If we talked about the this vehicle this is very good for us and our family. it have aroound 9 passengers and also it have one driver seat. and this give me grate comfort. Also it is looking wise is good. I was alos aploaded the pic of the vehicle. it have fore tyre. also give me grat comfort. we will discuss the details on the following point basis.
Leg Room- if we talked about the leg room of this vehicle. it is very much comrotable for us. also it have space arround the 9 seater. and we can feel comrort on it. it have some also other feature like it have grate music system. I feel its music by heart. I like to be its riding experience.
Dealar satisfication - if we talked about the dealar satisfaction of the dealar its is very much good. and the nature of the dealar was very much fine. they was very much cooprating with us. and I was buy BS3 modal in the discunt price during the month of march. it give me grate comfrot and give me very much riding expericenc.
Mileage - if we talked about the mileage of the vehicle that is arround 10 km per litter and its too much good for us if we compare it with other brand vehicle. I like to we do ride with it on the daily basis. but it have one limitation like it is availale only few colors only.
Comfort - if we talked about the comfort of the vehicle. its too much good for us. it have 4 dors and alos have one back sided door. we sit arround 9 people at the time and we enjoy the riding very much and we need to weer the seat belt during the riding. diriver seat are too much long. as you see it on the uploaded photos which was uploaded on them. pickup of the vehicle is very much good. also it is too much relible. it give me arround 9 to 10 litter averate disal pickup. it have all the accesoriies connected on them. like if we want to play music on them we will play the music at the time. also we have a option to connect the head phone jack on them. also I we want to charge our mobile charge point are also on them. so we need not to worry about it.
Realibility - if we talked about the relibility of the vehicle. it is much relbile if we compare it with other modal. and the mailn problem is that it is price is very much high if we compare it with other brands 4 vehicle. I never get suffered any problem yet and we need not to worry abgout the service center because they will help us each and every time.
Appeal - if we talked about the appel of this vehicle this is too much costly and and price is too much high if we compare it with the otehr modal or other brand and mileage of the vehicle is also too much less if we compare it with other modal of the vehical.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.