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Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction Movie Reviews

Basic Instincts get Numb!!
Aug 27, 2006 09:40 AM 2403 Views


This seems to be a week of sequels for me as just after checking out Dr. Dolittle 3, I got a chance to check out Basic Instincts 2. The original was a classic thriller spewed with explicit sexual scenes and ever since it's fans have been waiting for a sequel.

The Plot

Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone) is back and back with a bang. The movie opens up with a steamy car ride driven by Tramell while having sex. The car careens of the bridge and drowns in water taking down with it Kevin Franks (Stan Colleymore), Catherine's new squeeze.

Detective Roy Washburn (David Thewlis) instantly suspects Catherine and appoints psychiatrist Dr. Michael Glass (David Morrissey) to evaluate her condition. Michael feels that she is affected by high Risk Addiction which forces her to take extreme actions just for the heck of it. He also feels that she is a risk to herself and the society at large. But, somehow Catherine gets acquitted in the case.

Then begins the seduction of Dr. Glass and Catherine enrolls herself as a patient with him and then tries to bring her seduction game into play. Initially, Dr. Glass spurns her advances and seems to have everything under control, but then slowly things start happening around him. People around him start dying starting with his ex-wife's new boyfriend, then his ex-wife. All this gets Dr. Glass a bit jittery and seems to lay him low. Washburn on the other hand is on the trail of Catherine and is trying to get Dr. Glass get some evidence against her.

So who's the culprit this time around? Is it Catherine and if so does she get away? Check out this sexual thriller for the details.

Critic's Viewpoint

Paul Verhoeven's original Basic Instinct was a smash hit owing to three major components: The thrilling plot which was novel, The sexuality on the screen and the brilliant on screen chemistry between Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone. The movie had catapulted Sharon Stone to the superstardom.

Michael Caton Jones tries to recreate similar magic in this movie. If we take the three components which made the first movie a success and compare with Basic Instinct 2 then we would see why this movie falls short of the original.

The plot is quite similar to the original with Catherine writing a new novel and people dying wherever she is around. Even the modus operandi seems quite similar in most cases. There is an interesting twist at the end ala Wild Things, but that is all there is to the plot.

Sexuality is another thing which was supposed to be more in the sequel, but it is quite the opposite. There are only about a couple of real hot scenes and they too are of such short duration that they do not compare with the original. Also the passion of Douglas and Stone on screen is unmatched in this sequel.

The last aspect the chemistry of Douglas and Stone was miles ahead of the chemistry of Stone and David. To be fair to David he does hold his own against Stone and there is potential for him to go a long way in this industry, but he is by no means a finished product as yet compared to the expertise of Michael Douglas. Although the emotions of pain and suspicions were well potrayed by David, he still lacks that expression of helplessness which Michael Douglas plays so brilliantly on the screen. As far as Sharon Stone is concerned, 14 years down the line and a breast cancer operation later, she is no longer the hot bod to blaze the screen. Of course, she still got the looks, but not the same presence as in 1992 when she burned the screens with her performance as Catherine Tramell.

Of course, the sequels to such massively popular movies are a difficult act, but that is the challenge that Michael Caton Jones had in his hand and I would say he has come up short. Other aspects of the movie like the background score and the cinematography are good without being spectacular as in the original. So in almost all aspects of film making the movie falls a bit in comparison to the original.


If I had not seen Basic Instinct, I might have liked this movie, but then having tasted nectar you really don't like honey any more, do you!!

So I would like to rate this movie an average 3 star rating.

Hyderabad India
Age Doesn't Matter - Talent Wins
Aug 14, 2006 11:22 AM 2090 Views

The aam junta had suspicions about the movie even before it released. When it released, critics tore it apart. The worst review that can be written has been written. Still I went to the theatre to watch it. Why?

The only reason - when the first part released in 1992, I was too small to understand it or watch it in theatre. You shouldn't be surprised when I say, I had problems getting an entry to an A rated movie even during my engineering days. I grew up, wondering why is the movie so talked about and always in a low voice with a hush hush feeling.

Almost a decade later when I got to see the movie in a small apartment in Andheri, I felt - the movie was terrific. Kaash, I had seen it on big screen. I didn't want the Kaash feeling to repeat. so I headed straight to the big screen to catch the movie whose tag line says "Everything Interesting begins in the mind".

Sharon Stone has aged but her character Catherine Tramell isn't. The film makers should have real guts to cast such an old lady, but then who can compete her. The point is she delivers. Her performance cannot be questioned. She oozes confidence and attitude. No one can speak the

dirty talk better. Every word she utters has a punch.

David Morrissey (Dr. Michael Glass) is good looking but no Michael Douglas. There are a couple of main characters more. A character that caught my eye was of the ex-wife. I thought she has a tint of Indian ness in her face and voila she turns out to be Indira Verma.

Its unfair to compare but then the movie is made in such a way, it by default refreshes the first. The story line/theme and central idea is basically the same. The starting scene is same. Even the Ice pick makes a comeback. The background score also has bits lifted from the first.

The story is of a psychopathic serial killer who is able to manipulate everyone in her life and gets a kick out of it. She considers the whole exercise as a risk and she has risk addiction.

The action shifts from San Francisco (1992) to London (2006). Hence, less open air shots, no lush green trees and bright sun light. Remember the scene from the first where the police visit her, while she is at her garden portico. The modern indoor architecture used to film blends so naturally, giving the right feel to the mood depicted. Never does it attract too much attention than required.

Where the first excelled the second falters. Its not captivating, doesn't get you hooked. Having said that, you cant look away either. The end leaves you confused, you don't get the hang of it. You get to

know all the possibilities, you will figure out the right one but cannot convince yourself. There's a feeling all possibilities are equally possible or equally impossible.

Basic Instinct is not what it is remembered for generally. For me, its about the story, the erformances, the dialogues and the way they are recited onscreen. With such metrics, the second installment of the terrific first is not a complete disappointment. Watch it.

Totally useless
Jul 05, 2006 12:04 AM 2477 Views

Catherine Trumell, is older, meaner and goes on humping and bumping off people at an alarming rate. She is ordered by the court to undergo an evaluation by a renowned shrink, Dr. Michael Glass. She slowly casts her spell on him and Glass finally breaks!

Then what you get to see is pretty much what you had seen in the first installment - highly graphic scenes (not in India, atleast), gruesome murders and all. The saving grace is the climax (of the movie ofcourse ), which gives Catherine an opportunity to reveal (ahem!) her literary genius.

Sharon Stone tries hard to get into the skin of the seductress, but finally does it with a lot less conviction this time around. BI-2 is a damp affair and makes its predecessor seem like a masterpiece. One sorely misses the suave Douglas, as David Morrissey's Doctor act is nowhere near the self destructive cop act by Douglas.

And yes, Sharon Stone uncrosses her legs, but this time the damn chair was in front of her!


Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction
Basic Instinct 2-Sex n seduction
Jun 29, 2006 07:29 PM 2786 Views

Spatting one-liners and sucking on cigarettes, the vampy, campy Sharon Stone does Bette Davis proud in this reasonably fun but ultimately empty suspense/thriller. Proceed at your own risk.


Sharon Stone, David Morrissey, Stan Collymore, Charlotte Rampling, David Thewlis


Novelist Catherine Tramell is once again in trouble with the law, and Scotland Yard appoints psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Glass to evaluate her. Although, like Detective Nick Curran before him, Glass is entranced by Tramell and lured into a seductive game.

I can hear all u guys there say-

It was fun, admit it, to watch Sharon Stone in 1992's Basic Instinct, getting Michael Douglas and his cop buddies cross-eyed just by uncrossing her legs on a day she forgot to wear underwear. The laughs to be had in this deliciously awful sequel are all unintentional. A bummer for film buffs, but a ball for fans of the misbegotten. Take the opener, when Stone, back as bisexual crime novelist and accused serial killer Catherine Tramell, drives her car off a London bridge while a soccer star finger-fucks her to a screaming orgasm. And they say Hollywood forgot how to make movies for the whole family.

Credit Stone, 48, for getting in knockout shape for this vanity project. And she can act (see Casino), she just doesn't choose to do it here. Instead she loads up every line with sexual innuendo and plays Catherine as a predator who sits around her flat in heels, tight skirt and full makeup waiting for drop-ins. First up is Dr. Michael Glass (David Morrissey), a shrink who treats her for risk addiction and becomes addicted to her himself. You'll have to take the script's word for that, since the doughy, dead-eyed Morrissey projects all the ardor of a zombie in a bespoke suit.

let's talk About Basic Instinct 1 :

In their protests against Paul Verhoven's "Basic Instinct," gay activists have been giving away the ending of the movie. With some thrillers, that would be a damaging blow. But the ending of "Basic Instinct" is so arbitrary that it hardly matters. This is not a movie where the outcome depends upon the personality or behavior of the characters. It's just a wind-up machine to jerk us around.

Consider the last shot of the movie (no, I will not reveal it). This shot allows us to discover whodunit - whether one of the characters is a murderer, or not. The screen has faded to black. Then we get the last shot, and it answers our question. But if the last shot had provided the opposite answer, it still would have been consistent with everything that had happened in the film. Each and every shred of evidence throughout the entire movie supports two different conclusions.

This is the kind of ending beloved by marketing experts. The audience likes the heroine? Make her innocent. They hate her? Make her the killer. Only one shot has to be changed. As a result, I left the movie feeling depressed and manipulated - because it didn't matter how hard I tried to follow the plot and figure things out, the whole movie was just toying with me. At least some of the other recent titles in this genre - like "Fatal Attraction" and "Sea of Love" - played fair.

The movie stars Michael Douglas as a troubled police detective who has been up before Internal Affairs, after shooting some tourists in a murky misunderstanding. He gets involved in the investigation of the kinky murder of a rock star. The rock star's sometime girlfriend Sharon Stone has written a novel in which a rock star is murdered in precisely the same way. Does this mean she is guilty? Or did a copycat killer try to frame her? The police questioning of the woman is the best scene in the movie, as Stone flirts shamelessly and toys with their male libidos.

Douglas is entranced. The woman may be a killer and is obviously twisted and manipulative, and yet he's mesmerized - attracted by the danger as much as by her sensuous magnetism. As his investigation progresses, however, he finds the woman is more complicated than he suspected. She has a lesbian lover, for one thing.

The screenplay, by Joe Eszterhas, resembles his "Jagged Edge" (1985) in keeping the secret until the last shot. It's not really the last shot technique that I object to. What bothers me is that the whole plot has been constructed so that every relevant clue can be read two ways. That means the solution, when it is finally revealed, is not necessarily true. It is simply the writer's toss of the dice.

What made it reach to the sky???

Apart from the other elements, the movie exists for its sexual content. The Stone character, described as "world class" by Douglas after one night in the sack, is a kinky seductress with the kind of cold, challenging verbal style that many men take as a challenge. Her friends include a woman who once killed her entire family; she needs these people, she says, as inspiration for her novels. Her next book, she tells Douglas, staring him straight in the eye, will be about a police detective who falls in love with the wrong woman.

The sex scenes, threatened with the NC-17 rating until 45 seconds were removed to qualify for the R, belong in that strange neverland created by the MPAA's Hollywood morality. They aren't much by the standards of really daring movies, but they do go far enough to make the "R" rating into a fiction. .The sex resembles a violent contact sport, with a scoring system known only to the players.

What's not to b there???

As for the allegedly offensive homosexual characters: The movie's protesters might take note of the fact that this film's heterosexuals, starting with Douglas, are equally offensive. Still, there is a point to be made about Hollywood's unremitting insistence on typecasting homosexuals - particularly lesbians - as twisted and evil. Hollywood is fearless in portraying lesbians as killer dykes, but gets cold feet with a story that might portray them (gasp!) as warm, good-natured and generous.

Since most people will be attending in less than a Politically Correct frame of mind, however, does the movie deliver? In a way, it does. It kept me interested, and guessing, right up until that final shot, which revealed that all of my efforts were pointless since the guilt or innocence of the characters was a flip of the coin, based on evidence that could be read both ways. The film is like a crossword puzzle. It keeps your interest until you solve it. Then it's just a worthless scrap with the spaces filled in.

About Basic Instinct 2:

Catherine Trammel, the novel-writing, icepick-wielding, best-selling author from 1992's Basic Instinct is back – this time, she's set up her sexy shop in London and she's set her homicidal sights on analyst Dr. Michael Glass (David Morrissey).

Basic Instinct is certainly a gloriously guilty pleasure...

Pros Sharon Stone still sizzles (despite obvious surgical augmentation) Decent dialogue,with some good one-liners Everything and everyone looks polished and pretty Cons Too talky Needed some more twists No spark from David Morrissey Not nearly as gory as the first Basic Instinct

Do tell me what do u think!!



Another one in the long line of Bad Sequels. But..
Jun 23, 2006 05:36 PM 1755 Views

We all know what they say about sequels and this movie is a prime example of the saying "You cant have a sequel half as good as the First One" and this case lets face it- the original though entertaining had its flaws as well.

Needless to say I went into this movie expecting nothing more a few erotic moments (read as steamy scenes) peppered with a few genuinely sexually charged moments and some good chemistry between the hopefully hot Sharon stone and the other guy. This I daresay was not much at all and all in all besides this I expected quite a trashy movie.

And trash is exactly what I got minus the few expectations I had from the movie. The chemistry was non existent , the scenes were trash and Sharon stone looked bad.

Any person who went to the movie expecting what I did can safely just scroll down to the end of my review as the next part of the review is the unfortunate by product of having to see the movie as a normal movie and not a simple b-grade sequel.

The acting in this movie is strictly OK. Sharon Stone's seduction and mind games parts border on hamming (and trust me a cosmetically and possible surgically enhanced 47 year old Sharon stone looks bad almost in every scene, her hair especially felt like it had gone through multiple treatments). David Morrissey displays no acting talent here. The only saving grace are the supporting cast who act out their brief roles comfortably and efficiently, special mention for David Thewlis who seems absolutely believable as the tough cop and Indira Varma who I thought was B-movie semi porn actress but who is actually much better than that ( sorry but ks was the only yardstick I had until now).

The script of the film had looked like it could have had some potential but the shoddy acting and OK direction made sure we never saw any of it.

The characters are all unidimensional and boring , even a child could see what Sharon's character is doing in the film yet we are to believe a trained psychologist can only stand and watch the ruining of his life. What bullocks.

Not to mention the this movie does not benefit from "The Scene" from the first movie and save for one appropriate and disturbing scene in the film (which does not involve Sharon) the movies sex scenes all seem forced and badly executed.

The only good part about the movie was the background score which added some excitement and tension to scenes which the actors were hamming to, there are a few scenes (mainly towards the beginning of the movie) that are likable and the background score plays a major part in that.

But.............that said I didn't really get that bored in this movie and the only reason I can think off that is satisfied a burning curiosity in me, and having being satiated and realising I was right, I felt content once I left this movie.

That being said the above reason is probably the only reason why you should be seeing this movie otherwise avoid it and see the Unrated DVD (which I'm sure is round the corner) instead.

p.s I've changed the rating from 3 to 4 and d\back 2 times while writing this review. And I have seen the uncensored version DONT EVEN THINK OF SEEING THE CENSORED VERSION.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction
Jun 21, 2006 04:51 PM 2002 Views

The making of a sequel for the seminal 1992 thriller BasicInstinct starring Sharon Stone was really inevitable. The sexual tensiongenerated between Stone and Michael Douglas has become a sort of Hollywoodlandmark, and the magic could not possibly be allowed to ‘go waste.’ It hasbeen a long time in the making, but Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction is finallya reality.

Michael Caton-Jones (Trinity, Doc Hollywood, Scandal)directs Basic Instinct 2 – Risk Addiction, which obviously again stars SharonStone. The ‘dominant’ male star in this one is 41-year-old British actor DavidMorrissey, who plays an investigative psychoanalyst. He is charged with theresponsibility of analyzing the devastatingly alluring novelist CatherineTramell (Sharon Stone) who is in trouble with the law again.

Catherine has moved to England,married to a soccer player. This time she is under suspicion for bumping offher husband. Unfortunately or by intent, the circumstances of his drowningdeath match those of the plotline in her latest novel to a ‘T’.

Now she’s under arrest, and has to undergo the fullinvestigative process. As Dr. Michael Glass (David Morrissey) gets into hisact, the fabled sexual tension creeps up and is soon a rampant factor in thefilm.

Writing an effective sequel to the legendary Basic Instinctwas a challenge, but writers Leora Barish and HenryBean have pulled it off. They have managed to give Morrissey a distinctidentity of his own, so he’s not just riding on Michael Douglas’ coattails. AndSharon Stone scintillates – maybe even more so than in the original. There areerotic moments galore.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction also stars CharlotteRampling, David Thewlis and Hugh Dancy. It is slated for worldwide release in onMarch 31st. It has a MPAA rating of R for strong sexuality, nudity, violence,language and some drug content.

Best movie of the year
Apr 29, 2006 01:34 PM 2038 Views

This is a great movie sharon stone looks very sexy and is beautiful in full hairs.In ’’Basic Instinct 2’’ the manufactured thrill is gone. Having left San Francisco for England, the rapacious Tramell becomes a

murder suspect, again.

a well movie with great knowledge and great camera tecnique and plan moovie not like bollywood movie with same subject repeated every time.

I think this movie is for the people who like to take challange and face diffrent types of challange and love to live life diffrent type. what ever she writes is whatever she experiance. one more thing in the movie which the director wanted to show is os councelling taken for the problems can be solved.

i think in india councelling is not know to the people in india as the most of the people are much below education standard.

it also shows the power of money and name. if u have brains u can get out of any situation whatever type may be.

i think the newspaper should see the movie twice then rate the movie as ithey have given only one star but theatres are full .

It’s a treat to see Stone rev her evil-vixen engine again, but apart from that Basic Instinct 2 mostly takes the fun

Movie Review Of Basic Instinct 2 - Risk Addiction
Apr 24, 2006 08:20 PM 2005 Views

Psst - This section contains some inside trivia about the film

Quotes - Good One Liners from the movie

Oops - Goofs from the movie

Director – Michael Caton-Jones

Screenplay – Leora Barish, Henry Bean and Joe Eszterhas


Please note that those of you who have not seen the first part, this review will give out the much discussed climax of that movie.

Psychic Thriller Novelist Catherine Trammell (Sharon Stone) is back in action doing what she does the best. Killing people after making love to get inspiration for her new novel. She is charged for killing Football star Kevin Franks(Stan Collymore) in a major car crash and is also charged for drug addiction. To escape prison, her lawyer suggests that she may not be mentally stable and is referred to a renowned psychiatrist Dr Michael Glass(David Morrissey). During Counselling 3 more murder takes place including that of his ex-wife Denis(Indira Varma). Detective Roy Washburn(Roy Washburn) is sure that Catherine is behind this and Catherine influences Michael that its not her. Michael can only trust his one emotion – Basic Instinct. Long in the making movie which was delayed endlessly. The storyline is more or less the same as the first part and those who have seen the first part wont find it too intriguing. Good acting by everyone and Sharon Stone Still manages to look extremely sensusal. Worth a watch only for the heck of watching a sequel to one of the most talked about movies of our times.

Psst -

1) David Cronenberg(A History Of Violence) was to originally direct the movie and later it was John McTiernan(Predator, Die Hard). Even the original director Jon De Bont was taken in to consideration for the director’s chair. So was Paul Verhoeven(Hollow Man) was considered as well.

2) Robert Downey Junior, Benjamin Bratt, Kurt Russel, Benicio Del Toro and Pierce Brosnan were considered for the lead. Robert had to backed out due to his imprisonment for drugs. Pierce Brosnan and Kurt Russel had reservations about the nudity scenes. Benjamin Bratt was the director’s original choice but Sharon Stone had difference of opinion with him. Harrison Ford was in consideration had the movie been set in USA.

3) When Sharon Stone refused to play the role, the producers approached Demi Moore and Ashley Judd.

4) The Film was delayed several times between 2000 and 2001 due to the

setting the cast and crew and at one point of time the movie was shelved. When Sharon stone filed a $100 million lawsuit and later another lawsuit of $14 million (Which was eventually settled out of court), the movie production finally started production in early 2005.

4) Movie cost nearly $80 million to make. It grossed only approximately $3.2

million in the opening week and as of now the figures are just above $5.8 million. This makes it one of the biggest box office disasters of all time and the biggest of this year. Compare this to Ice Age 2 which was released a week later which was made on the same budget and as we speak has lready grossed $400 million plus world wide and $68 million plus in USA itself.


1) “Even Oedipus didn't see his mother coming.”

2) “I am terminating the session. Send me the bill.”

3) “He was making me cum. And it was 110, we must've hit a pothole. “


Didn’t see any oops.

I would like to thank for providing the inputs about the trivia section.

Changing faces
Apr 22, 2006 04:07 AM 2316 Views

Hmmm so what is so different about BAsic Instinct 2 from the original Basic Instinct - like the title says - changing faces and all changes are not necessarily pleasant.

Basic Instinct was about a writer who liked to write about things which she did in her personal life and it is the same in the sequel as well.

Sharon STone still plays the seductive writer who loves taking risks and doing fictional things in her life before she actually presents it to the world as a work of fiction.

All other quirks of her too remain the same, if you know what I mean.

The film has a great high energy beginning. It starts with a cool car racing the streets of London which ends up in the river.

Sharon Stone's character looks out for herself and lets her male companion die in the water.

The original one if you remember too begins with her making out with a guy who then is found dead.

Cut to she is in the police station being questioned on whether she feels remorse and her answer is as predicted or as seen in the first one.

BEfore you think this time too she will make the life of a cop living hell, here is the twist in the tale.

It is a shrink who she is attracted to and wants to mindf.

The plot doesn't really change much - what changes sadly is the absence of Micheal Douglas.

Not that David Morrissey (seems to have consulted a numerology expert with all the r's and s's) isn't attractive or doesn't perform well but he certainlt can't do what Micheal Douglas did in the original one.

While Sharon Stone was every man's fantasy after that film, Micheal Douglas was every woman's.

So the saga continues. Sharon Stone now wants to write a book on the shrink and needs to understand his psyche for doing the same.

The title of the book changes - the one on Micheal Douglas was called Shooter and this one is called The Analyst.

A series of murders happen and before she can be charged for them, she gets David arrested. Who is then put into a mental asylum.

The change that is most pleasant in the film is of course the look of Sharon Stone. She not only looks more stunning in this one but has performed brilliantly.

Most scenes are well shot and brilliantly lit.

The dialogues are quite witty too.

Instead of seeing this one, however, I would any day love to watch Basic Instinct (which is not named Risk Addition - which it could, actually!!!)

*Cough Cough*
Apr 21, 2006 06:36 AM 3662 Views

Yeah, that’s what I did at the end of this movie. I think the only thing that got me out of the house last evening was the question that had been pondering my mind since I heard about this movie being released..'Does she look good at 48?' Of course she does! This movie is full of spitting one liners accompanied by her wicked smiles and witty retorts.

There isn't anything erotic or thrilling to this movie. The first movie was 100 folds better than this one. The intro of this movie is quite horrible. Looks like the idea was taken from some crazy driven porn director. Packed with raunchy sex scenes and filthy sexual language that would probably excite a kid who's just exploring his puberty, there isn't much to this movie other than how stunning Sharon Stone looks.

Sharon plays a novelist in this movie who's always looking for a new story. After the rather idiotic intro to this movie, she is then sent to a therapist for evaluation. It looked like to me - she was doing most of the evaluating!! Although the way he becomes addicted to her was pretty fake. I mean, I understand it’s a movie and stuff but I could've probably come up with more dramatic ways to put a message across to an audience. Of course then there is your corrupt cop, therapists ex wife who gets murdered and a trusted friend of the therapist. With a few dull twists and turns, this movie unravels itself to find the shrink who loses his mind, a few dead people and Sharon wins in the end by writing a book and making some money!

BI 2 - A confused plot for many
Apr 19, 2006 06:14 AM 1813 Views

The movie starts in a speedy style(say 110 Miles). Then moves at a constant speed. The narration and the dialogue's would definetly be boring for the Indian Culture. But if we look at it from their point of view, Its a real good one.

Sharon stone is still stunning in her glamour looks and with her Blonde look. The way she dresses and the others do is seductive. The movie is not boring but sexy in its thoughts and also the way it has been created. May be the director might have thinked it is the base for all in the story.

The plan for the Heroine to make fun by killing people and placing the blame on the other person looks to be her hobby in the film. But the plan the way she deals with these stuff is really appreciable for a person, who loves such plots.

The film is not a big scary one or a plot that has been set is not the best. But it can be taken as a good one. For one who wants to watch some contradiction can really go and watch this.

It may not be attractive to all. But will definetly attract the film lovers of different kind.

Addicted to Sharon
Apr 18, 2006 12:02 PM 2294 Views

Addicted to Sharon

By the Devil

(The Real Review)

Much awaited Basic Instinct has hit the screens in India. And like the previous movie this movie also promises some great supense and mystery

It could not have been so mystical without classy act by foxy Sharon stone.

last Movie it was the legs crossed thing that gripped the audience but this time around the act of sitting reverse on the chair might just do the trick.

The story star with Novelist Tramel getting caught as usual in the controversial death of some person of which she is clearly guilty. This time around its a foot ball star.

But she is a foxy lady and she gets out of the charges inspite of Mr Glass(The psychiatrist). Glass is quite professional in his approach towards his clients and cautious takes catherine(sharon stone) in for so called treatment on risk addiction.

Magic of catherine is too much for Glass and he falls for the reverse psychology trick of hers and gets lured into her verbal traps.

The film also features Indira Varma The babe from Kamasutra. One would recignise her the first Instant cause Her Accent is good enough to believe her as a english lady.

As story progresses the newspaper columnist who is desperate for story against him gets killed and so does his girl friend who incidently is glass's ex wife and gal pal to catherine .

After all this Glass starts to psyche out as to whom to believe and whom not to. (audince might feel the same)

The story heads to its climax and things become uglier. And as in the previous story the Catherine runs scot free while and audience is still clueless as to who actually did all the murders.(we know it though)

The worst thing of the picture is that most of the scenes got slashed by the Indian censor Board which kinda caused the story to lose its influenced. Because every scene has some importance and it seems to me that missing link in the story was cut in it.

I will give full marks to writer who has written some unpeccable dialogues. And also Always classy Sharon stone, David Morrissey whose performance is also gr8 but still does not match Micheal Douglas.

But still the movie is must watch.. I have'nt seen a movie with so much of suspense, twists and turns. Apart from the fact that you cannot see this movie with your family, Everything else is great.

Indian censor think from asses not 4 masses
Apr 18, 2006 10:49 AM 2361 Views

I understand censor board chopping off nude content cuz it might influence the minor aged thinking (but there aint no scissor for the religious sentiment ??MAKING FUN OF INDIAN GODS ? that should not be censored .. ?in a particular scene the cheif of shrinks(psychologist.) makes outright mockery of the indian god .. where in as far as I rememeber they are talking about eight hands of the godess... well go ahead see the film .. u will know what I am trying to say... it was totally unrequired and should have been axed ...the censor sucks !!

no need to reveiw the film.... sharon stone as sad as dimple in being cyrus... the film script is good but very poorly executed and casted !

@#$% censor...

btw this aint a review .. this is just to let ya know that this film has an element of mockery on probably sensitive issues...

the film is full of hamming and lousy screenplay

reviewed by other users... dont need to dat..

Sex , Sleaze & Sharon
Apr 17, 2006 07:31 PM 3410 Views


“If you are under the age of 18 or faint hearted or bounded by Moral policing and hate the word sex, then this review is not for you and please avoid reading this review. If you still insist on going ahead please take in the right spirit , do leave your comment but if you are moral policing kind stay away even from commenting . “

The title should say it all, when you are talking about Basic Instinct it has to be Sex, Sleaze and of course the “Fuck of the Century…”. The other day, I and Sharon where sharing a table in one of the hottest Hollywood hangout place and we were not discussing about the movie Basic Instinct, we were discussing the actual basic instinct. The lady was dressed in her best, a Red skirt with a sliding cleavage display and of course it was one of those dress, guys want to make love with their females. Now, though the ever charming lady doesn’t even look 48, she looks like just she has come out of a passionate seductive world about to seduce you.

The dress, the looks don’t matter at all when Sharon speaks it is the lady and her charming way of impressing guys with her pin to the point approach. Even though, I was tempted asking her about Basic Instinct – Risk addiction and was about to ask her , she could see that in my eyes that it was more then the Risk Addiction, it was lust. Asyis, “does Lust form as a part of Risk Addiction and don’t you feel being laid so hard that your mind doesn’t think of anything but the lady. For a moment didn’t knew what to say just was amazed at the women’s sixth sense, how did she know that I wanted to know more about the movie and of course had the lust for her in my eyes. That’s Sharon Stone for you all, she can just by her amazing smile and seductive looks and those amazing “one liner’s “ make you go bonkers for her.

She took her cigarette and she knows I hate people who smoke and doesn’t like anyone smoking front of me, but that is Sharon. She just looked at me and said, Asyis, want to try this, a new brand I am sure it would give you more power to imagine me. (I was like who needs a cigarette when you have a beautiful lady just oozing those amazing body on you.. Just like Nick, ignored her and passed that offer.

So Sharon, tell me more about your movie what made you sign the sequeal after such a long time from the first one, she looked at me and said, Asyis don’t you think you have the answer already. Don’t you think, I am looking awesome with a plumped up body more curves and those bs giving a nice look for my viewers. But Sharon, I feel Michael was too good with you, this new guy(David Morrissey) doesn’t even come close. Baby, I like trying different men, and Michael has become too old for me, and this new guy was better too. Sharon, this guy looked too tired for doing anything in fact he looked so bloody tired to make love with the female in one of the scene. Baby, hmm you observed him, pretty sharp I like that. So you like trying new things isn’t it. I was like didn’t know what to answer , hmm ..nothing like that…I mean……(I was blabbering without words) . Its okay baby, I tried new things in this movie, the orgy, the 3some I am sure you might have enjoyed it.

But Sharon, in India I am sure these scenes would never reach the theatre only privileged people who has got internet and can download these uncensored scenes would have the opportunity. But yes, I loved it those were amazing but I have seen these millions on times on so many B-Grade Flick and of course Eyes Wide Shut too. Baby, are you telling me Basic Instinct is a B-grade Porn flick?. Yes, sweetheart I did feel like watching a B-Grade Porn flick except that if they remove you from Basic Instinct the whole movie is still a B-Grade movie. Aah, good to see you progressing baby, you have come to Sweetheart hmm, yeah I am the Soul of the movie apart from me their is sex , the amazing dialogue and the one-liners are amazing. Hold on sweetheart, I feel Basic Instinct – 1 was far far better as far as one-liners are concerned. I agree that, here we didn’t have any room to use those one-liners and anyways people would have found it very predictable. Sharon, I feel in the first part your leg crossing scene was the Scene of the century why didn’t you have anything like that in this movie. Come on baby I think so alteast 3 or more times I did in this movie, probably your censor board must have removed it. I have seen the uncut version too but didn’t see any of those leg crossing, ohh!! I remember you crossing the leg so many times but I guess your camera man was dozing because this time viewers where not that lucky. But, I liked the starting scene famous football star was seducing you with his fingers and you driving the car at more than 130MPH and getting aroused and then you being blamed for killing him. Sweetheart, I like to get seduced in high speed, I guess he should find himself lucky and his fingers luckier.

The new guy didn’t sound good for a Criminal Psychologist he looked so tired and drained out. Didn’t you guys found some other guy to play this role a more flamboyant. Baby, if I had taken someone more flamboyant what would happen to me, and this movie is all about me. Ohh, right I forgot that so finally what happens in the movie. Tell me baby do people really care about the story in the movie, all the guys in the world came in the movie to see me have sex , strip, moan and of course getting the orgasm. So that is what this movie is all about me, Sharon and my ways of having sex.

But Sharon, Catherine the name you carry in the movie has become more famous then you. But baby, that is what I am Catherine and Sharon are both one and the same. I agree with you, I don’t think anyone could have played this role better then you.

But still Sharon, this is a B-grade flick even if this had you in the lead. Baby, who cares as long as I get to cross my leg, smoke some cigarette, have some orgy and shoot those one-liner people are going to come and watch.

Anyways baby enough of questions how about going to my room and discuss this movie and its scene in details. That would be a good idea Sharon.

Now, from the above discussion you guys must have come to know that this movie has nothing new to offer. Don’t waste your time in going to a theatre in India and watching the movie because I am sure it would be censored one. This movie is just another B-Grade porn flick trying to have some A Grade portion of having Sharon Stone in the lead.

you are a net savvy, then there are lot of uncensored version roaming around. Watch the movie only if you are a Die-hard Sharon Stone fan and see the amazing 48year old beauty walk with amazing charm, arrogance and of course seduction.

©Asyis 2006

London United Kingdom
Bad movie
Apr 06, 2006 05:00 PM 2725 Views

Oh Boy! Where do I start with this one? Basic Instinct just basically stinks. No need to cross your legs and think of Catherine Tramell in this sequel. It's just not remotely sexy. Sharon Stone reprises her role as cinema's best known femme fatale, novelist Catherine Tramell. But 14 years on she's about as seductive as a cockroach in a mini-dress.

After the disastrous Catwoman sent her fading career into freefall it's no surprise Stone has been trying to set up this star-reinvigorating sequel. But the fact she's the only remaining link to the original tells it's own story. Four minutes in, Basic Instinct: Risk Addiction reaches it's first climax (quite literally) with a car crash-an indicator of what's to come, if you ask me. Former footballer Stan Collymore (he's been doggedly practising for this acting role)dies in the wreck soon after pleasuring Catherine. Small mercies, but it's all downhill from there.

The film is so lazy they haven't even changed the plot, simply swapping Douglas's deadbeat San Francisco cop in the original for David Morrissey's strung-out London psychiatrist Dr Michael Glass (David Morrissey). Stone's saucy novelist is in trouble with the law again as police investigate the death of Stan's character. So they call in Dr Glass, a respected London shrink who's brought in by sleazy cop Roy Washburn (David Thewlis) to quiz Tramell over Collymore's demise.

Physically drawn to and mentally intrigued by her, Glass - against the advice of his mentor, Dr Milena Gardosh (Charlotte Rampling)- is quickly sucked into her web of deceit. ''Is this where we're going to do it?''she purrs in the first of many lame double entendres. But once Tramell's sprawled on Glass's couch, he gets lured into her seductive game and the pair spend the next 90 minutes sparring pathetically. As bodies pile up, one dimensional Stone gallivantes around London snarling tedious sexual one-liners.

Asked if she's traumatised about Collymore's death she says: ''Hey yes, who knows if I'll ever come again?'' Don't worry, she does. There's plenty of sex: Rough sex, lesbian sex, group sex, but sadly no sexy sex. Nobody is saying the original film was Oscar-winning stuff, but at least it was a genuine turn-on. That leg-crossing moment made cinema history.

The only way Basic Instinct 2 will go down in history is as one of the worst films ever. The audience is teased mercilessly about whether Sharon will flash her undercarriage again. She doesn't. But she does do a full frontal starkers shot in a Jacuzzi. But don't worry, you won't have nightmares. There's enough Vaseline on the camera lens to guarantee that. Can Glass avoid suspicion? Is Washburn implicated?

Does Tramell write true fictions? And, quite frankly, does anyone care? It's a preposterous script, desperately wishing to elevate itself by confusion, false leads and lots of sexual tension, sexual activity and sexual line-crossing. But in the end it offers a rather absurd and unsatisfactory climax.

Seduction is the ultimate weapon in Basic Instinct 2, a lurid see-saw of manipulation and control which plays like an unoriginal, racy page turner. David Thewlis walks off with the acting honours (despite the worst screen death ever) with Stone, Morrisey and Collymore proving more wooden than the entire Thunderbirds cast.


Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction