I bought a CAR with DSC Hyndai and I recommended and assited for at least 10 friends to buy their car. Later stopped that because I heard from friends who faced some issues and realized the facts which I thought it was coincident. So here is the story,
I bought my Hyndai Accent, I took my delivery and went for a long drive on the same night! I noticed that speedo meter is not working. On the completion of my journey in the weekend itself(the trip was about 1600 km), I need to go for first free service and told them about Speed meter is not working, they corrected and it was working fine. Later I heard that my car was used as demo, so they have disconnected the speed meter, but they forget to fix it. Second, I never noticed the insurance start date, it was two days later from the date of delivery. Luckily I completed my long drive without noticing it. When I spoke them, they coolely told as minor issue. Third, they used to ask for fancy number. Even if you don't ask for one, you may get it luckily. But they claim as they paid bribe and got it. So charge it, if you are not not aware.
Service Experience: This might be applicable for most of the service centers. I had an issue that some sudden accelaration or no response when I press gas pedal. It was inconsistent. Luckily the second time itself I can show the issue when I gave the car for service. Somehow issue was resolved, it was came again after few months. I need to explain from the begining, because they don't check history or the person who did the last service. Again resolved, but appeared again. I spoke to the incharge and got the guy who looked the issue on the first time. He consulted with other guy and asked to replace some component, still issue was not resolved. Next time again issue raised, but this time they told some other component issue that needs to be replaced which is cost including service will be 8 K. However he did some minor check-up and water wash for free of cost because I was planned for long drive to resolve the issue for time being. But issue was remain, but less frequent.
This was keep going, one day by mistake I left switched on my lights and batter got drained. I was opted TVS 24x7 due to above mentioned issue, so they came and took the vehicle for recharge. It is small mechanic shop. Next day he delivered the car and told that he noticed the acceleration issue. He found that root cause, there is a wire which got bitten by rate. So it was earthed. He asked past history, he told that it was not consistent because it might not touched properly, whenever it contacts the earth, it created the issue. I was very happy and started to give the car to him for the service. He is having small mechanic set, but he knew the car and its history well. So he recomments only needed, also get opinion before replacing the spare by specifying the fact. If you are going to drive locally, you may not replace this. Some time, it has any casecaded impact, he recommend to replace immediatly. That is the reason I recommend, get some trusted local mechanic for your instead of trusting your big service station. Most of the people who don't have good experience though they have good tools to assist. Also they treat free and paid service very differently as they are giving free of cost. When you have some trusted guy, you have one to one relationship, he don't want to loose his good customer. By that way I recommended him for my friends too.
So above reason, I rated DSC Hyndai as not trusted one though they give competitive price to sell the car. But service station issue is remain common for most including them.
Hope this will be useful for you. Thanks!
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