on him and no matter who he hurts in the bargain. Women, men age not withstanding, he will BLOW AWAY to get to his man.

Forest Whitaker of Last King of Scotland fame is adequate but according to me wasted. He comes late and is reduced to playing maybe third fiddle here. He has immense talent.

Outwardly, the plot looks bizarre with a lot of loose connections making you wonder if this bombs really going to BLOW or not! When you look at things more objectively, the plot is a fight between these two men. One who has done wrong to the other while the other rotted 20 years in prison and has managed to escape by blowing his way through the prison with the help of a handmade explosive device and is now out to get his pound of flesh! Justice at last… Or maybe something just blows his plans away…

Such cinema is not made in India and hence I liked it for its action, its pyrotechnics and its sheer muddle of politics and revenge. Die hard action lovers like me get easily lured by the mass of explosions and deafening sounds and that’s where it does not fail you. It’s not a perfect cinema… Watch it for a revenge Action drama and then you will say, “Wow that was some film man …”

Time and tide wait for no one. The clock ticks and helps you keep a reality check of the time passing by… It’s the one that ticks to explode and end your time and change your tide that you need to look for… Its ticking… somewhere near YOU…

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