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Reviewed Paheli Songs

Melancholy - Cheerful

Jun 25, 2005 01:44 PM | 3153 Views
(Updated Jun 25, 2005 01:47 PM)

At a time melancholy and at the same time cheerful. A masterpiece by M.M Kareem but will it find a place in market yet to be seen. Who is M.M. Kareem I n...Read more

Reviewed Motherhood Hospital - Banashankari - Bangalore

Worst nightmare for a new motherhood

By: nadellanagarjun05 Nov 18, 2024 03:08 PM | 1346 Views (posted via Mobile)
(Updated 11/18/2024)

My experience with Motherhood Banashankari in a nutshell was horrific and painful. Let me share the ratings dept wise. Doctor: Archana Ramesh, 5/5 ...Read more

Reviewed Parineeta Songs

Kasto Mazza

Jun 25, 2005 01:00 PM | 7685 Views
(Updated Jun 25, 2005 01:01 PM)

Good! Great!! Outstanding!!! The words will fall short for this sugarcoated melodious album. Talented composer Shantanu Moitra along with poetic lyricist Sw...Read more

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Reviewed Paheli

''Paheli''- Quirky quality of human existence.

Jun 25, 2005 12:41 PM | 2207 Views
(Updated Jun 25, 2005 12:41 PM)

A thought so simple it sweeps you into a sublime world, images so deft, dark and bewitching they transport you into a world of yearnings, and performances s...Read more



Reviews: 113

Ruchir Pa...thak


Reviews: 416



Reviews: 93



Reviews: 69



Reviews: 147

Reviewed Mariah Carey - Mariah Carey

Queen of Hearts

Jun 03, 2005 11:59 AM | 2093 Views
(Updated Jun 03, 2005 11:59 AM)

Mariah Carey has been one of the best voices in pop music (or hip-hop, depending on your opinion), combined with one of the best attitudes. She isn't as inn...Read more

Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift

Swift is Hit

Jun 02, 2005 07:00 PM | 8050 Views
(Updated Jun 02, 2005 07:00 PM)

As everyone else writing review about new stylish hatchback Maruti Swift. I thought of writing my own experience of it. Although I vividly remember that I h...Read more

Reviewed Kane And Abel - Jeffrey Archer

The Best among equals

Jun 02, 2005 02:47 PM | 3756 Views
(Updated Jun 02, 2005 02:47 PM)

Dear All, Thats what I will rate this book as The Best among equals After reading other reviews on the book on MS. I felt there is nothing left for me...Read more

Reviewed As The Crow Flies - Jeffrey Archer

Magic of Believing

Jun 02, 2005 12:50 PM | 5159 Views
(Updated Jun 02, 2005 12:50 PM)

Dear All , This novel of J for some strange reasons is not regarded highly. But may be it is because has set a very high standard for himself. Although I...Read more

Reviewed First Among Equals - Jeffrey Archer

Worth Reading

Jun 02, 2005 11:32 AM | 7222 Views
(Updated Jun 02, 2005 11:32 AM)

Dear All , I am back again, with a review of another masterpiece written by Lord Archer. However I must confess although I have read all the novels writt...Read more

Reviewed Songs About Jane - Maroon 5

Godd but can be better

May 30, 2005 05:47 PM | 2093 Views
(Updated May 30, 2005 05:47 PM)

I took a break off from chasing those little bugs in the software I had writeen. I asked my boss ''Hey its weekend , and I'm still chasing tose bugs, give m...Read more

Reviewed Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell

Scarlett O' Hara was not beautiful

May 30, 2005 05:01 PM | 3563 Views
(Updated May 30, 2005 05:01 PM)

This is the first phrase in the book to describe the spoiled Scarlett O' Hara, who was made immoral by Viven Leigh in the movie verison of ' Gone with the W...Read more

Reviewed The Wildlife Concert - John Denver

Alas I never Saw hime Live

May 30, 2005 03:40 PM | 1434 Views
(Updated May 30, 2005 03:40 PM)

I had just got the job in the lucrative IT industry. Working for a MNC and getting a good handsume salary at the age of 20 was too good to be true. I was ha...Read more

Reviewed Prodigal Daughter, The - Jeffrey Archer

I love it

May 26, 2005 07:04 PM | 5385 Views
(Updated May 26, 2005 07:04 PM)

Dear All , Its been very long when I read this novel first time when I was 9 years old, and I read it last couple of months back. When I joined MS, I tho...Read more

Reviewed Acer Aspire 3002NLC

Inspire to own Aspire

May 26, 2005 05:29 PM | 14321 Views
(Updated Aug 08, 2005 05:08 PM)

Dear All I have been waiting for long and finally found it is time to fulfill my long term wish to buy a decent laptop in an affordable price. When I saw...Read more