Dear team
I am holding Honda City 2013 model.
Sorry to say your car is really taken my savings and my time
In the initial years we had to change the battery , door lock, tyres, . Every other day some new problem
How can Honda deliver such a pathetic product and cheat a customer.
Suddenly while driving the ignition lock stops working , a person told me if my car was on speed it could be a threat to life as the steering gets locked. I was driving with my 4 year old son and suddenly had to get my car towed in the middle of the road. Who is responsible if something had happened?
The battery gets drained and again someone has to be called to tow the vehicle.
Ac stops working and we have to get it repaired. Every day some new faulty part
I really wonder why did I spend my savings on such a product.
Your service centres are even more pathetic .y experience with Axon Honda was a nightmare.
We are a working couple and facing such issues with the car on regular basis
I need an explanation from the company how can you fool people with faulty products and services.
Who is gonna bear the brunt of money , time, energy and harrassment faced by me and my family
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.