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Sulemani Keeda Movie Reviews

emailtosanjaypokhMouthShut Verified Member
Ghaziabad India
Pseudo movie....
Dec 02, 2015 12:52 PM 2062 Views

I saw this movie an I thin this is another pseudo film. Shabbily shot and written, This boring film about two young screen writing pals looking to trade their TV job for a ticket to Bollywood is transformed into boring young urban comedy, The title has limited appeal to smart local audiences who recognize the writers' hangouts in the western Mumbai suburbs and get the inside jokes.

The writers also wander around Bollywood offices futilely trying to peddle their script until they stumble upon Gonzo Kapoor(the well-cast Karan Mirchandani), a muscular playboy whose producer-father is willing to bankroll a vehicle to launch his aging heir. There isn't that much here that's ruminatively new and poor direction doesn't help either. Complete avoid. do not watch. save your time.

irfan456shaikhMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Very nice movie
Nov 29, 2015 06:59 PM 2055 Views (via Android App)

I watched this movie the movie was very best having good casting and performing.The movie was based on 2 artist which are struggling they both are writer they write out of the box of the bollywood the was fulky comedy there is some abuse words but its kk now days the people are loving this only.

The was of TVF, tvf is the channel which makes parody and make people laugh I love this channel they are giving very best episode and know they have given gift us from this movie sulemani keeda which is very great to watch and love it.

manishroy_n222MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Awesome Entertainer
Apr 21, 2015 12:43 PM 2461 Views

Its great to see such a great low budget Indie entertainer in India. Very well written, acted and directed. Released in selected cinema without any huge publicity drama. Movie was good so, word of mouth was enough to get audience with every next show.

This kind of film encourages new artist to take risk on their own and make what they really want to show to audience not what the producer, financier or distributor wants.

It was a simple story of everyday people with what originally happens in normal life, nothing fancy or extraordinary, just ordinary, that's where movie touches your heart because you connect to the characters from all aspects.

Over all a film not to be missed because it is like hope for good Indian cinema.


Sulemani Keeda
Its Whacky, its Witty, Yes its Real
Dec 06, 2014 08:36 PM 3516 Views

#SulemaniKeeda: Cinema, for that matter Art, for some is an escape from reality, for some other it is a reflection of a slice of life.

In Bollywood, success for most is box office collection, for few others it is about getting a creative orgy. Write director Amit Masurkar dares to tread on the path less trodden.

'Sulemani Keeda' is an urban Indie, about so many young aspiring script writers who spend innumerable years running around the offices of producers till they “compromise” or run out of their mojo or decide to continue writing something relevant at the cost of being treated as irrelevant!

Made on a shoe string budget, it is a witty & whacky comedy revolving around the lives of two struggling screenplay writers Mayank & Dulal. Their aspiration to make it big in Bollywood is so identifiable.

Their bonding suddenly reminds you of that flatmate of yours with whom you would have gone to malls & pubs to find potential girlfriends, the one you fought with and shared life’s secrets.

While Dulal is a well read emotional guy who recites Sahir Ludhianvi and tries to immortalize his relationships through his writing, Mainak is quirky & doesn't believe that a writer should read much. Along their journey Dulal meets and falls in love with Ruma, played by a brilliant Aditi Vasudeva, who is quite level headed  and knows how to live life. It is this contrast that makes their relationship interesting.

While the plot is familiar, it is the matter of fact treatment, witty one liners and deadpan humour that makes Sulemanikeeda so endearing.

There are few scenes like the confrontation between Film & Serial screen play writers and scenes where a handkerchief plays a metaphor to life are so real, yet so hilarious.

The beauty of Sulemani Keeda lies in the fact that even while making a statement on something as important as a screen play writer’s struggle the film doesn't take itself seriously.

At 89 minutes, the editing is crisp and Mayank Tewari as Mainak is refreshing.

In a world where unfortunately star cast & promotion budget & not script decide a film’s fate, SulemamaniKeeda is an honest attempt that needs to be watched, applauded & encouraged.

It may not yet be time for “Happy New Year” but it surely deserves a “Happy Ending”. Go watch it!