As the movie got rave reviews throughout and the story is already is in circulation, I am not going to discuss the plot here.
Overall, the movie is a special one, which try to teach you something with the help of a story.
CINEMATOGRAPHY - Exceptionally good. Well shot Mouritious and Banaras scenes. Also the scenes soon after the interval where Soham (Ashmit) get the Bododaya, shot superbly.
CHOREOGRAPHY - Simply superb and which shows how to shot good songs with less budget. Saroj Khan need special applaude.
PHILOSOPHY - You will get a nice teaching of Philosophy here.
FEW EMOTIONAL SCENES - There are some scenes from the film which will hang up in your mind for some time. 4 scenes I need to specify
- The scene where Dimple tells Urmila she is the killer of Soham is superbly executed and it go directly to your heart, with all pain it can take.
2.The scene where Soham says farewell to Urmila is also heartening.
The doctor's search for Baba.
The scene where Urmila see what happened to the girl with her mystic powers, at the same time experience the call from her father.
Urmila, Dimple, Raj Babbar & Ashmit all performed well. Except in few scenes Ashmit could have been improved.
When I said the film teach you Philosophy, it tried to tell it as simple as possible. When we give medicine to children, we always give it with sweet. Likewise, the director intended to sweeten the preaching with a love story. But, the story is rushed and care should have taken into the details of the story as well. (Priyadarsan had directed one film in 80s with the name 'Adwaitham' in Malayalam and it is a classic example of how to tell a philosophy through a good story. I believe if somebody dare to remake the film it will fare well in Hindi as well, because of the way the subject is been treated)
I can give you many instances where the story is needed to be improved to become a complete one.
Ashmit is untouchable and Raj Babbar even don't allow him to touch his legs. But, without any pressure and ignoring Dimple's objection, Raj decide to give Urmila's hand to Ashmit. This is not properly explained. A simple mention of 'we should think of consequences' will not serve as an explanation.
Urmila and Ashmit is dancing and romancing in front of all of Urmila's family and countryman without any inhibitions. People do not care these love birds, except few. Are baba, untouchability have a very vulgar face and you take it so simply? And surprisingly, no cry of foul from Raj Babbar or any great objection from Dimple, except showing her uneasiness.
Ashmit, when he say goodnight to Urmila he knows that he will die that night. He give a small bush to her. If he don't want to possess her, why he should give a Rudraksha chain to her, simply meaning he marries her. A similar scene from Sawaan is been executed well, where the leading lady tells him, I want to die as a full woman. Had Ashmit not give her the chain, it is understandable, like Akshay Khanna in Shadi Se Pahle. (Hey, did you noticed the coincidence? All three releases in a day have death in picture, the leading star knows it and behave differently. Is it a coincidence or destiny? As discussed in Sawaan and Humko Deewane Kar Gaye?). Knowing the secrets of life in this world, I wonder why Ashmit turn down the presence in this world to his occasional mystic appearances?
A weak police officer is of course a weak point.
Urmila sees Ashmit's ring in Dimple's drawer. Is it kept purposefully? No. Then why it should keep it so open? By the way, did you noticed? That ring cost not thousands any way. Soham also might have learned to live luxuriously.
Dimple disagree for Urmila's marriage to Soham. But there is no scenes of a fruitful discussion or strong objection from her side to Raj in this regard. And she decided to act as her own? Super! By the way, she is not shown earlier in the movie that she have negative shades. Did he?
Was Urmila pretending she is mentally ill? Her sickness and cureness was so mystic. Say she was not mentally ill, then how we understand her emotions when she knows that her lover been killed by her mother's order? If she is mentally ill, how she did a speedy recovery, before arrival of the psychiatrist and cure the psychiatrist!!! Wah!!! The power of mystic experiences!
Ashmit, living in the same village, near to as that of Urmila, listen to her usual songs in public - not known each other before he sings a song?
The scene where Urmila asking whether Ashmit love her, is pre-matured. The director didn't allowed their love to blossom.
There are more troubles in the story. Good villain is a must for any good story. Here the villain is not so strong.
Ashmit and Urmila have a similar character, except the gender is different.
At one stage it was all set to become a detective movie; isn't it?
I can tell many more. Hey, don't ask me why you are pointing out so many mistakes here and for films like Malamaal weekly or Shadi Se Pahle not pointing out anything? Simple. Those films ask me to keep my brain at home where this film ask me to come with a brain and a mind.
The loose love story (Not the relations) may be the reason for the failure of the film. A leading name as the hero might have helped the proceedings, but a good story is not replaceable by anything else.
Having said all these, the director need an applaud or two for his best efforts.
All in all, this is a good intended movie. You can learn many things from this film. You can experience few scenes. But, the love story is a weak one, but well tried to said. If you search in the story, you will get too many question, and less answers. But, in life, you will get more answers than questions.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.