Yes, Tata Nano Genx XTA its a Non gear vehicle. Which is mostly targeting people who are looking for new Generation vehicle which are gearless and who are not comfortable with putting gears. Auto Transmission.
Tata Nano Genx looks cute with smiley grills, which warm welcoming looks.
Interiors(Features Space & Comfort)
Interior is awesome looking at the cost of the vehicle, very spacious compare to auto, and comfort is also good. Features such as Amphistream music system with Bluetooth connectivity for connecting your smartphone along with additional feature of receiving and rejecting call has made the car more appealing.
Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gear box.
Engine is quite small, and is located at the rear of the vehicle below the boot space, Which makes the boot space little hotted up.
Fuel Economy of the vehicle is good, and Nano is known for its mileage. Gear Box its a Auto Transmission which consists of A- Auto mode, N- Neutral, R- Reverse.
Ride Quality and Handling
Ride Quality and Handling is awesome of the car due to its small in dimension its comfortable in traffic and while overtaking.
Color Shades
Purple, Silver, White, Pink, Red, Gold
Purple and White are really good looking and Purple is something unique and different.
Due to its Auto Transmission feature climbing of hilly area or mountain area can be little problematic.
Noise factor- Even though Tata has worked upon it on reducing the noise of the engine they have so far successful enough in doing this.
Overall awesome vehicle at this budget. Go for IT

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