I recently saw this flick after seeing the trailer, thinking the subject matter was a bit different. I was eager to see how it turned out and I was pleased overall.
Vicky Kaushal. aka Iqbal
Alia Bhatt. aka Sehmat
Sehmat, a college student from Kashmir, learns of her father's malignant tumor and how he wouldn't be able to continue his work for the country for intel extraction from Pakistan. Upon request, she volunteers to continue his work, despite her father's cautioning against it.
After undergoing necessary training for her assignment, she is soon married to the son of a Brigadier, Iqbal, stationed in Pakistan. The Brigadier is a long time friend of Sehmat's father, or at least the brigadier thinks so. Sehmat's aim is to live a normal life there, averting anyone's suspicion but at the same time, extract any info from anywhere which may help bolster India's defenses.
Interesting events ensue, which often make us wonder about the outcome of the film. The outcome isn't entirely unexpected, but it's the way things pan out which may intrigue you. It would only be fair to discover that yourself.
1) It is a suspense "drama" rather than a suspense "thriller". You'll know roughly where it's heading, it's the 'how' part which is responsible for the suspense, rather than the 'why'.
2) This is somewhat like several undercover agent novels written by Robert Ludlum or a few by Ken Follett where the wife is involved in military esponiage. It was quite interesting to see something like that in a Bollywood film.
3) In general, the entire cast acts well. Alia Bhatt's role is the most meaty one. She excels for most of it.
Some parts however could've been better - her breakdown of sorts, towards the end. Or whenever she was in a tight situation she used to put up a normal face to avert suspicion and then release her anxiety later, behind closed doors. For some reason, that anxiety release lacked a bit of spontaneity in it.
I think Jaideep Ahlawat also puts in a pretty good turn, as Sehmat's contact in India.
4) I think Meghna Gulzar directs the story well. We don't really feel bored at any point. To achieve that, despite the viewers knowing who's who, would've been somewhat difficult.
5) The film wasn't really about special effects. But the cinematography in general was good.
6) This wasn't really the "songs in the film" kind of movie, dealing with pretty serious subject matter. The film also abides by such, with good results.
7) There are quite a few thrilling sequences in the film, the best one probably being the one towards the end - Sehmat's cover is finally blown or not, when she's trying to escape.
8) This is also a very good example of how if one's personal life and professional life seriously overlap, it can lead to potentially disastrous results for the individual's well being. Clear reminder of why it shouldn't be so.
9) I found it amusingly ironic that Alia's character is called 'Sehmat' and she is sehmat / raazi to achieve her goals in Pakistan. :)
To conclude, it was an enjoyable watch. I was pleased with Bollywood trying something different in this genre and not coming up short. I would probably rate it 8.5 or so / 10.
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