Dear Friends, This is in connection with my horrible experience at Pressana Automobile, Coimbatore.
I have been an owner of Chevrolet Beat since past two years
It is with utmost pain and utter disappointment that I write this review.
This time it was both delayed delivery and absolutely unprofessional and pathetic service.
On 03-09-14, I had taken my Chevrolet Beat for service to PRESSANA AUTOMOBILE, COIMBATORE.
On earlier occasion too(17-05-14, Invoice number 001247, Job number 001259)
, I faced with the issue of delivery well beyond promised schedule.
I had to miss out on an important commitment.
This time(03-09-14, job number 003815) I had taken the vehicle for general service/check up along with another very minor job(tightening of AC knob).
The promised time of delivery was 1500 hrs on the same day. At the outset itself I had mentioned to the service executive(one Mr.Dinesh, who was absolutely naïve and professionally found to be incompetent and it was evident that he was almost like a trainee under some probation!) that I have a very important commitment on that evening and hence let me know the proper time of delivery. Had the person told me about the time properly, I would have made some alternative arrangement regarding my commitment.
During the course of the day I had to ask the person atleast thrice regarding the job status of the vehicle and it’s delivery time. The service executive was clueless even after(apparently) checking up inside the service area! However, to my utter frustration, he kept on saying till noon that the vehicle will be given by promised time. After the lunch break, when I enquired, the reply was uncertain. Time was ticking for my commitment in the evening. After 1630 hrs, I asked about the job status and wanted to see the vehicle. I was taken into the service area and one person explained that the AC knob is NOT functional! This was surprising, because till the moment I left for service that morning the knob was working absolutely fine! How could something crop up suddenly? I asked him the solution. His reply was shocking, to say the least - “It has to be replaced with a new set. We do not have a new one right now, but we have an OLD set from ANOTHER VEHICLE which will be fitted to yours”.
For a moment I thought I had left my vehicle to some street market service guy! I said I will not agree to that, and I need the present one functional or a new one to be fitted. He said he will do something about it.
The vehicle was eventually delivered at around 1900 hrs that evening, and that too with lot of personal follow up, which is otherwise not required for an authorized service center.
So far about the abnormal delay in delivery, well beyond the promised time. I had by then missed a very important personal commitment which has put me into great financial loss and mental agony.
Now coming to the quality of the service –
The AC knob that was fitted was evidently fromanother vehicle and NOT new ONE or the older one! I could make out from the scratches found on the display panel. This aspect was not acceptable.
The interior vacuum cleaning was NOT done at all at the end of cleaning, which was clearly evident from the dust and sand beneath the foot mats which was even less than that before handing over for service!
I expressed my disappointment to the service manager one Mr.Sasikumar. His attitude was even more shocking and intimidating. His even said “Delay has occurred. What do you expect from us now?” That was a stupid statement and very irresponsible one.
Mr.Sasikumar was actually bulying and trying to intimidate me with his junior coleagues surrounding me and watching!
- Most shocking of all was, after the tyres were rotated and alignment was done, the caliper bolt inside the right side front wheel was not properly tightened. This gave rise to unusual jolting noise whenever the vehicle encountered even a small pothole. This issue was noticed only and immediately after the service. However, myself being a non-technical person, was not aware as to why this noise came. This was informed to the company personnel who enquired regarding the feedback(phone number 0422 4051119). The implication was that a couple of days ago, the bolt had broken while driving and this generated enormous friction and as a result heat in the wheel.
I had very narrowly missed getting sheered away by a lorry which came across.
It could have been a major accident had this occurred on a highway. Fortunately, this happened within urban limits, when the vehicle was moving slowly.
- I got this problem diagnosed by a Bosch authorized service center and the service manager there told me categorically that it was due to improper tightening of the caliper bolt that the same got broken. Though the issue may look minor, it could have resulted in a major accident at higher speeds.
The problem still persists with the rear wheel now.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.