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Joshi Autozone, Chandigarh Reviews

Car Service
Sep 16, 2006 04:52 PM5525 Views

They claim top be number one in Chandigarh, but they have been publicly disowned by Maruti Udyog limited by releasing a notice in times of India, about expiry of Maruti's contract with Joshi Automobile.

Service levels have been falling each week, two years back, they had excellent service levels and good understabding of customer requirement, which won them many clients and then all of a sudden, there was a fall in all levels of service along with shoddy work, not proper handling of car, poor workmanship.

Even after hefty paying amounts for servicing and spare parts, what one is given are more problems in the vehicle than being resolved.

I have gone to them at least six times with the same problem in my car and the problem still persists, now in a much aggrieved condition, much worse. I have to raise the issue to maruiti Udyog, who have said that they will look into the matter.

I called up Joshi’s Customer relations at their mohali service station, which says they can not do anything.

Plus for Dealer

Courteous staff

Negative for Dealer

Expensive after sale service

Technicians not properly trained

Poor workmanship

Comes back with more problems

Panchkula India
Liars... For more words, read below:
Jul 24, 2006 06:01 PM4534 Views

I would have given 0 rating for "Staff courtesy" and "Service & Support" but it might have looked like I left the ratings blank. Joshi’s insider motto is "Lie, Cheat, Rinse and Repeat". So be ware. They might turn back on all the promises made once you sign on the check.

"Why," you’d ask. "After all they are #1 in Chandigarh."

I can list down my experiences and let you judge for yourself.

Day 1: I place my order. They are supposed to get back to me in one day to confirm whether my color has arrived.

Day 2: I don’t get any call. I call the sales rep and he apologizes. The color I had asked for is going to be 2 days late.

Day 3: No updates.

Day 4: I get my delivery. All is fine till now.

Day 5: I go to Joshi’s get auto-locks installed on my car. The sales rep asks me for registration papers. Flashback : before I had booked my car, the conversation had implied that they would get my registration done. This guy does not relent. Asks me to get the papers as soon as possible.

Day 6, 7, 8: I request him to get the papers. He refuses.

Day 9: Finally relents and gets the papers. Completes and hands them over to me 3 weeks after delivery, with only one week left on my temporary number. I later find that the papers he has provided are incomplete.

Day X: (some 3 weeks later) Very hot and humid day. I take a leave from work to get my car registered. Papers incomplete, sent back. Ask customer rep for help. He assigns one guy to complete my papers.

Day X+2: Same story as above. Papers STILL incomplete/faulty. Ask sales rep for help again. He hangs up on me.

Day X+3: Registration office doesn’t accept my residence proof. Somebody forgot to tell me what residence proofs are acceptable. Run around all day to get the job done.

I called up Joshi’s Customer relations guys later and ask for an explanation. They hang up on me. I call them back, and they hang up on me again.

I hit and write up this review :)

I hit every forum I know of and give Joshi a poor-- rating. Shop with them, dont shop with them. Your call. Doesnt make any difference to me. Its your money after all.

End of story.


Joshi Autozone - Chandigarh

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