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Banaras - A Mystic Love Story Movie Reviews

Mumbai India
What u belive it's Truth.......I belive ......
Dec 10, 2010 02:10 AM 8745 Views

I Saw 15 to 20 times And I will see in My life so Many time When ever Feel , I Wanna Pray To GOD.The teacher is true, , even as per science, we are? part of God as per our holy book as per science : we came from same sourse (everything) big bang as per science big bang was the factor of creation of this universe as per our holy book..big bang has been explain as a breathing of lord Vishnu when he exhale universe created and when he inhale everything merge within it as per science the same thing, , , , universe is expanding

Not for non-believers
Dec 02, 2007 02:05 PM 4138 Views

I had heard BANARAS movie album some time back and its music had enchanted me enough and its an exception to Himesh Reshammiya's other albums where there are non-nasal songs including one by Himesh Himself.

I got an oppurtunity to see the movie some time back on Sahara Filmy and the movie is equally enchanting.

Its a mystical love story as title suggests between Shewtambri and Soham who are born in different backgrounds but interested in similar pursuits namely music and Spirituality.Shwetambri's parents are opposed to alliance, but give in ultimately, but secretively get Soham murdered.This truth is exposed to Shweta, but she shows ignorance to her parents about this truth.She is counselled by a family psychiatrist for her'sad' demeanour, but the himself ailing psychiatrist gets a jolt of his life when he encounters some spiritual experiences.Finally, Shwetambri leaves India and becomes a spiritual person and comes back to India to see his dying father who pleads forgiveness.Also her mother tries to kill herself when she encounters some unbelievable things.

More than anything else, the most captivating thing of this movie is the story and script.Urmila has played Shwetambri and Ashmit Patel has played Soham.

This movie is not for non-believers.

Thanks for reading my review.

Mumbai India
Banaras : A mystic love story
Jul 20, 2006 08:49 PM 4471 Views

The film can be a source of spiritual satisfaction for those who love spirituality and mysticism. At the same time it may be torturous for those who never sailed the boat of spirituality.

The movie takes you on a tour to ‘Varanasi’. It shows the mesmerizing temples endless stairs, mighty ghats and above all religion and mysticism. Background music whispers soothing hymns in your ears.

Cinematographer Nirav Shah has done an excellent job. He has successfully captured the beauty and enigma of the oldest city of India --‘Banaras’.

Pankaj Parashar shoud be praised for showing courage for selecting such a different topic. He has established himself as a film maker with will to experiment and come out with good results.

Music director Himesh Reshammiya made use of the opportunity to come out of his silky voice and unnecessarily romantic tracks. Music is suitable and pleasing.

Great acting performances by Raj Babber and Nasiruddin Shah. Urmila had a strong role and she did that with confidence and courage. She has excelled as an actress.

Ashmit also acted well and did justice to the character of Soham.

Banaras is a story of a Brahmin girl Swetambari (Urmila) who loves a lower caste boy Soham (Ashmit Patel). Her parents are against their relation but they somehow agree to accept Soham as their son-in-law. Soham is murdered just before their marriage and Swatambari takes the path of religion and spirituality. Raj Babber played Swatambari’s father and Nasiruddin Shah played Babaji who is Soham’s spitual guru. Dimple looked fine as Swetambari’s mother

Some scenes like Dimple Kapadia’s realization of her sin had unnecessary drama and extra cinematic effects.

Over all it’s an unconvential movie and has the power to take you to a different world-- which is complete and true –Saral, Sahaj and Samporna.


Banaras - A Mystic Love Story
Banaras..mystic lovestory told with a difference
Apr 30, 2006 10:33 AM 4401 Views

I happen to watch this movie quite late. This is not a movie one should go for if you want to enjoy some masala after spending 100-200 bucks, but if you are looking for some thing different, have a taste for spiritualism and perfect acting this is the right choice. Urmila once again proved her acting capabilities, beautiful expressions . In fact most the the actors were brilliant, movie touches one of the most debatable issues in Indian society called ''Caste'', which still remains a hard reality when it comes to marriage..metro cities to some extent have overcome this..but the real India is very much into rigid caste system.

Some of my friends asked me what is the story like..does it have a happy ending..somehow I couldn't answer all those questions..I find it was a very simple story..pesented with a lot of hard work and perfection..

Movie is worth watching once , probably it can start some monologue and self introspection within yourself!

Mystic mysteries unfold
Apr 26, 2006 04:44 AM 4642 Views

Spirituality couldn't have manifested itself in such a lucid manner. The last time I saw it on celluloid was Rang De Basanti a history that was so distant yet made so relevant and identifiable to today's times and to today's generation. This movie Banaras strikes on the same chord. Spirituality and mysticism which is so distant and incomprehensible to those who have never experienced it, made so relevant and identifiable with this story of two lovers.

It’s a story of two superior minds, of Soham and Shwetambri who have transcended as intelligent people. One a brilliant student of physics who in a scene is shown as being greatly fascinated by the explanation of meta physics by her professor. Other a maestro of music, a mystic. One who has transcended paranormal.

It’s a story of unearthly love; uninhibited yet very slow, subtle, gentle, and spiritual. It connects them. As in Shwetambri’s words ’’ Soham ek ehsaas hai’’

Love is shown divine in this film. Love, which is not sensuous. Superiority of human nature has been subtly touched upon and left for the audiences to experience it.

Spirituality is not shown as just connecting with God. Spirituality manifests as the act of forgiving. Shwetambri forgives her mother the moment she gets to know the fact after she sees the ring in the drawer. She herself is shattered as she is the one who lost her lover, whose mother betrayed her, but the fact that she did not have any malice towards anyone but despair.

Banarasunfolds the mysteries of spirituality yet leaves a lot to be discovered. A connection with oneself that gets to its peak by the end of the movie and lingers on long after.

There is lot of symbolism used throughout the film. Like the seed that should evolve to become a tree must get water, sunshine and the earth to enable it sprout and full bloom. Likewise, seed in Soham or Shwetambri must evolve through practice of what they are gifted with. That explains their intelligence, in their respective fields. The seed of mysticism must evolve also. This is done in case of Soham by his devoted meditation and in case of Shwetambri through her experiences of love and despair.

Both of them fulfill the purpose of their life - self-realization. Soham is the medium of Shwetambri and hence her connection.

There is another symbolism used - the rudraksh. Rudrakshapart from it’s other significance is also a symbol of wisdom. It is said that rudrakshis for attaining the superior powers of the mind and intelligence. It aids and facilitates the same. Shwetambri was given these two gifts by Soham, at the time when he was about to go away from her life. Soham must die and Shwetambri must carry on her quest for self-realisation, which she attains very well.

Food for the mind and the soul. Watch it. Even if you may not get all the messages imbibed but still some messages will make sense as you go through life. It’s not just entertainment but much precious experience.

Thanks to the directors who put in so much research and meticulously transform the message to make it meaningful in our context. We need such cinema - in mainstream.

Touches your Soul - Amazing...
Apr 18, 2006 02:27 PM 4050 Views

Movie makes you think and think and to put it mildly without giving you all the suspense. It is somewhat like matrix, sixth sense and I think like those movies you understand so many complexes and how it has been woven into the story towards the end and you will want to see again because you realize that so many things which you thought might have been bit boring actually are hidden clues .Infact I think over the years you carry many things with you. infact as I quote Urmila “subtlety” of the movie is an absolutely selling point because it is minus the melodrama which has become the benchmark for Indian cinema. The review where they compare this movie to oscar nominated crash and brokeback mountain have been apt. hats off to the makers to keep that sensitivity. Since I am from Banaras and I have been aware of its history I cannot be amazed that this movie is not a hindu etc movie, but it combines all philosophy including J Krishnamurthy, Buddhism, Hinduism, kabirs etc. and also components of yoganand of whom I am a biggg fan!! I am speechless is what one carries it off. Infact everybody who left the hall were stunned because to put it mildly we have not seen a movie like this and I think maybe that’s why because we have been so used to our conditioned movies that some might want to reject because we don’t want to think and maybe do introspection.On actorsUrmila: I would like to touch her feet!!!!!!! Awesome is mild word and she looks sooooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!and so elegant!! In so many scenes she just pulls you . man amazing. I mean I am in wonder why she never wins any awards. Dimple: guys she looks very elgant and in climax she rocks!!Raj Babbar;. My second favorite of the movie amazing. I think we all will somewhere connectNasser: WOW!!! Yoganand rocks!! Ashmit: am pretty surprised looks good actually and I think am bit surprised by him. I think he has potential needs to lock into his passion more.The camera work , cinematography folks is breathtaking I mean Banaras has never looked so beautiful and aptly the other main character of the movie and so richly beatufully done.On music. Guys you will cry its really heart wrenching when you see the real picturisation of Himesh Reshmiyya song” kitna pyaar” and holi song in cinema looks awesome!! I cannot compare this movie to anything because I think none of us have seen anything like it and I guess in that way that could be its unique selling point or it could be its negative point. But I guess anybody who has seen life and understand its complexity. I don’t know if it’s a movie for intellectuals but it is a movie for people who believe , a Believers movie. And guys prepare for your imagination to take over just after you have left the cinema hall……

Nature Sao Tome and Principe
A journey to Banaras - few questions
Apr 15, 2006 01:55 PM 4847 Views

As the movie got rave reviews throughout and the story is already is in circulation, I am not going to discuss the plot here.

Overall, the movie is a special one, which try to teach you something with the help of a story.


CINEMATOGRAPHY - Exceptionally good. Well shot Mouritious and Banaras scenes. Also the scenes soon after the interval where Soham (Ashmit) get the Bododaya, shot superbly.

CHOREOGRAPHY - Simply superb and which shows how to shot good songs with less budget. Saroj Khan need special applaude.

PHILOSOPHY - You will get a nice teaching of Philosophy here.

FEW EMOTIONAL SCENES - There are some scenes from the film which will hang up in your mind for some time. 4 scenes I need to specify

  1. The scene where Dimple tells Urmila she is the killer of Soham is superbly executed and it go directly to your heart, with all pain it can take.

2.The scene where Soham says farewell to Urmila is also heartening.

  1. The doctor's search for Baba.

  2. The scene where Urmila see what happened to the girl with her mystic powers, at the same time experience the call from her father.


Urmila, Dimple, Raj Babbar & Ashmit all performed well. Except in few scenes Ashmit could have been improved.



When I said the film teach you Philosophy, it tried to tell it as simple as possible. When we give medicine to children, we always give it with sweet. Likewise, the director intended to sweeten the preaching with a love story. But, the story is rushed and care should have taken into the details of the story as well. (Priyadarsan had directed one film in 80s with the name 'Adwaitham' in Malayalam and it is a classic example of how to tell a philosophy through a good story. I believe if somebody dare to remake the film it will fare well in Hindi as well, because of the way the subject is been treated)

I can give you many instances where the story is needed to be improved to become a complete one.

Ashmit is untouchable and Raj Babbar even don't allow him to touch his legs. But, without any pressure and ignoring Dimple's objection, Raj decide to give Urmila's hand to Ashmit. This is not properly explained. A simple mention of 'we should think of consequences' will not serve as an explanation.

Urmila and Ashmit is dancing and romancing in front of all of Urmila's family and countryman without any inhibitions. People do not care these love birds, except few. Are baba, untouchability have a very vulgar face and you take it so simply? And surprisingly, no cry of foul from Raj Babbar or any great objection from Dimple, except showing her uneasiness.

Ashmit, when he say goodnight to Urmila he knows that he will die that night. He give a small bush to her. If he don't want to possess her, why he should give a Rudraksha chain to her, simply meaning he marries her. A similar scene from Sawaan is been executed well, where the leading lady tells him, I want to die as a full woman. Had Ashmit not give her the chain, it is understandable, like Akshay Khanna in Shadi Se Pahle. (Hey, did you noticed the coincidence? All three releases in a day have death in picture, the leading star knows it and behave differently. Is it a coincidence or destiny? As discussed in Sawaan and Humko Deewane Kar Gaye?). Knowing the secrets of life in this world, I wonder why Ashmit turn down the presence in this world to his occasional mystic appearances?

A weak police officer is of course a weak point.

Urmila sees Ashmit's ring in Dimple's drawer. Is it kept purposefully? No. Then why it should keep it so open? By the way, did you noticed? That ring cost not thousands any way. Soham also might have learned to live luxuriously.

Dimple disagree for Urmila's marriage to Soham. But there is no scenes of a fruitful discussion or strong objection from her side to Raj in this regard. And she decided to act as her own? Super! By the way, she is not shown earlier in the movie that she have negative shades. Did he?

Was Urmila pretending she is mentally ill? Her sickness and cureness was so mystic. Say she was not mentally ill, then how we understand her emotions when she knows that her lover been killed by her mother's order? If she is mentally ill, how she did a speedy recovery, before arrival of the psychiatrist and cure the psychiatrist!!! Wah!!! The power of mystic experiences!

Ashmit, living in the same village, near to as that of Urmila, listen to her usual songs in public - not known each other before he sings a song?

The scene where Urmila asking whether Ashmit love her, is pre-matured. The director didn't allowed their love to blossom.

There are more troubles in the story. Good villain is a must for any good story. Here the villain is not so strong.

Ashmit and Urmila have a similar character, except the gender is different.

At one stage it was all set to become a detective movie; isn't it?

I can tell many more. Hey, don't ask me why you are pointing out so many mistakes here and for films like Malamaal weekly or Shadi Se Pahle not pointing out anything? Simple. Those films ask me to keep my brain at home where this film ask me to come with a brain and a mind.

The loose love story (Not the relations) may be the reason for the failure of the film. A leading name as the hero might have helped the proceedings, but a good story is not replaceable by anything else.

Having said all these, the director need an applaud or two for his best efforts.

All in all, this is a good intended movie. You can learn many things from this film. You can experience few scenes. But, the love story is a weak one, but well tried to said. If you search in the story, you will get too many question, and less answers. But, in life, you will get more answers than questions.

A UNIQUE and MYSTIC Love Story!
Apr 13, 2006 05:17 PM 4789 Views

One thing that will never stop in Bollywood is experimentation! And the latest one to experiment is Pankaj Parashar with his new movie Banaras!

The story of the movie: Shwetambari (Urmila Matondkar) lives with her rich Brahmin parents-Mahendranath (Raj Babbar) and Gayatri (Dimple Kapadia) in the city of Banaras. Soham (Ashmit Patel) is a low caste fellow and was guided and supported by Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah). Babaji was a mystical person, who knew all the secrets of life. An enlightened soul himself, he helped Soham find enlightenment. Shwetambari studied science in a local university, and in that same university, Soham taught music. Soon, Soham and Shewtambari falled in love with each other. Now Shewtambari was a Brahmin and Soham was of low caste. So, all the people in Banaras were against their love. But Shwetambari’s parents did not cared about the people and therefore Soham and Shwetambari were engaged. Shwetambari was on cloud nine. But this was the end of happiness for Shwetambari. Soham was murdered! Shwetambari could not bear this sadness and pain. Circumstances force her to leave Banaras, the city where she was born, the city where she lived, the city that she liked the most. 17 years pass. Shwetambari gets news that her father is very ill. His ailing father wanted to see Shwetambari once. So will Shwetambari return to Banaras? And who murdered Soham??

Urmila Matondkar, who was last seen in Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Maara (another hatke movie!) acts mindblowingly. No one would have done the job perfectly. She was completely normal throughout the movie. And she has done no over-acting.

Ashmit Patel was surprisingly good! He has done total justice to his role. After this movie, he would be treated as an actor! Before Banaras, I used to think that Ashmit could never become successful. But now I think I am completely wrong. I hope that he gets some nice roles in the future. Best of Luck, Ashmit!

Raj Babbar and Dimple Kapadia have very little to do in this movie. But they both give a splendid performance. Naseeruddin Shah was first rate and excellent. Everyone would surely like his acting. Really, a person to watch!

Aakash Khurana, who played the role of USA-based psychatrist, was nice. Arif Zakaria, who played the role of police inspector, was good. Others were perfect and watchable.

Nirav Shah’s cinematography was outstanding. Every scene looked unique because of his cinematography! He has captured the city of Banaras in an excellent manner. In other words, the movie becomes watchable beause of his cinematography! After watching the great city of Banaras in this movie, I have got a strong urge to visit this city!

Himesh Reshammiya’s music was nice and a very different as compared to his previous movie. Songs were around 5 or 6 but they are according the mood of the movie. The most fabulous song of the movie is ‘Om Namah Shivay’. It has a very fine tune and very nice music. Other likeable song is ‘Kitna Pyaar Karte Hai’ sung by Himesh Reshammiya.

Pankaj Parashar, who had earlier made Himalaya Putra, Tumko Naa Bhool Payenge and Inteqam, has directed this movie uniquely! The direction is so simple and perfect that you would not at all get confused throughout the movie! And this movie is not at all like his previous movies!

Some likeable scenes of the movie:

1.The scene where Soham sings and Shwetambari hears her in the beginning

2.The scene where Soham is murdered

3.The climax

On the whole, Banaras is going to become a flop but those who will watch it will certainly like it. It has a unique element of spirituality in it. The plot and the story are totally different as compared to other Bollywood movies. And you will not be able to describe in words the joy you will get after watching this movie!



For connoisseurs of meaningful cinema
Apr 12, 2006 09:14 PM 3731 Views

In an era of substandard products, where the same thing is being churned out in a new garb week after week, Banaras dares to be different. Extensive detailing has gone into the making of this flick, which is evident from its plot, the setting, the costumes and the overall ambience .Directed by Pankuj Parashar ,it hasShwetambari (Urmila Matondkar) playing the daughter of rich Brahmin parents (Dimple Kapadia and Raj Babbar) who attends the local university in Banaras to study science. Soham (Ashmit Patel) is a low caste mystic, student of Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah) and music teacher at the same university. The two fall in love and a Shakespearian themed love story begins, sending waves through Banaras.

Those from both sides of the coin appear on the scene, orthodox and conservatives and threaten to take away everything from the young lovers. When Shwetambari's parents try to ignore the social restrictions for the sake and happiness of their daughter, evil forces and destiny take over.

A shattered Shwetambari has to make a choice. She decides to abandon the very city she loves the most and turns inward to look for answers and rid herself of the looming despair and hopelessness she struggles with.

Seventeen years on, Shwetambari has attained what many spiritual seekers strive for in vain. She is an enlightened woman giving discourses and answering questions of the within.

That notwithstanding, she is faced with the dilemma of returning to Banaras to meet her dying father. Back to the holy city she does go. But her return creates turbulence in the mindscape of her so-called self-realized being.

The first half of the film has what it takes to keep the audience glued to the screen. The story begins in the very first sequence and director Parashars story telling is uncomplicated – simple enough for the common man to decipher.

Besides an intriguing plot, the chain of events –Ashmit's entry, his death and the interval point – in the first half raise the expectations for a much better second half.Although the post-intervals portions has its share of drama, the film suffers on two counts. One, the pace drops considerably and the goings-on move at a snail's pace. And two, the drama is not as impactful as it should've been.

Director has extracted wonderful performances from the cast. He deserves all the praises for that. The shot execution and the usage of special effects is commendable as well. But as a storyteller, he takes a long time to convey what needs to be conveyed in the second half.Moreover, the film belongs to an altogether different genre and its acceptability by the present-day audience is doubtful. Also, the film can do without the songs in the second half.

Cinematography is excellent. The Banaras locales and also the overall ambience have been captured to perfection. The background score is apt.

On the performance front, the film belongs to Urmila. Enacting a complex role, the actress infuses life in her characterisation and delivers a bravura performance. Ashmit is restrained. Dimple is first-rate in a role that has grey shades. Raj Babbar is expressive enough to leave a strong impact. Naseer is just right.

All up if you are connoisseurs of meaningful cinema ,Banaras is your cup of tea!

A thought-provoking film
Apr 12, 2006 08:53 PM 4096 Views

Refreshingly different ,Banaras narrates the story in a flasback mode.Shwetambari (Urmila), a high caste woman, falls in love with a low caste music teacher Soham (Ashmit Patel) while studying science at a school in Banaras. Soham is an avid follower of Buddhism and the teachings of his guru Babaji (Naseerudin Shah).

Their young love sparks a riot of outrage in the town of Banaras causing a widespread clash of religion and society uprights. Everyone takes a side and Shwetambari must make a choice. Shwetambari is torn but her parents choose to support her and her love, but later, even they must decide to act promptly.

Torn, Shwetambari leaves Banaras and her parents behind. Away, Shwetambari becomes successful and thrives in her career as a philosophy professor. However, she can’t stay away forever and is called back to Banaras by her dying father. Now the turmoil must resurface as Shwetambari must make a life altering decision.

The film abounds in sequences that have been handled with utmost care, notable among those that focus on the relationship between Urmila and Asmeet. The dramatic scenes are just right and not once does any character get loud or go overboard.

The emotional scenes, featuring Urmila, are a treat to watch. The climax, of course, takes the viewer by surprise and was the best way out to culminate the story.

It is difficult to think of any other actress who could've essayed this complex role with such sincerity as Urmila. A powerhouse of talent, this film is yet another effort on the part of the actress to showcase the talent she possesses. To state that she is exceptional would be an understatement. Here's yet another award winning performance from her.

Another actor who delivers a first-rate performance is Ashmeet, who essays the role brilliantly. Dimple is effective. Raj Babbar is proficient in his role.Naseer makes her presence felt in a brief role.

Director Pankaj proves his versatility by attempting an issue that has been seldom projected on Indian screen. His mature handling of subject deserves highest marks. Music is situational and only one number stands out – 'Rang Dalo. Cinematography is splendid.

Banaras is not the usual song-n-dance flick that boasts of top stars and mindless masalas. But it's a thought-provoking film that defies the rules of commercial cinema. Go for it!

Unique film
Apr 11, 2006 11:57 PM 4225 Views

Banaras interprets the concept of existentialism with the help of a love story. It kind of connects quantum of physics to what the Vedas say.

It deals with the relationship between humans and God. An atmosphere of unrest settles in the otherwise peaceful city, when Shwethambari, an upper caste Brahmin falls for Soham, a low caste mystic..

Shwetambari, a bright young daughter of Brahmin parents, studies science at a local university in Banaras. Soham, a low-caste mystic and a protégé of Babaji, teaches music at the university.

When the two fall in love, all hell breaks loose. Her parents are not able to ignore the social strictures, forcing Shwetambari to leave the town she loves. In despair and hopelessness she turns inwards to look for answers.

Banaras truly signals the birth of restless by the time the film reaches the finale.

a cinema that is part realistic and caters to an audience that is looking for a change.The problem with film is that the viewer would saunter into the theatre expecting to watch a light entertainer, but what unfolds is a complete contrast. If the first half is decent ,the film takes a dip in the post-interval portions as the Urmila decides to go separate ways from her hometown. The pace drops at regular intervals, getting boring at places, and though the end is well executed, the viewer does get restless .

Banaras boasts of some amazing performances by not just the main actors, but by the character actors as well. It would be difficult to imagine anyone except Urmila enacting the main role. To say that this is amongst her most memorable performances would be putting it very mildly and understating the performance . Dimple is fabulous .Ashmeet springs a surprise by enacting a difficult role with flourish. He is tremendous in certain sequences.

Banars is a different fare that may appeal to a select few, but those looking for escapist cinema will be sorely disappointed.Watch it at your own risk.

A novel story well told
Apr 11, 2006 08:25 AM 4356 Views

Banaras has a novel story with several poignant moments as its USP. A well-made film with a few loose ends nonetheless, it has much to offer as compared to the vendetta fares and mushy love stories being dished out in the garb of entertainment.

Shweatambari (Urmila Matondkar) is the daughter of rich Brahmin parents (Dimple Kapadia and Raj Babbar). She studies science at a university in Banaras. Soham (Ashmit Patel) is a low caste mystic and a protégé of Babaji (Naseerudin Shah) and teaches music at the university.

As is bound to happen, the two fall in love and all hell breaks loose. For their daughter’s happiness, the parents try to ignore the upheaval but a shattered Shweatambari decides to abandon the city.

Seventeen years later, she is confronted with a choice – to return to the city to meet her dying father or stay where she is and deny all attachments.

There's no denying that Banaras is a novel plot well told. The sequence of events and the pace at which the drama unfolds comes as a bolt from the blue. And, at times, the impact is spellbinding.Music is a sore point, which fails to elevate the goings-on. The tunes are just about okay .

Directorially, Parashar is in great form. Besides drawing outstanding performances from entire cast, he leaves a lasting impression in several sequences, like – the sequence when Dimple's true face comes to the fore (climax) and the interval point.

On the technical side, Nirav's cinematography is eye-filling. The background score is appropriate.Urmila essays a complex role with utmost ease – a simpleton and then nun. Ashmit enacts a suave character with terrific understandingDimple performance towards the end is praiseworthy. Amongst character artistes, Naseer and Raj are adequate.

Worth a watch .

Ahrensburg germany
Hard hitting drama
Apr 11, 2006 12:08 AM 4455 Views

A hard-hitting film, Banaras breaks away from stereotypes. The best part of the film is that it dares to be different. Earnest in intentions, director Pankaj Parashar weaves emotional patterns with his able craftsmanship.

Brahmin girl Urmila Matondkar falls for music professor of low caste Ashmit Patel, causing much havoc in temple town. Her parents Raj Babbar and Dimple Kapadia are not terribly excited with the match, but agree to get the two of them married when they learn that the boy may not actually have dodgy roots after all.

But even before the sound of wedding bells can resonate, the groom-to-be is mysteriously killed. Even as Urmila grapples to deal with her loss and turns to spirituality for answers, she discovers that her parents were never really going to let this wedding take place, and that they'd been secretly urging her fiancé to call off the wedding himself.

Hurt and betrayed, but also suddenly blessed with the power to read people's minds, Urmila abandons her parents and her home and moves to Mauritius where she continues to live as a spiritual healer.

The film tackles the novl theme with utmost sincerity and makes one sit up and think. The director has a complete grip over the script and a few sequences bear testimony to the fact. Some instances – Urmila's sequence with Ashmeet Patel, and prior to that the scene with her mother , Dimple revealing the mystery and many more.

But the film suffers in two departments – One, the setting and the mood of the film would restrict its appeal to a niche audience; Two, the narrative, at times, gives the feel of a docu-drama.The songs aren't the type that would excite the hardcore movie buff. Dialogues are dipped in acid. Cinematography is first-rate.

Urmila is in form yet again. From a simple girl to a preist, her transformation is amazing. She showcases her talent with remarkable ease. Ashmeet enacts his part with maturity. Dimple shines in a negative role. Naseer is quite nice.

Banaras holds appeal for lovers of realistic cinema. From the box-office point of view, it has chances at select cinemas of metros mainly.

Changing face of Hindi cinema
Apr 10, 2006 07:35 AM 4362 Views

It requires guts to make a film that defies stereotype.Director Pankaj Parashar merges form and content beautifully in Banaras and the effort needs to be lauded and appreciated .A film like Banaras signifies the changing face of Hindi cinema and that's a step in the right direction

This is the story of Shwetambari (Urmila), the daughter of affluent Brahmin parents (Dimple Kapadia and Raj Babbar) and Sohan (Ashmit Patel), who’s been brought up by a local sweeper after being deserted by his family.

Since childhood, Sohan has been at the receiving end of barbs and insults by the class-conscious citizens; his only solace is Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah), a spiritual teacher who belongs to a lower caste.

Hell breaks loose when Shwetambari and Sohan meet and fall in love, giving rise to caste differences and wounded egos. They somehow overcome the pressures and get engaged but before things could settle down, on his wedding day, Soham is killed.

The murderer is never found and a disillusioned Shweta almost goes mad with grief until she finds peace in spiritualism.

Circumstances then compel her to turn her back on the city and take off on a spiritual journey.

Director deserves distinction marks for giving the film a mesmerizing look. The look of the film and even the visuals can be compared to the best across the Atlantic.Besides Pankaj's execution, three more departments that shine brightly are cinematography [Neerav Shah], sound and background score . In fact, the three factors are the three pillars of this enterprise. But towering above everything else is Parashar's deft execution.

The scenes involving Ashmeet and Urmila, also between Dimple and Rajbabbar and Urmila's outburst in climax are fabulously executed.In fact climax, is the best part of the film. The mystery is also revealed well and will shock those who aren't aware of it.

Besides extracting wonderful performances and blending form and content beautifully, more so in the second half, Parashar also deserves all the praise for exhibiting courage to attempt this genre of film-making.

Though the film does not have much scope for music, the songs are tuneful.

Cinematography is first-rate. The look of the film is consistent and can be best described in one word – brilliant.

It's difficult to pinpoint the best performer in the film.Urmila is proficient as ever. She is in complete form towards the second half. Naseer shines in a role that seems tailormade for him. Ashmit is superb, conveying a lot through his expressions.

An apt example of progressive cinema that breaks the shackles of stereotype ,Banaras deserves our respect and time.

Apr 10, 2006 12:44 AM 4018 Views

At the very base level its the story of human relationshps :relationship of a daughter with her parents and of a girl with the man she loves BUT the movie has much more than that.

Its the story of relations of humans with humans .

Its the story of relationship of man with god.

Its the story of a guy who is of a lower class but much closer to god than the uppercasts who despise him.

Its the story of a human being who finds the love of God and is human enough to crave the love of another human.

Its the story of a girl who learns science (meta physics)in the backdrop of spirituality of Banaras city.


finding nirvana against the backdrop of sarnath

soham crying because he has to leave the one he loves

shweta finding ''that thing'' for which spirits wander and are born again and again on this earth .

each shot has the backdrop of a temple or a beautiful site of benaras. ashmit patel does a good job. the backdrop noise of water and temple bells add to the movie experience.



Apr 10, 2006 12:18 AM 4033 Views

Firstly ,director must be complimented for tackling a theme that defies the norms of commercial cinema. However, in totality it does not make any sense.It is much more difficult to comprehend and understand the flick .Oh! what a waste!!

Shwetambari (Urmila Matondkar) is the daughter of rich Brahmin parents, (Dimple Kapadia and Raj Babbar). She studies Physics at the Benaras Hindu university.

Soham (Ashmit Patel) is a low caste music teacher at the University. We forgot to mention Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah), who's been dead for years but assumes a human form at times to help people in need. He is hovering around Soham most of the times as his guardian angel.

Shwetambari and Soham fall in love and there's mayhem. At first, Shweta's parents disapprove of the match, but when truth dawns upon them that Soham is a Hindu , they decide to get the lovers engaged.

The marriage date is fixed. But unfortunately Soham is murdered on the day of his marriage. Shweta is shattered. She becomes an introvert.

There's a passage of time. Shwetambari has severed ties with her parents and shifted base to Mauritius.

She is now addressed as Ma. One day she gets a call from Benares informing her that her father is dying. She's in a dilemma; to meet her father before he breathes his last or to ignore the call.

Certain sequences between Urmila and Ashmit or the much talked-climax do leave an indelible mark. But, on the other hand, there are several sequences that not only look long drawn, but also seem to be forced in the goings-on.

Music is merely a gap-filler. Cinematography is good. The set of the Banaras looks authentic

Banaras rests on Urmila's shoulders and the actor does reasonably well. This is the second time she has enacted a similar role, after Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Mara.Ashmit runs through his role mechanically. Dimple is just about okay. Naseer is efficient.

Banaras is a weak film in all respects. It may appeal to a few pseudos, but will face an uphill task at the box-office. Disappointing.

An absolute masterpiece
Apr 09, 2006 11:26 PM 3975 Views

Many a times, producers bow down to market diktats and end up making films that are ancient history soon . But you do come across that rare film which lingers in your memory and remains etched even after months have elapsed.Banaras falls into latter !

Urmila Matondkar plays Shwetambari a science student at the university in Banaras. Ashmit Patel plays musician Soham.Shwetambari is charmed by the charisma of this low-caste musician. Soham, after one meditative session, is illumined by a mystic named Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah) and decides there is no harm in falling in love with the girl from the high-caste Brahmin family.

But it is a relationship that evokes the wrath of some orthodox mindsets in the holy city. First, Shwetambari faces disapproval from her mother (Dimple Kapadia) and patriarchal father (Raj Babbar). Even after the worries of her parents are placated, the lovers fail to get united.Shwetambari is shattered. Depressed, dejected and deranged, she leaves the holy city.

Seventeen years later, we find Shwetambari is now a world teacher in philosophy and religion. At this point in her life, she is confronted with one final choice, return to Banaras to meet her dying father or continue to deny all worldly attachments.

Will she decide to go back to Banaras? And if she does, will the demons and the dark secrets that have been hidden away like a dormant volcano erupt once again and destroy her peace of mind forever?

In an era where most writers/directors focus on gimmicks while the story takes a complete backseat, Banaras stands out as an exception. Here's a story that's refreshingly different from what you've viewed so far. The focus is clearly on content, not gimmicks.The film is extremely successful in drawing the viewer into its world.

Tackling a serious theme is a difficult task. And Pankaj Parashar emerges trumps. Brilliantly shot by cinematographer ,the locales of Banaras cannot be described in mere words and dialogues that are soaked in emotions make it more compelling

Urmila takes giant strides as an actor. The kind of maturity she reflects in the film is rare. Asmhit is superb . Dimple is first-rate . Rajbabbar and Naseer are efficient.The music gels well with the narrative.

Banaras satiates the appetite of those looking for a story-based fare.

An enigma called Banaras....
Apr 09, 2006 10:53 PM 4893 Views

Varanasi is an enigma. It is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is known to be the tip of Shiva’s trishul, a spot where a lot of dimensions meet. That’s why a lot of widows come here to die. Also, a huge number of cremations happen here every year . Tulsidas wrote the Ramayana here and his house still stands intact. Thus this place exudes tremendous energy .First things first ,Benaras is a totally modern film and not serious cinema. It is not about religion; it takes a look at spirituality and speaks of the truth and a human’s search for it.

Urmila plays a Brahmin girl, born and brought up in Benaras. She is a very modern woman; a student of Physics and lover of classical music. Dimple Kapadia and Raj Babbar play her parents. In the film's landscape, they represent orthodox convention.

She falls in love with a man who teaches music (Ashmit Patel), and goes through certain experiences that change her life .

Ashmit, like the saint Kabir, was found on the ghats of Benaras when he was a baby and is a deeply spiritual person .A sweeper has brought up Ashmit on the ghats.Naseer plays Ashmit’s spiritual guru, but he is a mythical character who doesn’t exist.

A defiant union that of Ashmit and Urmila breaks too many taboos in Banaras, and chaos surrounds the young couple. Urmila's parents try to help them, but to no avail. Her parents are not able to ignore the social strictures, forcing town to leave the town she loves.

In despair and hopelessness she turns inwards to look for answers.Destiny seems against her. Devastated, the girl abandons her hometown. During the process,she goes beyond normal human levels. She is extremely empathetic towards the sorrows and the problems of the human faces. She is equally vulnerable to the sadness of the human life.

Time goes by and, after almost two decades, Urmila, now a teacher of philosophy, comes to a crossroads. Does she return to Banaras to meet her dying father?

Banaras scores in several respects, but it tends to have its loose ends. But first, the uppers –

Director Pankaj Parashar needs to be lauded for choosing a dufficult theme . He has opted for a plot that defies stereotype.Two, the narrative moves on a singular track throughout, without deviating into sub-plots. There's no cheap comedy, or mindless action, nor have songs been incorporated for the heck of it. The subject is treated realistically.

Three, Urmila's character has been developed beautifully. Her transition from Simple girl to that of extraorinary persona is shown with remarkable ease ....

But the film has its share of downers –One, the first half of the film moves at a lethargic pace. So slow-paced is the narrative that it tests the patience of the viewer at times. Two, the treatment of the story would suit the elite more than the hoi polloi. For the hardcore masses, the lethargic pace with which the drama unfolds and also the class-oriented treatment will prove a major deterrent .

The dramatic sequences have been handled deftly sending your chill down the spine .Urmila is first-rate. The gamut of emotions she displaysclearly proves the infinite range she possesses. But it is Ashmit who takes a giant leap.

Banaras is an honest attempt at meaningful, sensible cinema that's slowly proving a healthy alternative for the discerning audiences of metros

Food for your brain.....
Apr 09, 2006 10:19 PM 3913 Views

Full of artfully shot scenes, Banaras gives your right brain something to feast on, while the left tries to figure out for conclusion.

This is a love story between a girl Shwetambri( Urmila Matondkar) from highly disciplined Brahmin family and a young musician(Ashmit Patel) from a lower caste.

The relationship between them tries to change the lives of many.Urmila is a young, beautiful and bubbly daughter of a renowned family of rich Brahmins (Raj Babbar and Dimple Kapadia). She is a science student and also progressive. She does not believe in set norms of life. She chances to meet Soham, played by Ashmit Patel, of a low caste and working as a music teacher. Besides, he is also a protégé of a mystic guru known as Babaji (Naseeruddin Shah). Soham and Shwetambri meet and they strike a chord immediately.

From the opening moments to the closing shot, Banaras is a unique experience.

The plot is loaded with the unexpected events. Until the final scenes, it's impossible to be sure of anyone or anything. The biggest question that is raised by the characters and stays with us is, what is the mystery?

But the film is not without faults. The makers have aimed the film at the gentry audience. The treatment is too city centric and its quite difficult to follow a film with heavy usage of technical jarks and importantly, it lacks the staple diet of an avid Indian cinegoer, ingredients such as light moments and comedy.

Technically, the cinematography, sound effects and shot execution stand out. Dialogues are perfect.

The film gets a major boost due to the efficient performances. Urmila is superb in a role that fits her like a glove.Dimple excels, more so towards the latter part. Ashmit Patel delivers a fine performance.

On the whole, Banaras is more of a city film that will find patronage at metros mainly

Its all about Urmila....
Apr 09, 2006 09:19 PM 4228 Views

Banaras is a tale of mystic romance where Urmila Matondkar plays the only daughter of an aristocratic set of Brahmin parents, Raj Babbar and Dimple Kapadia who live in Banaras. A student of science in Banaras Hindu University, Ashmit Patel belongs to a low caste, and plays a lecturer in music. Being a protégé of Baba (Naseeruddin Shah), he is also a mystic.

Urmila is Ashmit’s student, and soon love blossoms between the two. The parents are outraged at their romance, but eventually agree for their marriage. Ashmit is killed under mysterious circumstances, and dejected; Urmila leaves Banaras and turns a teacher in religion and philosophy.

At the very start of the film, the director places his cards on the table –the way he connects quantam physics with existence of human being is noteworthy. The emphasis is on sprituality. The love story also takes precedence in portions and although the film moves at a speedy pace in this half, the songs that crop up at regular intervals act as speed breakers. In fact, the film can do without a couple of songs for sure.

Director Pankaj Parashar is a fairly good story teller, but he seems to have got confused midway – whether to make an offbeat film or a love story. On the technical side, the cinematography is breathaking. Dialogues are well penned at places, especially the ones delivered by Urmila.

Himesh's music is functional. Barring the holi number, the remaining songs are plain mediocre.

Getting into the skin of the character and essaying a role that's not run-of-the-mill types was a challenge and Urmila passes the test with good marks.Ashmit is efficient, conveying so much through his facial expressions.Dimple is excellent . Naseer is first-rate.

Banaras defintely reflects a changing face of Indian cinema.


Banaras - A Mystic Love Story

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Apr 09, 2006

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