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Jo Bole So Nihaal Movie Reviews

I Puked
May 14, 2005 03:04 PM 3495 Views

I had to sit through this movie because I paid over a 100 bucks for it.

It's hard to believe that a movie can be made that has nothing going

for it. Idiotic dialogues wrapped up in gaudy phoren locations. I

believe this the first movie in which the audience actually audibly

groaned at the jokes that it tried to 'imply'.

In addition to that, add two UGLY women who only got roles because they

can ''show off''. I would never want to see anything that they had to

show. BAD BAD acting, coupled with a story that is absolutely stupid, I

feel stupid for having watched this movie. HELP! (sob) I can't even

begin to count the flaws, there is just not anything interesting here.

In a scene, two characters jump of a bridge into water, and later they

are shown completely dry and the lady has her make-up intact. Plus, a

character is not supposed to have a thumb, and in the final scenes, we

plainly see the thumb front on. The FBI succumb to the trivial

eccentricities of a village cop from India, ya right. And, what

more...we have bird bombs blasting away an important building in New

York, FBI plotting to kill the president of the USA, two bimbos,

''religious sentiment'', ah...the basic Bollywood mish-mash.

If you are going on a date and want to set the evening up nicely, go to

this movie. She will be so bored out of her brains, she'll do anything

to make life more interesting ;)! It's a no-brainer!

May 14, 2005 01:48 PM 3002 Views

OK .. the movie is strange, stranger... and the most weirdest thing I have ever set my eyes on And thats just the begining.

Sunni Paaji is definetly a no go for such roles. I mean his plate is only action not comedy and certainly not what Bole So Nihaal has given us.

Its plot is ver very weird Sunny paaji is a havaldar(policeman) and he accidently sets off a terrorist(now why the hell was the terrorist in such less security) The terrorist ''Romeo'' is even more strange a character -- Cause he is on a mission to kill the american prez (which in the real world is the safest man on earth) and the FBI also comes to know about it and now everyone thinks that Sunni Pajji is also helping Romeo so everyones after Sunni and he is after Romeo and they some how land themselves in New York rather then Washinton DC and its a complete DISASTER..

THe Comedy which is the only watchable part of the movie is alos certainly tasteless and sense less.

Why??? oh c'mon now Susan's (muggal the heroin) mother whu is india starts getting all silly anf fitty when sunni touches her daughter (how stupid) and the dialogues certainly have no dum!!! I mean where is the ussual sunni pajji ''YEH dhai killo ka haat....'' Yahan to HE is all jatt and certainly this movie will not be up to the expectations.

Moreover Sunni Pajji's movies do good buisness in Punjab and Haryana even if they are a complete disaster elsewhere. Now Punjabees are say that they are offended by the movies posters showing gals in minni skirts saying thats agaisnt there religion os The Punjabees are boycotting the movie completely.

I would recomend you guys should do that too unlesss you are fed up ofreal life and want to witness something that is never possible and is really Bizzaare

Jo bole so nihaal....
May 14, 2005 02:21 AM 1261 Views

Well just finished watching the latest Sunny Deol flick. For starters the movie is watchable. It may not inspire a lot of patriotism but it gets the job done. The movie revolves around the misadventures of an Indian police official called Nihal Singh. The entire movie is based on his persuit of international hitman Romeo. The movie is funny in parts and some of the action is good. The climax is very well directed and can give some hollywood movies some serious competition. The music is pathetic and really the movie can do without the songs. A couple of things in the movie are a little far fetched and Indian directors still need to do a reality check. It does take a hell of a lot of explosive to blow up a building!!!.In some places it seems the direcor ahs confused plastic explosives with nuclear material!!. All in all if you are in the mood for a movie go watch it.


Jo Bole So Nihaal
Jaipur India
Good Laughter
May 13, 2005 11:12 PM 1862 Views

The movie is like, FTP and HTTP


I mean Full Time Pass and Har Time Time Pass

Its really a hilarious movie worthfull to watch.

I don't even got to know when I got my 2 and a half hours passed.

The only minus point of this movie is music, songs are not that much good, I saw only 3 songs in the movie and they 2 of them are below average only title song is hearable.

Its not that much Ho Halla movie that was thought about sunny movies.

He do shouted at some places but not like shouting everytime like in border and some other.

I read somewhere these stats:-

Sunny has 3 movies as Surd.

1) Border - Fighting at Indian Border.

2) Gadar - Fighting in Pakistan (400 Kms inside pakistan)

3) Jo Bole So Nihal - Fighting at the Other side of world, America (Amm - Ricca) for Sunny Deol.

I suggest you all to watch this movie, who enjoy real comedy. masala and time pass movies.

Story is there, but don't bother about that, Its a short movie (2:15) to just go and enjoy.

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