After experiencing the threatfull pandemic of Covid-19 Virus many of you must be thinking to buy a private family car.
If so you are perfectly going on a right path. Now in the academic year of 20-21 various car models have been launched with many features. It may have really created a confusion for you to get familiar with best car.
One of the most popular car company is "MORRIS GARAGES". This car company launched its great car named "M.G HECTOR". After getting launched in the Indian Market, the car's sale was as rapid as fire. This car is the best family car which comes under the category "SUV". Now let's get intoduce with it's various variants and Price segments. Car variants Price ( in₹; ).
1) Style 1.5 petrol. 12.74 lakhs.
2) Style 2.0 diesel. 13.88 lakhs.
3) Super Hybrid 1.5 petrol. 14.15 lakhs.
4) Smart Hybrid 1.5 petrol. 15.25 lakhs.
5) Sharp DCT 1.5 petrol. 17.45 lakhs.
6) Sharp 2.0 diesel. 17.73 lakhs.
This are some of the variants which you could buy according to your budget.When you look upon the various colours of this car you come upon 5 various colours.
1) Burgendy RED.
2) Starry BLACK.
3) Aurora SILVER.
4) Glaze RED.
5) Candy WHITE.
This Car is really a value for money. I prefer you all the Aurora SILVER coloured variant. If you love this review pls. give a precious like and comment me for better upliftment next time.
Stay at HOME
Stay SAFE.

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