Hello all MS members & readers,
I bought my second car that is Silky Silver Ritz Lxi after exchange of Zen 2005 LX model on Nov.19, 2010.
I don't had any intention to sale my loyal Zen till I understand that my family has expanded with a kid and my parents & in laws have became old enough and not able to nil down or bent while ingress egress. Moreover my zen needed few repair and up-gradation jobs which can cost me near about 50, 000 to 60, 000 INR.
Therefore my home minister gave me green signal to search for a new car which can fulfill our few criteria.My research begin with lot of forum search and feedback of friends. Here are my findings about various cars in it's segment and our decision.
1.) GM Chevy Beat: One of my colleague bought it after lot of comparison with M/S A-Star, Tata Indica and Hyndai i10. When we(me & my colleague) first went GM showroom to see the Beat it was on Saturday & they were almost close for the day. Still we could able to see the car in flesh and also could able to sit and fiddle around the controls. Here are the first look findings.
Looks: Unbeatable in it's segment.Space Inside: Comprisable for five.Seat : Front are supportive but rear is real let down. Not enough thigh support and shoulder room.Quality of fits & finish: I believe you will get best quality fit & finish in this car it is almost two segment above than what you will get in its price.
Now after make an appointment for TD here are my findings.
Driving experience: Gear shift is not sleek not direct but can do the job, Accelerating was not great and SA told me that GM has remapped the ECU to get better millage and therefore decreased the fuel supply in low gear and once it cross over 2500 RPM the ECU automatically increase fuel supply and you can get the power
2.) Ford Figo: Since we were inclined towards petrol car only therefore we checked petrol version of Figo only. Overall car was okay but low sitting height, low height, low petrol millage, low acceleration speed and unknown maintenance charges were the reason we skipped this model.
3.) Hyundai i10: Everything was okay only the car is suitable for 4 people not 5, low millage in city traffic, high speed stability was found poor, niggling problem with steering was also concern to us therefore we skipped the model also.
4.) Maruti Waganor: Ritz is way better than this model for barely 20, 000 to 30, 000 more so we skipped it.
Finally we went for the bay Ritz and we are happy owner since last 7 years without any single problem.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.