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Info for Right Yaaa Wrong

Release DateMar 12, 2010
CastSunny Deol, Irrfan Khan, Eesha Koppikhar, Konkona Sen Sharma
DirectorNeeraj Pathak
MusicMonty Sharma
ProducerNeeraj Pathak, Krishan Choudhary
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Right Yaaa Wrong Movie Reviews

Ajman United Arab Emirates
Well, Right To A Great Extent
Jul 13, 2011 09:07 PM 3124 Views

It is not necessary that all the good movies will succeed at the box office. Similarly, the failure of a film at box office does not means that the film was bad. There can be numerous examples of such films & Right Ya Wrong is one such film, which sank without leaving a mark at the box office but is an intelligent thriller. I just finished watching it & I am wondering what went wrong that people rejected the film? How can I blame others when I myself being Sunny Deol's fan did not watch it till today?

Sunny Deol, a cop by profession, is married to Isha Kopikar & they have a son. Isha Kopikar is not a faithful wife as she has an affair with Sunny's step brother Sanjay Singh. One day, Sunny gets shot during an encounter, which paralyses his lower part of the body & as per the doctors, he will never walk again.

Sunny Deol has an insurance of Rs. 5 crore. He convinces Isha Kopikar & Sanjay SIngh to kill him so that his family can get the money from insurance & live happily. He makes a foolproof plan basis which he is shot by Sanjay Singh.

But when the police arrives at the scene they find dead bodies of Isha & Sanjay Singh. Sunny Deol claims that he shot them in self defence & the evidence available on the spot says so as well.

Irfaan Khan besides being a cop is also Sunny's friend & he suspects that Sunny had planned those murders & as an honest police officer wants to prove it.

Can he prove what he claims is true because no one trusts his accusation against Sunny. Not even his sister, who being a lawyer by profession acts as Sunny's lawyer. Who will win Sunny or Irfaan? Two intelligent police brains, both aware of each others strength plays the cat & mouse game till the end.

Music by Monty Sharma is below average, though there was no need for songs in such film. Thankfully there are only 3 songs but all fail to impress.

Dialogues are good as they are in mood with the film. Photography is good.

Deepal Shaw as a cop & lover of Irfaan Khan is strictly okay. Suhasini Mulay as the judge is okay as well & so is Govind Namdev as the public prosecutor.

Sanjay Singh does his part well. Isha Kopikar looks gorgeous & plays the role of unfaithful wife to perfection.

Konkana Sen Sharma in the role of Sunny's lawyer is good & shines in the court room scenes.

Ashfaque Makrani's crisp editing was icing on the cake as it gave the right length to the film (2 hours 5 minutes) that keeps the viewers' interest alive till the end. Good job there by him. Well done.

Writer - Director Neeraj Pathak has chosen a topic, which is different from the run of the mill stuff & as a writer he deserves a pat on his back for creating a solid plot & presenting it in a style. As a director, he has succeeded in extracting good performances from the entire crew, which assures that he has all the ability to succeed in Bollywood. He just need to forget the final result of this film at the box office, though it is not easy since it was his debut vehicle.

There are many scenes in the film that leaves an impact on the viewers, namely, Sunny's conversation with his wife & brother to kill him, his scenes with Irfaan Khan, the court room scenes, etc. Though there is no suspense in the film but still the viewer waits for the final outcome, which does not disappoints. All credit goes to Neeraj Pathak.

The film stands on two rock solid performances by Sunny Deol & Irfaan Khan. This is a different Sunny Deol as he is shown handicapped sitting on a wheel chair with minimum of fight scenes given to him. He plays his part with equal ease & proves his worth as an actor once again.

Irfaan Khan has hardly disappointed & he is top class yet again. A very good performance which went unnoticed due to the films result at the box office.

Even though the film has fared miserably at the box office, it is recommended to people who prefer to watch good thrillers.

Thrill but no suspense
Mar 15, 2010 04:25 PM 3063 Views

One more Bollywood thriller is now available for watching. However it is not the routine run of the mill suspense-thriller. It is not an original story either. The narrator has borrowed the theme from the movie - Above Suspicion. All the same, he can be given the credit for indianizing it and making a grossly watchable thriller for the Indian Hindi movie audience. The director has revealed the suspense just after the crime. Leave aside making it a whodunnit mystery, he has not even allowed it to remain a howdunnit mystery. Audience is well aware of who did it and how did it, much earlier than the climax of the movie. Nevertheless the movie is interesting and able to make the audience sit on their seats till the last scene.

Sunny Deol plays the usual ideal(and superman like capable) cop who works in association with his colleague cum close friend, Irrfan. In between the initial action sequence of Sunny, the director starts unfolding the plot as if he is in a hurry. The infidelity of Sunny's wife and the loose character of his

cousin give a hint of the forthcoming storyline. However a paralysed Sunny's making a scheme for his backstabbers to implement which should result in his own death, confuses the viewers, albeit for a very short while. This is the interval. Soon after the interval, the twist in the tale is very much within in the knowledge of the audience. Here the narrator demonstrates his commendable skill to maintain the interest of the viewer for the remaining part of the movie. Irrfan comes into active role, accusing his friend and colleague to mastermind a cold-blooded double murder and vows to get the guilty booked. Konkona Sen Sharma, his sister, enters the screen in the role of a sympathetic lawyer believing in the innocence of Sunny. Investigation, interrogation and trial scenes follow culminating in exoneration of Sunny and mental break-down of his dutiful friend, Irrfan who feels defeated and wounded with a painful sense of not being able to protect the honour of the law of the land.

The beauty of the narrative is that it fully justifies the title of the story. There are difficult moments in an otherwise straightforward and clean-hearted person's life too when he faces the moral dilemma of deciding what is right and what is wrong. Flowing with the events of the movie in the post interval session, the viewer starts feeling that both the leading gentlemen are right in their own ways and none of them can be labelled as wrong.  Sunny's making his enemies work upon the plan of their own murder, mistaking it to be the plan of Sunny's murder, is simply breathtaking. And after the murder(s), the happenings and the developments in the story envelop the attention of the viewer in a different manner because the cat and mouse game between Irrfan(the cat) and Sunny(the mouse) is different from n number of such games shown in other movies. The cat and the mouse are emotional for each other and the bone of contention is only their individual perspectives of right and wrong and the storyteller has added spice to the already interesting tussle by bringing the cat's sister, Konkona on the side of the mouse. Despite lack of mystery or suspense, the eagerness remains for the climax. However the climax, though not a let down, is not so impressive as it should have been after a sensational court-room drama.

The director, instead of picking his script ditto from Above Suspicion, could have amended it a bit and kept the mystery(of at least the howdunnit aspect) alive till the climax, thereby making it a genuine suspense-thriller. Had he done it, the movie would have been a better one. However, I make no attempt to snatch the credit from him for making an entertaining thriller. The events related to the double murder, reminisce me of a 1986 Sanjeev Kumar starring thriller - Qatl as well as another Sanjeev Kumar starrer of 1980, Be-reham alongwith Maharathi released in 2008 and of course, the Perfect Murder with its Bollywood takes on like Aitbaar, Hamraaz and Vaada. Yet it resembles them only in bits and pieces and overall it is able to carve a different niche for itself.

Right Yaaa Wrong is a food for thought also. Can ethical values and laws of the land be considered as absolute in their own right or they need to be given a second look according to the tricky situation at hand demanding resolution? Should an honest, sincere and loving person not be given a chance to judge them differently when life compels him to do an unethical thing or take the law in his own hand? And how should a dutiful cop think? Should he allow himself to get carried away by the noble and virtuous personality of the criminal  or the etiology behind his crime and become a silent party to his crime by not performing his sacred duty of catching the law-breakers and presenting them before the court of law? The answers are not easy.

The music of the movie is by no means excellent, however the very few songs inserted into the movie are well integrated with the narrative. The lead characters - Sunny, Irrfan, Konkona, Eesha Koppikar as the unfaithful wife and the actor playing the backstabbing cousin; all have played their parts with utmost sincerity. Irrfan as always, is able to steal the show with his genius. Sunny has been given a chance to exercise his old and well-known action talent in the beginning part of the movie which he has done well, making his action fans happy. But more importantly, he has done full justice to the real, meatier role of a cheated husband and a loving `n' caring father in the later reels of the movie as well. Full marks to him. Deepal Shaw(lady police officer), Suhasini Mulay(magistrate) and Govind Namdeo(public prosecutor) are also first rate.

The technical departments of the movie are up to the mark. Editing has made the movie crisp and engrossing. Sunny's wardrobe also needs a mention. The dresses selected for him give him a younger(though he is 53 years now) and smarter look.

Overall a good movie. Doesn't matter that it is a copied one.

Good Suspense Thriller
Mar 15, 2010 10:01 AM 2404 Views

Sunny Deol - Ajay Shridhar Irfan Khan - Vinay Patnaik Isha Koppikar - Anshita Konkona Sen Sharma - Radhika Patnaik Aryan Vaid

Plot: It is a suspense thriller. Ajay (Sunny) & Vinay (Irfan) work in Goa police. Both work with same dedication and daredevilness but their believes and ideologies are different. Ajay sometimes puts the human angle into the service whereas Vinay always goes strictly by the books. Events happen and Ajay finds himself on the other side of the law. Vinay, unlike all other members of their team, makes a point to get the punishment for Ajay. Anshita(konkona Sen), who is the sister of Vinay, lawyer by profession comes forward to help Ajay out. To know What Ajay has done, is Vinay able to prove him guilty etc. one needs to watch the movie. It is one time worth a watch.

Movie moves with slow but gripping pace till the interval and just after the interval it really catches the pace. It becomes suspense thriller in true sense in the second half.

As mentioned above, the movie fits into the category of a thriller but still has a point to prove. The point is, it is not necessary to obey the orders very religiously. One can apply his or her own judgment in performing the duties. I really don’t know, if that is the right message or not.; Like if everybody starts using his judgments, then judiciary would not even be left with what ever limited power it has at present.

Performance: Well, Konkona could have done little better. It is not necessary for her to come up with Behenjee types looks in all the movies. Little efforts can make her bit more presentable. Sunny and Irfaan worked well, though there is nothing which they haven’t shown or performed earlier. All the expression and styles, we have already seen in their previous movies. Nevertheless, that doesn’t entitles them for any negative marks as far as performance in this movie goes.

I, being the sunny's fan, really liked him wearing different t-shirts in every scene. It really refreshes the same way as seeing Dharmendra paa jee in different shirts in “pal pal dil k paas” song.

By the end of the movie the situation becomes like that match in which you kind of favor both the teams. You are not able to figure out which side you are on. On one side there is Sunny, who is the hero and has your full admiration and sympathies and on other side there is Irfaan, who is defending the truth.

Again, it is worth a watch, kind of complete movie in itself.


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