Jul 10, 2010 06:14 PM
As I took it out of the box, I was quite surprised with how big it is. Which for me is good. I like something that's look like it can do the job it was bought for. It's quite heavy, again for me means that its of good quality and not made of something thin and weak.
Looking at it, its really nice. Its brushed stainless steel sides, a black tinted glass front and the door surround is stainless steel. The electronic panal has buttons down the middle and an easy - tronic control (a movable dial) at the bottom.
The dial itself has two functions, as the buttons have two uses for each. One each side of each button it has for example, the defrost button has TIME on one side and WEIGHT on the other. Now which ever you want to use, you simply turn the dial to whichever side you want to use, if you want to defrost for 20 minutes then you turn the dial the direction that TIME is printed and you keep turning until you get to 20:00, which is twenty minutes, it moves in 30 second increments which I find useful.