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Malaamaal Weekly Movie Reviews

Kurukshetra, India India
Fully comedian movie
Jul 09, 2017 01:03 AM 1159 Views (via Mobile)

This movie is very comedian and full of enjoyment. The main characters of this movie are:Parish rawel, om puri, ritesh deshmukh, shakti Kapoor, rajpal yadav etc. It is story about lottery system and luckily the lottery is distributed between poor people of village.

These people are get rid of a greedy woman who gives loan to the people and treat them very bad. I enjoyed this movie a lot you must watch this with your family.

Australia Australia
May 17, 2007 10:25 AM 3644 Views

Ever wished that producer could come up with their own ideas rather than doing remakes or copyingPriyadarshan came up with the brilliant hera pherithen he made phir hera pheriboth become hitsbut then he made malaamal weekly.

What is the story????

The whole village is run by karamkalia vicious money-lender also known as tharkuranit seems that the town is plague by problemsleelaram(paresh rawel) sells lottery tickethe lives with his wife and goat kidafter selling 105 ticketshe suddenly reliase that one of the tickets he sold have won the first prizehow he knows thathe is the only man in the village that is litteratesurprising that ritesh deskhmukh who is younger than him is ittlerateanyways leelaram hits upon an idea to throw a party and he invites all those that have bought the lottery tickets from himhe finally realise that all those who came with the lottery ticketsnone had the lucky ticketshe learns that the lucky tickets is with anthony(the drunkurd)when leelaramreaches anthony househe finds him deadand whatare yaarwatch it yourselfThe Wonderful Flaws in the film.

The film is good except at times it goes out of hand like when the lottery inspector comes in the car and om puri is fixing the bicyclehow does he not manage to see om puri????The village have autosand even ritesh deshmukh wears good clothesasrani rides the elephant considering that elephants are more expensive than carsand priya darshan expects us to digest all theseNo Perfect FilmThis film has some flaws but overall is averageno body makes a perfect filmEvery film has a little bit of these stuff:NonesenseOriginalityPersonal gainEnrich in valuesRemorseFullfilment after watching the filmEnjoymentComedyTragdyFunInterestingLenghtyMarvellousSoooooobye

Engrossing rustic humour
Nov 27, 2006 01:02 PM 3419 Views

No chart busters,no foreign locales,no mega stars litting up the screen with their starry presence,no heavy budget investment are the chief ingredients of this awesome comedy which turned out to be the surprise hits of the year.Quenched the thirst of comedy lovers in true sense of the word.

A movie set in a rural backdrop with a simplistic storyline and still having a range of events which keep gaining interest of the audience after a gap of few minutes regularly suggests the knack of the director in extracting the best out of the talented actors who set the pace of the movie.

Sudha Chandran riding in her typical three wheeler was one of the comic interests of the movie along with Raj Pal Yadav who is a big name in comedy these days and enacted the role of her brother who desperately wants to get married to the lady love of Ritesh Deshmukh.OmPuri is the confused father of the girl in question .After being enlightened of Raj Pal Yadav’s stupid intention,the girl registers her dissent with her father and even tries to put an end to her life and leaves the entire village shell-shocked by her suicidal move especially Ritesh Deshmukh who openly expresses his resentment against the blockhead character played by RajPal Yadav.But Raj Pal Yadav’s marriage with a eunuch must have been a laughter pill for most of the audience.

Above all,it is the furore over the lottery amount which rakes up a conflict among villagers and also draws Sudha Chandran’s greedy attitude towards the jackpot who leaves no stone unturned to capture the jackpot herself.As the movie reaches its end,all the trifles are subsequently brought to an end and the amount is utilized by the villagers for improving the conditions of the village .Raj Pal Yadav is seen on the streets begging for alms at the end of the movie.

The movie did not convey any message as such but was only meant to beat the heat with a relaxing fun filled storyline.


Malaamaal Weekly
dubai uae
Good clean fun
Aug 10, 2006 10:21 PM 3935 Views

All of us seek entertainment when we pop in that DVD or pay good money for cinema tickets. Off late, I had lost hope of finding any film funny unless I started considering 2 hrs of sex-related jokes and bad slapstick "comedy". So as you can imagine, I was not expecting much when I played Malamaal Weekly. 10 minutes into the film, I was laughing and one and a half hour later I was still laughing!

The film has a plethora of talent with Paresh Rawal, Om Puri, Rajpal Yadav and impressive Ritesh Deshmukh.The story revolves around a winning lottery ticket and faltering morals of the people of a small village. The village is under strict control of the "thukrayan" (Sudha Chandran) who plays the extortionist loan shark. Rajpal Yadav plays a negative character but still entertains with his antics while Ritesh plays the good for nothing love interest of puri's daughter. Paresh Rawal plays the lottery ticket vendor who is the only literate person in the village. Upon chancing the winning lottery ticket number, he finds himself greedy for the money thinking how it will solve all his problems. Since he is the one who informs the village what the ticket number for the week is - he decides to keep the info to himself and hatches a scheme to acquire all the lotto tickets from the village folk. However, to his dismay he doesnt get his hands on the winning ticket and realises the only person who could have it - Anthony. He decides to pay a vists to Anthony to try and cut a deal with him only to find dear Anthony bhai - DEAD with the ticket still in his hand! It is now only a matter of grabbing the ticket but just as Paresh Rawal tries it, in walks Om Puri on the scene believing Rawal has disposed of Anthony. Rawal explain the situation to Puri and they decide to split the fortune. All they have to do it is prove to the Lotto inspector that Om Puri is infact Anthony. As a good comedy would have it, the plot turns from a relatively simple plan to a confusing sequence of events as Om Puri, Ritesh and eventually half the village becòmes part of the conspiracy! The foiled conspiracy however leads everyone to question their morality and how the money they dont have yet has poisoned them.

Will they be able to fool the inspector? Will they get the fortune they have "worked"so hard for to set them free from the evil thukrayan? You will have to watch to find out - enjoy the ride.

After a long time, I thoroughly enjoyed a film and switched my tv off smiling. If nothing else, the filmmakers should be applauded for an authentic plot and script. This Priyadarshan entertainer delivers what a comedy should - Good, Clean Fun!

kolkata India
Malaamaal ya flop!
Jul 20, 2006 07:22 PM 3280 Views

Starring: Ritesh Deshmukh,Paresh Rawal,Om Puri,Shakti Kapoor,Rakhi Sawant,Reema Sen,Rajpal Yadav,Sudha Chandran,Asrani

Director: Priyadarshan

Music: Uttankk V.Vorra

Producer: Sahara One,Percept Picture Company

Malamaal Weekly is about the struggles and survival of people in a small town. Plagued by poverty, bad harvests and a monster of a moneylender called Karamkali, the people in this town are barely able to make ends meet. Lilaram, one of the town's inhabitants, earns a meager source of income through his business of selling Malamaal Weekly Lottery Tickets. One day, while watching TV at a local tea stall, he learns that one of the tickets he had sold has in fact won the One Crore Rupees Bumper Prize. As most of the other villagers don't own a TV and are illiterate, Lilaram knows that he is privy to this information. The question is how to find that one ticket from the 105 he's sold. An idea hits him!

Lilaram (Paresh Rawal) is one of the town's inhabitants who earns his daily bread by selling Malamaal Weekly lottery tickets. But one fine day, whilst watching television Lilaram learns that one of his lottery tickets sold won the one million prize.

As most of the villagers don't own a TV set and are illiterate, Lilaram knows that he is privy to this information. The question is how to find that one ticket from the 105 he has sold. An idea hits him. Lilaram throws a party: A virtual festivity for the people who are fighting to survive. Lilaram, already debt-ridden, manages to host this party at the expense of his one last asset -- his goat, who is treated like a child by Lilaram's wife. Now, the party is only for his 105 customers on the condition that they bring along their tickets as an invite to the celebrations. As luck would have it, all turn up except one --Anthony [Malayalam actor Innocent], the drunkard. Lilaram decides to pay him a visit. On reaching Anthony's house, he finds Anthony dead in front of the TV. Too shocked on hearing about his victory, Anthony is dead, with the lottery ticket still in his hand.

Music -- there's just one song in the film [filmed on Raakhi Sawant] -- and it's strictly okay. Cinematography [Sameer Arya] is of standard. Dialogues are the highpoint of the enterprise. In fact, a few one-liners have the required punch to create the desired impact. Editing is loose. Paresh Rawal, who has become a fixture in Priyadarshan's movies, is average here. Om Puri hams, Riteish Deshmukh is wasted, and Sudha Chandran and Rajpal Yadav don't come across as tyrant thakurs.

On the whole, Malaamaal Weekly - sorely failed

A sad remake (not of his own south film)!!!
Jul 15, 2006 01:36 AM 3021 Views

I must admit I really went into this movie with a lot of expectations and trust me thats not the only reason I found this movie to be bad.

For starters this movie is the remake (and a pathetic one) of the British film "Waking Ned Devine" which I saw years ago and was an utterly delightful movie that captured the essence of the English countryside.

As such this movie follows the same themes although the movie claim that the village is small consisting of 100-150 khidkis (homes) is not evident anywhere I must have seen at least that many or more people in this film. Also the false picture or racial mixture in the village was to hard to digest (a bloody drunk anthony in a small village in India talk about rubbish stereotypes and in fact there is more than one anthony in the same village wtf).

You cannot emphasize how many absurdities this movie has that are hard to digest even for a comedy. Seriously after Hera Pheri its all been downhill for priyadarshan.

Also what the hell is it with him and connected people it wasn't funny in hungama and its definitely not funny here.

The only reason this movie gets a 4 is because the acting is top notch and the cast of main actors do a great job I keep repeating it but I feel ritesh deshmukh has a bright future playing the average joe guy due his bad looks and good acting(lets not forget his politician father).

Also there are some genuinely funny scenes in the movie but this movie lacks any genuine original humour.

All in a movie making disaster but can be watched due to top notch performances of the actors and some genuinely funny scenes.

Watch it in the matinée or television debut though.(not wasting 200 bucks to watch it an inox)

* A sad copy of Waking Ned Devine *
Jul 09, 2006 12:14 PM 3698 Views

Well, well well !

no one apparently has seen the original English film Waking Ned Devine, of which Malaamaal Weekly is a total copy. So I keep seeing reviews describing it as 'original' story idea !!

Not that there is anything wrong in copying or being inspired by another story -- but credit must be given to the original, to be fair.

So the rest of the revu (and all the ratings) is about the original film - Waking Ned Devine (1998)

you know how long mouthshut takes for new products these days, so i'm not waiting for the right category. I wnna write while u and I are still young.

First of all, this film is not from Hollywood. Its is an English film written and directed by Kirk Jones. it got pretty good word-of-mouth, for a small budget one. Set in a little Irish village perched on hills and full of ordinary but colorful characters. Side plots about the lives of these people keep you engaged while the main plot about a dead guy with a lottery ticket that has just won mega-bucks takes the film forward.

the crux of this feel good film - the lottery seller hears that one of the tickets he sold has won, but he doesn't know which one. so he hatches a plan to befriend the winner and maybe get a piece of the money. he invites all the people to a dinner party. of course everyone turns up, but one - the actual old guy holding the ticket decides just then to die.

hilarious scenes when the village learns of the win - everyone is suddenly wooing everyone else in case they hold the winning ticket. crabby natures take a backseat, out come the smiles and friendly words.

finally the whole village realizes that the winner has died. if the lottery guys come to know, no one will get the money.

the entire village goes into a huddle and schemes to collectively claim and share the winnings.

a lottery inspector, who will verify the ticket and the claimant, is the only one who must be convinced.

but the villagers are not entirely united - one greedy widow among them is planning to give away the secret when the lottery inspector arrives....

what will happen ...well its a twist, but a very funny twist, accompanied by some amazing music.

the cinematography is breathtakng. I hear it wasn't actually shot in Ireland, but the Isle of Man - but it is some of the most beautiful scenery I've seen. And the Irish music is just fantabulous. They've used a lot of classic Irish folktunes. especially the last driving song The Parting Glass - the finale cuts between the villagers waiting for the inspector, and the widow out to tell all ..the foot-tapping music just builds and builds to the twisted climax... music to fall in love with.

irish pubs are known for their friendliness and warmth. I love the pub they've used here, so traditional.. . the actors are some well known and some unknown - great natural performances. of course the Irish accents are thick here, but not fake, at least.

if you haven't seen this one, you've missed an original and wonderful movie.

Malamaal Weekly: A natural comedy
Jun 19, 2006 08:55 AM 2947 Views

After a long time I saw good movie which succeeds in generating natural humor.

When I had seen Garam Masala ,I started to feel if Priyadarshan is starting to lose his touch but then I saw MW & I was convinced that GM was just an odd failure.

MW is based on a simple plot & very very good actors .

Is it necessary to mention that Om Puri & Paresh Rawal have done excellent job?

I think it will be necessary to mention if they do not do so.

Both of them have uderstood the roles & played it very well.

Well you should not compare MW with Herapheri as Herapheri was out n out comdy while MW is story of a vilage & its poor villagers & humor is generated as a byproduct rather than a main product as was the case with Herapheri.

Still MW succeeds to make you laugh on several occassions.

I would say this is a good movie & Priyadarshan has done good job & same can be said about entire starcast.

Watch this movie .

Maalamaal Weakly!
May 05, 2006 06:36 AM 3513 Views

I kicked myself more than cursed Priyadarshan for putting me through this torture. I originally decided against renting MW for my usual Friday nite movie-watching routine - something that I love btw, especially after having watched my last Priyadarshan movie - Hulchul which was pure cacophony. MW is even worse.

Is this the same guy who gave us the almost brilliant Hera Pheri ?!?! I remember having laughed my guts out in the theatre while watching it. No such treat for me after that. I only rented MW on second thoughts coz I wanted a few laughs - of course I got none there, instead I felt a lot of contempt and disgust on watching absolute garbage being dished out in the name of comedy. The plot is jaded - I mean we have seen corpses being tugged around in much better movies like Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron for instace. If not for Paresh Rawal, Om Puri, Rajpal Yadav and Riteish Deshmukh (to a certain extent - the boy is talented) I would have dozed off.

Whenever there is Sudha Chandran there is always a danger of overacting....and this time it was no different. People if you have no better ways to spend your money then save it for later....this one's just not good. It is actually so bad that I don't even have words to rip it apart.

Bombay - Mumbai India
The Great Indian Lottery
Apr 30, 2006 02:13 AM 6711 Views

I had just completed the appraisals of my firm and after having been held hostage to the antics of the management and my team negotiating and re-negotiating their deemed worth to the company’s coffers and having had to put up with some of the most brilliant real life performances of hysteria and emotional blackmail and after unsuccessfully trying to replicate the same to a stoic unemotional boss, I finally decided I needed a break and what better way to do so then to visit my favourite theatres. Having completed the rounds of most of the defining movies of 2006, a theatre showing ‘Malamaal Weekly’ intrigued me endlessly (Actually, my wallet had refused to cooperate with the high rates of the big flicks, what with no real increment worth its name!) and since my favourite Priyadarshan had directed the film, I decided to have a look and was happily not let down by my decision.

Money makes the world go around and sometimes it makes us all go aground. I was bowled over by this simple dictum and thought that I would really be interested in understanding the ‘aground’ part of the dictum. I need not have worried for unlike the formula fare that pervade and permeate our movie fabric, Priyan as usual was completely ready with the best example of the assertion. Only you need to imagine a little and considering the state of my purse… that was hardly difficult! Imagine a village where the average GDP stands at a few hundred rupees and then suddenly somebody wins a lottery worth a crore. Well… I can imagine the consequences. This could have made for a brilliant piece of cinematic black comedy but hats off to the genius of Priyan for converting such a dangerous premise into a full-blooded exceptional comic treat.

Priyadarshan has once again proved why he’s one of the top-notch top directors of all time by this simple movie that neither boasts of a top-notch leading star cast or an exceptionally brilliant musical extravagance but still manages to stay true to it’s basic premise by extracting the best work out of an ensemble of the most talented stars and a simple unobtrusive script and minimal direction. One of the highlights of the movie is the combination of Paresh-Om-Asrani and the fact that in the time of ‘Shahrukh or sex sells’, these actors with hardly a fan following could carry it off on their able shoulders speaks a lot for their talent and the director’s vision and confidence.

Paresh Rawal is undoubtedly one of the most under-rated actors of modern Indian Cinema. Despite giving some of the best performances of Indian Cinema in recent times, the actor has hardly been given his due as a thespian. In this movie, Paresh enacts the role of Lilaram, the only literate man in a poor, underdeveloped and illiterate village with consummate ease. As a man who can barely make ends meet and who suddenly learns of one of his tickets winning a crore and then schemes to get the money; the actor is not only comfortable but plays the role of the indefatigable man of a steely determination but a malevolent fate with panache. His frustration as well as his pragmatism is all well enacted. Likewise, his negotiating skills that can bring a smile on the lips of a hardened pessimist

Om Puri as the brash and hotheaded Ballu is more brilliant than brilliance can be. In this movie, Om is the perfect counterfoil to the ever-persevering and pragmatic Paresh as only he can be. An excellent actor of all times, Om’s performance needs no recommendations but can actually be a source of performance for those over-dressed but under-performing stars of the telly world and of course Indian Cinema. Each and every scene is a treat in itself but if mention has to be made, one can easily recollect the scene in the church when Ballu is forced to play Anthony for the money and the entire ensemble acts as if it’s Ballu’s cremation ceremony. Om is exceptional in the scene and carries it on his own shoulders.

Asrani shines among the other performers. The actor has grown leaps and bounds and is at his vintage best as in the Hrishikesh Mukherjee films of the 70s before falling into the formulaic rut of the 80s. His confrontations with Om are brilliant and one feels that if any could match Om scene to scene it has to be the wily Asrani. One can see his brilliance in the scene where he nonchalantly and shamelessly tells Om to deduct his money from his share of the booty although he’s not even a party to the deal. Another scene worth noting is the scene wherein Paresh is delivering a eulogy to Om while Om is in the stands with a sobbing Asrani. Mindblowing!

Ritiesh Deshmukh finally manages to perform, maybe because he had nothing to do other than act victimized and the actor appears to be adept at it. Reema Sen looks too old and jaded and the screen jodi of Ritiesh-Reema lacks chemistry. Arbaaz Khan is adequate in his role, although it beats to see him perform in such tidbits.

Shakti Kapoor manages a restrained performance after a long time. Sudha Chandran looks like one out of the comic books, a vampish character that makes you laugh at her antics. Rajpal Yadav for once overacts and is a jarring point in the narration. Sona Nair impresses in her short role as Lilaram’s wife, adding emotional depth to the movie while Rasika Joshi as Anthony’s sister digs into the role of the money digger with relish.

Innocent, the Malayalam actor who plays Anthony manages to loom large despite having a very small role. The only letdown being Tiku Talsania’s voice that fails to match his on-screen performance. After Satish Shah in ‘Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron’ this is definitely the most convincing portrayal of a corpse.

The sets by Sabu Cyril are fantastic but the director needs to pay some attention towards the music. After all, one cannot visualize Raakhee Sawant dancing in skimpy outfits while listening to the music. The music is indeed a dampener.

Priyadarshan again manages to build a brilliant story out of a slender thread and also to give flesh, blood and structure to the film. This is indeed a major feather on the director’s scalp and considering the fact that this was done without the presence of any heavy-duty star cast is enough reason to celebrate. Keep it up, Mr. Priyadarshan.

I am taking my boss out to this movie along with my team. I hope, I do not end up having to reprise to role of Innocent in my next reviews. In the meantime, a 50% increment will definitely do!

Is it commedy
Apr 25, 2006 03:50 PM 3449 Views

Malaamaal Weekly is a disappointment I have heard alot about this but MW could not stand anywhere.If comedy means some sort of cheapness it it a commedy otherwise it is just waisting three hours.

Actully Malaamaal weekly is nitted around a weak stories and put a lot of general scenes trying to make some humour ,in stead the movie in this process become dull and boaring

It rounds about a lottery ticket and around Paresh rawal and om puri ,there are many more commedy actor and shakti kapoor too ,who dont push any one laugh nowdays. Paresh who is a lottery wender and even could not manage bread and butter .One day frist prize of lottery hits a ticket sold by him and the storey runs with many sequences were added to it in between a love stories .is mixed too

This movie doesn't impress atall .Sudha Chandran put her impression well and consider a village where people don't have food they wear good cloth ,tea shop have a colour TV and auto . good flaws

So movie is not a commedy it is among the 'B' class movie and its name should be KHALAS WEEKLY

Bangalore India
Family Entertainer
Apr 24, 2006 02:34 PM 2774 Views

Recently I saw the DVD print of the this latest Priyadarshini movie.

By this time, I have already gone through a number of review and most of the reactions were mixed.

I have a personal opinion that it is not easy to repeat a classy comedy like Hera Pheri. But still if you compare him with other movie directors you will all agree that he maintains a minimum level of ingeniousness in all his movies weather is Garam Masala, Kyon Ki, Hulchul etc.

He is therefore a director to watch out for. This movie in particular, I like the way he carried forward the story and made it a wholesome entertainer not just mere comedy.

The acting of all the supporting actors was noteworthy and their roles were well defined. Nobody was out of place. Some of the actors like Paresh Rawal, Om Puri have performed exceptional. The backdrop of village was refreshing and captive.

All in all, well worth a watch and also to own (DVD).

The makers get Malamaal!
Apr 23, 2006 02:54 AM 2989 Views

Sometimes, giants are undone by the underdogs. In a season where heavyweights like HUMKO DEEWANA KAR GAYE and SHAADI SE PEHLE are failing, there are cinderella stories happening. Yes, MALAMAAL WEEKLY is one such story. With a one-track storyline, no big STAR (though plenty of great ACTORS), low-key promotion (in a way), as well as no music to talk about, MALAMAAL WEEKLY seems a rather uninteresting product. Yet, never judge a book by its cover.

Yes, lets move to the analysis part. Since a lot of people have already given the plot, I will make it short. MALAMAAL WEEKLY is basically about a lottery ticket that everyone wants to claim in a deserted village. It begins with Leela (Paresh Rawal) to Ballu (Om Puri) to almost half the village. All these poor people decide to team up and claim the lottery ticket of another person (Tony) who has passed away from excessive drinking and excitement. How these villagers prevent the real story from leaking out, how they claim the amount of 1 crore from the lottery inspector (Arbaaz Khan), and how they rule the village is what the movie is all about.

The genius that he is, Priyadarshan makes perfect use of the pros in hand and makes a very optimistic effort. He has directed everyone from Akshay Kumar to Tabu to Suniel Shetty to Akshay Khanna to Kareena Kapoor to John Abraham. However, one name that he has always stood by is Paresh Rawal. Paresh, as usual is the trump card that never disappoints. Priyadarshan proves that with Paresh at hand, music, fancy outlooks, promotion, investments, etc. are all secondary. A movie's success is proportional to smart movie-making as well as sound execution. Priyan does it all in the cheapest, yet the most effective of ways.

Even though Paresh Rawal does an extremely good job of playing the smart yet guilty villager, it is Om Puri who defines perfection. Playing the most interesting part of a desperate yet proud villager, Om Puri goes one step ahead of the standards set by himself and delivers a performance that gains the greatest amount of sympathy available for a cocky character like his. Overall, a perfect job. Riteish is alright. He is an actor with gifted comic timing and a small-time side role like this is no hard job for him. Reema Sen is alright, with no scope at all. Asrani, Shakti Kapoor and Arbaaz Khan both are extremely efficient while Rajpal Yadav overacts. The supporting cast is also efficient.

Overall, MALAMAAL WEEKLY has turned out to be the second big hit of the last couple of months after the success of TAXI! So lets wait for yet another feast of a comedy by Priyadarshan!

Delhi India
Definitely a must see for those who r sick of
Mar 28, 2006 10:48 AM 2828 Views

Inspired movies in bollywood!!

An original rib tickler is here to please us all!! From the maharathi's of comedy to spicy twists and turns in the story, Maalamal offers a lot more than the proms promise.

Be sure that the whole movie would keep a smile intact on you face, apart from the oft happening guffaw of laughter.

From the great character acting by Paresh Rawal, Om Puri, Asrani the new comers like Ritesh Deshmukh dont disappoint at all..the film definitely has its moments..from Sudha Chandran's screaming to rajpal Yadav's the atrocious item number by Rakhee Sawant....well there is a lot for every one's appetite.

the plot is full of unpredictable moments, some expected..others totally out of the blue to punch you in the stomach for a laugh to come out..its just that that u cannot help but smile. the film manages to deliver the big idea that the film is all about while dramatising the whole affair to gigantic proportions.

I couldnt decide who was better---Om Puri or Paresh Rawal. the script fits them to the T!!

Dont read the story here...go and see it right now.....!!!!

Ek Crore Ka Kamaal, Ho Jao Malamaal!!
Mar 27, 2006 11:19 AM 4499 Views

Priyadarshan never disappoints! After giving the viewers the funny movie Garam Masala this time he is back with Malamaal Weekly, which is also a hilarious movie!

The Main Characters of the Movie:

  1. Lilaram (Paresh Rawal): He is a lottery ticket seller in the village. He shows to the village that he is the only literate villager who can speak English (only some words). But he is quite intelligent and has the ability to think fast.

  2. Balwant aka Ballu (Om Puri): The village milkman who mixes water in milk and fools the villagers. The villagers think that he is as brave as lion but from inside he is quite a chicken!

  3. Sukhmani aka Sukhi (Rima Sen): Ballu’s only daughter who is around 24 years of age. She is unmarried and looks after her house.

  4. Kanhaiya (Ritesh Deshmukh): He is around 21 years of age and looks after Balwant’s house the full day. But he gets abused and insulted in return! Kanhaiya and Sukhmani are secretly in love with each other.

  5. Karamkali (Sudha Chandran): The Thakurani of the village. The villagers has given their all to Karamkali during the drought due to which they live a life of bonded slavery. She even charges each and everyone for taking water from the village well!

  6. Bajbahadur aka Baje (Rajpal Yadav): He is the brother and the only relative of Karamkali. He wanders throughout the village during the day with the ‘village mavaalis’ and is of no use! He also loves Sukhmani and Baje and Kanhaiya are the biggest foes of each other!

  7. Chokheylal (Asrani): He is the father of Kanhaiya. He is an elephant trainer but his elephant is mortgaged to Karamkali.

  8. Joseph (Shakti Kapoor): He works under the father in the village church. He helps Lilaram and other villagers in their plan. But he always sides with the person who has the money!

  9. Jayesh Agarwal (Arbaaz Khan): He is the lottery inspector of the ‘Malamaal Weekly’ lottery. He is an urban simpleton and gets dust allergy each time he visits a village.

The story of the movie: Malamaal Weekly is a story about the village Lahauli. Lahauli is struck by a drought. The lives of the villagers become more miserable beause of Karamkali, the Thakurani. Lilaram earns his livelihood by selling the Malamaal Weekly Lottery Tickets. The villagers take the tickets from Lilaram hoping that one day they would win the lottery. One day, while watching TV at a tea stall, Lilaram comes to know one of the tickets he had sold has won the 1st pize of Rs. 1 crore. Now nobody in the village knew about this! Now Lilaram wanted this ticket. He makes a plan. He throws a party in his home. To enter the party one has to bring the lottery ticket as the invite! Now at the end of the party, Lilaram realizes that he had sold 105 tickets but only 104 people had came to the party! Then he relaises that Anthony, the village drunkard who had taken the ticket has not turned up at the party. So Lilaram pays a visit to his home. There he finds that Anthony had already came to knew that he had won a ticket. He became so happy with this news that he died with the ticket in his hand. From here starts a roller-coaster fun ride. As the story moves, undesirable twists take place in the story! So will Lilaram get the prize? Will the life of the villagers change?

As you can see, all the favorite stars of Priyadarshan are present in the movie-Paresh Rawal, Om Puri, Asrani, Rajpal Yadav and Shakti Kapoor!

Paresh Rawal does a very good acting and from the starting till the end he will not dissapoint you. Om Puri was fantastic this time! Really! It was his one of the finest performances!

Ritesh Deshmukh was nice this time. He did total justice to his role. He really looked and acted like a village youth! Rima Sen who was last seen in Jaal and Aan acts nicely this time. After this movie she may get some more roles.

Sudha Chandran was okay and at times she overacted. Rajpal looked like a maniac in his new hairstyle. This time he really disappoints!

Asrani give a nice performace and did a total justice to his role. Shakti Kapoor was nice this time as compared to the performances of his previous movies. Keep it up! Arbaaz Khan was mindblowing and acted perfectly. Others were also good.

Uttank Vora’s music was okay. There were only 2 songs in the movie. There were no songs in the second half!! It was better because if there would had been more songs, then it would had reduced the pace of the movie. ‘Yeh Ajooba’ is a great song with great lyrics and music.

Sameer Arya’s cinematography was nice. Audiography and other things were normal. Dialogues were witty! Priyadarshan has thought a very nice and unusual story this time! His direction or rather filming (as he says) was superb.

There were some shortcomings in the movie. The second half of the movie became a bit emotional which bored the viewers as they expect a laugh-a-minute riot from Priyadarshan. The climax was excellent and hilarious and if you had liked the climax of Hungama and Hulchul, you will surely like the climax of this story too!

On the whole, Malamaal Weekly is funny and great and will surely entertain you. It is one of the finest movies of Priyadarshan. You should definitely not miss this!!


Lets become crorepatis
Mar 26, 2006 09:56 PM 3770 Views

Priyadarshan's Malaamaal Weekly, produced by Sahara One and Percept Picture Company, is a remake of the yesteryear hit Victoria No. 203, which starred Ashok Kumar and Pran along with Navin Nischol and Saira Banu as the young pair. Though The makers rubbished it … toh bhi…kya fark padhta hai?

Starring: Ritesh Deshmukh,Paresh Rawal,Om Puri,Shakti Kapoor,Rakhi Sawant,Reemma Sen,Rajpal Yadav,Sudha Chandran,Asrani,Arbaaz Khan.

Director: Priyadarshan

Choreographer:-Pony Verma

Cinematographer:- Sameer Arya

Music: Uttankk V.Vorra

Producer: Sahara One,Percept Picture Company

Paresh Rawal as Lilaram

Lilaram is a genuinely nice fellow and the only one in the village to c the college building. He has a Lottery business and the mastermind behind harapping the prize money of the lottery.

Sudha Chandran as Karamkhali aka Thakurain

An arrogant Thakurain and a monster moneylender. The village was Plagued by poverty and poor harvests. But still Karamkhali didn’t show mercy.

Om Puri as Balwant alias Ballu

He is the village milkman who mixes milk with water and manages to make some money.Once he had 12 cows but now with only 2, he makes his business Villagers call him 'bahadur Balwant' coz he jumped into a well to save a kid. Actually inside he is quite a chicken. Just to live up to his brave heart image, he keeps jumping in difficult situations. The villagers look upto him and he successfully maintains friendly relations with the villagers.

Riteish Deshmukh as Kanhaiya

An adorably sweet guy in his early twenties, Kanhaiya doesn't have any great job to do. He works as a full time servant at Balwant's house and gets abused and beaten in return. Why? Coz he is deeply in love with Balwant's daughter 'Sukhmani'(Reemma Sen).

Rajpal Yadav as Bajbahadur alias Bajey

The only brother and relative of Thakurani:. He gets love struck by Sukhmani and he bets with Kanhaiya that if at all Sukhmani will marry then it will be to him only.

Reemma Sen as Sukhmani aka Sukhi

Sukhmani, who is 24 years old is Balwant's only daughter. Well into the marriageable age, she hasn't been able to get married due to lack of dowry funds. So she stays at home and looks after her father Balwant and ishq laraofies with kanhaiya.

Arbaaz Khan as Lottery Inspector

Jayesh Agrawal, a single father and the lottery inspector for 'Malaamal Weekly Lottery'. who is miles away. A city guy, who gets a dust allergy the moment he comes to a village, he goes on a non stop sneezing spree.He is the murderer of Takurain.

In the small village of Lahouli, Lilaram, , earns a source of income through his business of selling Malamaal Weekly Lottery Tickets. One day, while watching TV at a local tea stall, he learns that one of the tickets he had sold has infact won the One Crore Rupees Bumper Prize. As most of the other villagers don't own a TV and are illiterate, Lilaram knows that he is the only one to this information. The question is how to find that one ticket from the 105 he's sold. An idea structs him!

Lilaram throws a party where Rakhi Sawant performs .Lilaram, already debt-ridden, manages to host this party at the expense of his one last asset -- his goat GATTU, who is treated like a child by Lilaram's wife Tara. Now, the party is only for his 105 customers on the condition that they bring along their tickets as an invite to the celebrations . All turn up except one –Joseph Anthony Fernandes aka Antony Bhai [Malayalam actor Innocent], the drunkard. Lilaram decides to pay him a visit with a little Rabri which Tara had saved for her hubby. On reaching Anthony's house, he finds Anthony dead in front of the TV. Too shocked on hearing about his victory, Anthony is dead, with the lottery ticket still in his hand.

The story proceeds and shows how the villagers get involved in getting the prize money.

Extremely hilarious…….what to count and what not to count….. whom to count and whom not to count…. Its v.v. difficult. Everything is just so gud. I liked Rajpal’s Hair style. As u all know,….. I love Rajpal.. so zahir hai ke ill like him too in this movie.

Almost all the scnes and diologues are kool.Specially the last part…… another HUNGAMA kind… ek ke peeche…ek… uske peeche ek. And so on so forth,.

It is very very difficult to write a detailed revu on Priya’s movies coz its just too paincheela.I surrender. Still ive tried. Now, hillarios things cannot be penned down. U have to chek it to bliv me.

U know guys…… we often say that “it was so hilarious that we fell off our chairs”.

This was true in this case……. Yesterday I cudnt chek out the last few scnes coz I was laughing so much……. My belly was aching and I cudnt dare to open my eyes to chek out the next scenes.So I had to go again Today to chek it out.

I dunno why sum pple dint like it……. Neway.. whatever… who cares!

A total paisa Vassol stuff.

Richie Rich
Mar 25, 2006 12:56 PM 2810 Views

Well well well !!! malaamal weekly is an interesting movie and the theme of the movie is also simple and interesting.

The movie directed by priyadarshan is quite peppy and comic. It is a simple story of a small vilage with simple people getting mad in the fragrance of money. The movie shows that what worse a money can do and compell you to do. it is a story of dreams, tragedy, love, comedy and happiness. Alls well if it ends well.

The story is about a Lottery seller in a village who gets a news that one of his sold lottery got the first prize and the story starts from there. paresh Rawal acting is superb. He is simple in his role yet effective. The direction is also good with really drawing the background of a true rural india and its difficulties.

Om Puri is also good in his role. Desmukh does not has much to do but he his ok.

The story does not create comedy but it has situational comedy.

The things are well crafted in this movie with a good storyline.

After a long time saw a sweet and simple movie.

Hope you all would also feel the same.

Mall- o-mall weakly
Mar 24, 2006 02:22 PM 3192 Views

When priyadarshan announces a NEW hind film, the first question is which malayalam/tamil film he is gonna remake…..but no complaints till now, for he has done a decent job and got away(mostly ). So, let me start with whats kind of unique to MW- if my memory serves right MW is his 2nd non- remake , if u forget an utterly-forgrettable kabhie na-ever kabhie, that is.

The film opens on a village. setting is a-typical R K Lakshman, where u have most villagers with hearts of gold ...the gold is only in their hearts as they live in abject poverty and are controlled by a cruel thakurain who has the pots of gold.

One of them (Malayalam actor Innocent, voiceover by Tikku Talsania) wins a lottery and promptly kicks the bucket. Paresh Rawal, the lottery seller comes to know of this and decides to keep the lottery for himself, but is forced to share the secret- and the booty- with milkman Ompuri. Soon, one by one, the entire village comes to know of this and demands their share. …and so does the thaukrain (Sudha chandran) and her go-goner of a brother (Rajpal yadav). ..

How the villagers outwit her and the twit brother along with hoodwinking a rather dim witted lottery inspector (Arbaaz) forms the story….. But not before they realize the worthlessness of it all…meaning the usual “money doesnt bring happiness” kind of noble thoughts…

So, what of it…don’t expect a laugh riot a.k.a HERA PHERI, GARAM MASALA or HULCHUL etc in typical priyadarshan mould…in fact its more Hrishikesh Mukherji kind of polite humour than priyadarshan. It’s a nice story, told without too much abuse. Trouble is it could be too simple for liking…i mean there no masala...not even that bit we like to add ....the characters just don’t make it above the have-seen-earlier type, and the acting is ordinary…of course, save for a few…

Paresh is good- but just so much, thats all. The film doesn’t belong to him, despite an author(?) backed character….it belongs to Ompuri who gets the claps. Wonder why we don’t see more of him…hopefully we will see more ..and asrani..he too is good and hope will entertain us more.

Rest? Sorry, but if u DO want to hear : Sudha chandran in the (over) make up, left over from her own TV role of Ramola; Rajpal in a weird wig; Pretty Reema Sen tries hard to impress she's a gaon-ki-gori; Hitesh, wasted having a good comic sense…

do wonder who played Innocent's (the actor) sister--she comes across rather fine....the rest are unmentionables. Sakthi kapur, looking hard to play the clergy-man...(funny, sakthi in the clergy's role..what say Rajat Sharma? sau chuhe khakar chalee sakthi ..sorry billi haj?)

and yes, priyan has parts at least, from his own and others malayalam films…but we’ll forget that…and wait for the next one from him…

But let me end from a different angle, if u look at it, in some ways it’s a very ‘black’ film. Mean, it’s the greed that stands out. The cunning, conniving, conspiring- though portrayed in an innocent manner, is not really an excuse. Does poverty justify such deeds? I feel no....Above that, there’s a deadman and custom demands respecting the dead and giving them a decent burial - fast. Our folks do give him one, but not before holding on to the carcass till the lottery inspector comes in, after 3 or 4 days. Acceptable? Also, the end. (permit me to reveal it)- Arbaz khan’s vehicle collides with the thakurain’s ---pushing her into the gushing water below and death. The villagers let him go…and so does he, without any guilt….all because she was a terror …isnt it sadistic, a bit?

Well, does a Rs. 50 ticket need such thoughts? Maybe just go ahead and enjoy.

~~**Dekhiye Paisa Kaise Nach Nachata Hain~~**
Mar 23, 2006 08:21 PM 4395 Views

Disclaimer: Till now 14 reviews have been written, those who haven’t watched the movie-What are you waiting for???? Go ....Those who have, good !!!

hehe Readers fasten your seat belts, Geek Airlines Is ready for take Off !!

In one LINE to describe the movie: Overall Good Time Pass !!! Malaamal goes the title, explains what the film would be all about, related to Money and so. Oh yes you guessed it right!!!Released on 10th March '06 ,Couldn’t see it due to exams but yes after hearing about the film and -ve's plus -ve's from friends, was eager to watch it. Finally today was the day I went and laughed not a gr8 deal in front of the big screen..


Ritesh Deshmukh as Kanhaiya: If you ask me,i liked his acting to be true but when compared to the work he did in bluffmaster, was disappointing. He showed lot of aggression or you can say high temper in the movie mostly against the person who wanted to marry or talked ill things about his first and only love Sukhmani. Final word: CAN DO WONDERS!!!

Paresh Rawal as Lilaram : As always a treat to watch, though I would say he was not at his best this time. Gosh, those funny teeth he had....gave totally a new look to him. He adopted the role he was given and you know what, believe me the execution was also superb!!!I specially liked the expressions he made whenever a new problem arose in front of him. Final Word: IS CAPABLE OF DOING BETTER!!

Rajpal Yadav as Bajbahadur: Brother of karamkali in the movie and the only relative living of her. The dialogues given to him were a bit awkward but he somehow managed to deliver the goods!!!!! Was not able to make me laugh even a single time (Personally feel that) but his hair style attracted me..too. Final Word: KEEP IT UP!!!

Others Include: Om Puri as Balwant - Shakti Kapoor as Joseph, Reema Sen as Sukhmani, Sudha Chandran as Karamkali , Asrani as Chokheylal.

THE STORY Lahowli is the name of a small village where once the water situation was bad, No agricultural practices could be performed etc. Then one day when nobody put their hands forward to help, karamkali leader of the village did. Side by side, due to lot of rain, the greenery was back and water shortage problem no longer existed. Lilaram sold lottery tickets to earn some money and if somebody won the prize , he would get 10% of it as commission. One day when he came to know that one of his clients won a bumper prize of Rs 1 crore, his brain stopped working and went to the dustbin. Now he didnt wanted the commission but the whole prize money and for that made a plan. He called all the lottery ticket holders to a davat (Party) and took the tickets back from them and was able to collect 104 out of 105.

After searching them for the one that had the bumper lottery number, he found a person named Anthony (Who didnt turn up in the party) was the winner. Quickly on reaching his home, anthony was found dead. But here came the twist, Ballu seeing lilaram with anthony's dead body, declared him as the killer.

Then lilaram told him the whole story and said that he would pay him half the amount(50 peti). Like this, everyday many more came to know about the incident and had to be given equal sum of the lottery. On the other side of the coin, Kanhaiya loved Sukhmani(Ballu's daughter) from childhood. Kanhaiya worked in his house for free so as to meet her daily. Frequent fights took place between him and baj bahadur as he also loved her. Were they able to get Rs 1 crore???? What happened to Sukhmani and Kanhaiya?? Was anthony alive??? *To know, give it a shot bhaiyon aur behano !!!!

MUSIC Only one track 'nautanki' performed by Rakhi Sawant.


When ballu in the hurry of getting back to anthony's house, get's covered with some atta kind of material and looks as a bhoot.

When Bajbahadur's mouth remains open and the doctor is unable to figure out the problem in pursuit of telling the whole incident to karamkali in a hurry.

  • When baj bhai sits on a cycle with no seat and falls of it because of pain!!

When karamkali and driver fall into the sea also with the motor vehicle.

When church mein arbaaz comes and ballu calls the body with om puri’s name and further decsribes that how bahudar he was etc and stuff!!!


Talking about expectations, we have them from everybody, so did I have from the director : Priyadarshan after he showed the magic which can keep the audience glued to the screen in his comedy films likeGaram Masala, Hungama and Hera Pheri etc. I must add here that his work is exceptional and is appreciated by every Person..JUST WAIT...I am sorry to say but this time his latest flick Malaamal Weekly was a little not upto the mark. What's your say???? The end resulted in total chaos, kichar pichar and actually was not required. Also the background music effects were not pleasing. So to sum it up, I wouldn’t say that Watch it only for killing time and some laughter scenes!!!

MESSAGE The movie also conveyes an important memo that we should never run after money at the cost of our family,friends and relatives because Money is not everything with which one cannot achieve everything!!! It's only you who will suffer, nobody else.

Anyways thanks for reading my review!!

Do rate and Comment on it wisely!!

Bye for now,

Best Wishes,

Keep Throwing More Reviews From Heart™

yours, » ©ÕmÞût€r G££k® «

Aapki lottery lagi kya?
Mar 21, 2006 06:25 PM 2853 Views

''Mere hisse ka kya?'', asks a desperate Om Puri to a terrified Paresh Rawal. Welcome to Lathouri, a tiny village ruled by a thakurain. Here, the villagers are exploited by her. The movie is about a bunch of crazy villagers who walk on a tedha-medha rasta to get a crore of rupees. Leading the gang is Paresh Rawal, the only literate person in the village, accompanied by Om Puri, a milk-man; Ritesh Deshmukh, a boy of twenty who is in love with Om Puri's daughter etc.

Every week some villagers buy lottery tickets from Rawal hoping that someday they will win the bumper prize worth one crore rupees. One day Paresh Rawal inspects every ticket bought by the villagers and realizes that one of the villagers has won the bumper prize. He soon learns that the lucky villager is none other than Anthony, a drunkard who lives a quiet life. Paresh Rawal secretly wants the money for himself, but his bubbles are burst when he soon comes to know that Anthony has died due to heart-attack. No one knows about it. So Paresh Rawal, with an intention to steal the abandoned ticket goes to his house. As Paresh tries to loosen Anthony's grip from the ticket, Om Puri sees him, thinking that Paresh has killed Anthony. But as things become clearer, more than 15 villagers learn about it. Now, Paresh and Om Puri, alongwith those few villagers must play a trick on the lottery inspector (Arbaaz Khan), and convince him that Anthony is not dead, otherwise they wont get the money. And then follows a wild comedy with witty dialogues. In the end...hold on! I'm not gonna reveal the climax.

The movie is written, directed and produced by the king of bollywood comedy, Priyadarshan. Having succeeded with most of his comedy films like HERA PHERI, HUNGAMA, HULCHUL, GARAM MASALA; this one again a good rib-tickler.

Acting by Paresh Rawal, Om Puri and Rajpal Yadav is good. Ritesh is okay. The other actors do a fairly good job.

The movie has just one song, that too, not a good one. I dont know who the music director is, but whoever it is, has done a below-average job. Thats the main set-back of Priyadarshan films. All of his films except Garam Masala have bad usic.

The dialogues are clever. Just the typical village dialogues.

In the beginnng, we dont really like how things shape up, how the story develops,but as time passes the movie gets better and better with each passing minute.

All in all, Malaamaal Weekly gives you a good entertainment of two hours. However, you'll be a little disappointed as the movie has not star faces except Paresh Rawal.

This movie is worth your two hours...and your fifty-rupee note.

Rating : Three And A Half Stars


Malaamaal Weekly

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